When a politician tries to give proper journalism hints to a reporter regarding classified documents

| June 16, 2023
Twitter Biden still your president at 81morethan74 choose image that contain classified material.jpg

Unless the rules have been changed, you’re not supposed to take pictures of classified materials, their containers, and the room that they’re in.

A CNN reporter tried to ask House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, a question related to Donald Trump. One of the things that reporters want to find out is if McCarthy still supported Donald Trump in face of the indictment against him. Kevin McCarthy turned the tables on the reporter and wanted to know if they’ve asked Joe Biden questions related to having classified documents outside the SCIF. The reporter tried to give an excuse, but the speaker was not having any of it.

Kevin McCarthy Interacts with a Reporter

Speaker Kevin McCarthy: I haven’t had you ask me one question about the current president having classified documents. I haven’t had you ask me one question about the current president as a senator, why even would he have classified document… Does that raise any questions to you?

Reporter: Well he gave them back

Speaker Kevin McCarthy: Okay, when was he senator?

Reporter: When, they…

Speaker Kevin McCarthy: When was he a senator?

Reporter: And [inaudible] Do you see the difference here?

Speaker Kevin McCarthy: Well, there is a difference because why did, they only brought up their attorneys looking at it after they started going after President Trump and raided it, why did they never look at this former vice president or senator? Why would you even have a document, okay, regardless of ever happened when he gave it back?

Video shift…

Speaker Kevin McCarthy: I’ve always said equal justice

Reporter: Uh hum…

Speaker Kevin McCarthy: So, my question back to you, is it equal or fair? Have you ever asked the question to the current president as a senator, why would you ever even have that document outside of the SCIF?

Reporter: [inaudible]

Speaker Kevin McCarthy: Has anyone answered that question?

From Having Been a Classified Publications Custodian

Two of my years in the military involved being a classified publications custodian. The photos that have been released, related to the alleged classified materials possession, handling, etc., are from the FBI/DOJ. There are certain procedures that have to be in place when it comes to these materials. The released photos suggest that these procedures were not followed… Unless classified materials handling and security requirements changed since the 20th Century.

Unless they’ve changed the rules, you can’t take pictures of classified materials, their containers, or the room that they’re in. There is supposed to be a guard to maintain control of these documents if they are outside a locked container and stashed this way. This form of control becomes even more important if these materials are in a location where compromise is possible. The boxes stashed in the bathroom are stashed near the windows, a big no go.

The bathroom is clean, indicating regular use, and the boxes block entry to the shower/bath area, suggesting that the bathroom was a staging area, by the FBI, for collection and movement to an area under FBI/DOJ control. The propagandists would like their audience to believe that these boxes were stashed “as is,” in the bathroom, in the ballroom, and in other locations, by Donald Trump and by his staff. However, photos taken of the interior of the Mar a Lago mansion shows that Donald Trump is a neat freak. Having random, stacked boxes, in places like the bathroom or ballroom would have driven him up the wall.

Red State provides an article that includes the Twitter video segment showing House Speaker Kevin McCarthy interacting with the CNN reporter.


Category: Biden, Government Incompetence, Politics, Trump!

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jeff LPH 3 63-66

Double standard


You can say that again….


If the demonrats didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all.

Sadly, that goes for most all politicians.


Jus’ sayin’

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Heck yeah!


They are busy trying to pretend that paragraph (f) doesn’t exist. It does.


“At this point, what difference does it makes?” – HRC
DON’T tell me there is no double standard


Such a waste of an elite law school education. She obviously skipped the class on statutes of limitation, among others.


Messing with the swamps $$$$$$$ flow.


My understanding was that Trump was impeached for trying to find out about the Biden Bribery Scheme with the Ukraine. Now that it is moving into the “confirmed” range any way they can roll that back?



Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

God save the Queen

biden is trump.jpg

I had a secondary MOS as a tactical intelligence officer (39301) and was assigned to a Special Forces Group S-2 section and served as a Special Forces battalion S-2. Thus, I have had experience with highly classified documents.

For the benefit of the effing, dissembling Progs who read this blog, let’s review the following proven facts:

Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State set up a private email system with a private server so her emails could not be accessed as government documents per a FOIA request or subpoena. She used this system to send and receive emails for official government business regularly. This was illegal. She signed documents showing she was briefed this was not allowed. Moreover, she had her staff strip off classification headers and footers on classified documents and send them to her on her private email system. This included the classified documents themselves. She even resorted to having classified documents sent to her home computer and instructed her Honduran or Guatemalan national maid (I forget which) to open her email and print the documents so she could read them when she got home. Thus, a foreign national with zero clearance had access to them.

After Hillary left office as SoS, she received subpoenas for her records, including emails, from Congress. In response, she had her attorney with no security clearance, examine her illegal emails and decide which ones they would hide. Then she had the company that ran her secret server system apply Bleach Bit to permanently delete and destroy over 30,000 email documents/records. Plus, because she regularly used her government provided Blackberry’s and iPads to send and receive those emails, she had those smashed with hammers.


The DOJ prosecuted and convicted a nuclear sub crewman for taking a single photograph on his phone of the missile silo area of the sub to show his family his work area. He was sent to prison for a year. He had no intent to commit an offense or give the photo to a foreign agent. But then crooked FBI Director Comey decided for the AG that no prosecutor would ever charge Hillary for her hundreds of violations of the statutes that prohibit her conduct with classified materials. He said her lack of any criminal intent meant she hadn’t violated any laws.


Rules for thee…

I never had access to Super Duper Eyes Only Toppest Secretest Info…hell, it took me almost 12 years to get a Secret clearance, and then only after sitting down with an investigator that knew an awful lot about my militia-related activities in the ’90s.

Any objective American knows that the Trump Hunt is a partisan effort by the State to ensure no more ORANGE MAN BAD in the WH. Biden is safe…he’s a lifelong politician and fully bought and paid for, plus he’s not much longer of this world. “They” have their replacement already in the form of our soon-to-be (if they have their way) First Black Woman President.

If I find an SSN from my recruiting days, I need to watch my back as they’ll be on me like white on rice in a glass of milk on a paper plate in a snowstorm (thanks Major Payne). If my last name was Biden, Obama, Clinton, or even Bush, I’d be good to cruise along with state secrets serving as toilet paper.

Last edited 1 year ago by fm2176

Sounds like “problem solved” to every Democrat in congress.


Thanks a lot for the information. I know a little about handling classified information but it’s nice to know actual procedures.

The Clintons have a history of making a joke of security procedures. Their first head of White House Office of Personnel Security, Craig Livingstone, was a political hack and night club bouncer they brought with them from Arkansas. Some of their political appointees also had a similar contempt for security concerns which led to some scandals (missing hard drives from Los Alamos for example).


That bridge in the Atlantic, Does it go to India? If it does I have a buyer lined up for you.


It’s okay when Democrats do it, as always.


I’m trying to find an article I read the other day, it stated a total of 120 documents have either been turned in by Trump or have been discovered by the FBI.

120 pages. A full ream of printer paper is 500 pages. 10 reams per box.

So tell me, what’s up with all these boxes?


In my world, it’s called “a distraction”, “a lie”, or “100% prime, unadulterated bullshit”.


I read that article as well. I want to say it was on either conservative tree house or Revolver News. I will try to find and try to (maybe) post a link.

Link posting is not my strong suit.


I personally don’t care for the crap PDJT pulled with; the scamdemic, bumpstock ban by fiat, the chasm from candidate to POTUS vis a vis ending ‘wars’….

That being said, the man was violated by our government in a number of ways.

If they can do that to a billionaire, a PRESIDENT, how the fuck do We, the people stand a chance?

And I swear upon a stack of holy books, one from every creed just to be certain, if we don’t stop the nonsense over unicorn farts from carbon-based fuels we’re d.u.n.

trump and russia.png

If not us then who? If not now then when. No one is coming to save We, The People. It is up to us to save ourselves. Prepare.


“Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.”–JFK quoting Reverend Phillips Brooks, during Remarks at Presidential Prayer Breakfast, February 7 1963
If forced I intend to go out this world the same way as in, kicking and screaming, covered in someone else’s blood.

And “prepare”, Reb? Moi?! If you’d care to recall I’ve been signing that song here for a’while now to anyone that’d listen.

Prepare, yes. And you the same, my friend.


Speaking of Prayer…this is one I Pray everyday…

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Working in the US Army Signal Corps requires a knowledge and acceptance of responsibility regarding the handling of classified materials in any form- electronic, hard copy, voice, etc. Young privates right out of AIT, with little to no experience, stand a possibility of going to prison for violating these TTPs. There is no way that these career politicians and their vast staffs, that also have to take training and acknowledge an understanding of the TTPs – don’t know what they did was wrong. It pisses me off that they thumb their noses at the rules and laugh in our face about it, and some poor kid could go to prison and have the rest of their lives basically ruined over what could have been an honest mistake. A former President has been arrested for what will probably turn out to be BS while a former SoS and senator/VP actually did what he is accused of. OH, and BTW, they weren’t allowed to have the materials like the former President was. They didn’t have the legal authority to declassify the materials like he did.

I fully agree with Roh Dog above. If they can do it to a former POTUS/billionaire, we aren’t safe!!!

Additionally, I should note that I was not a Trump supporter until after he became President and I saw, for the first time since Ronald Reagan, a President that cared about the American people first. The swamp is real and they didn’t like him messing with their honey pot. BOTH sides of the aisle!


You are correct. Lower ranking military persons are routinely prosecuted and incarcerated for mishandling classified information. The nuc submarine crewman I mentioned above is typical. The subject statute he was convicted of violating has no intent to commit espionage or harm the US requirement.

I suspect the photo of the “documents” laid out for the picture is fakery. Merely folding back the cover sheet and photographing those documents is a violation, even if redacted. Also removing a classification cover sheet which is supposed to be stapled to the document is a violation. Every time Hillary had her staff remove the classification headers/footers from a classified document and send it to her via her illegal, unsecure email system was a felony.


I understand the anger and frustrations of many,
including what I see in comments here.

That said,
my own years as a young enlisted Airman with TS/SCI clearances
(2 steps above Top Secret / US and NATO)
for access to my Confidential (KG and KY models, plus KW-7)
and Secret (KW-26) crypto equipments and installations…
and of course, the KAMs (classified maintenance manuals)
and the card, tape, and KOI / KYK keying materials….
I know and lived the heavy hand of fearing Leavenworth.

When a SSGT E-5 accidentally left a KW-7 in a comm center parking space (we recovered it 2 hours later),
we were sure we’d never see him again.
But he was back at work in 2 weeks, head down,
with advice for the SrNCOs on how to brief and watch the workcenter (of 35 crypto maintenance technicians).
No one that any of us knew at our bases
was playing the Walker game of secreting out keying material,
or faking destruction, or faking any paperwork.
Or even suggesting or trying any of it.
Everyone towed their lines, and followed the rules.

I have been long convinced (because some of us have lived
what most of us never really see or know about)
that despite the past politically motivated attempts by Dems
to derail or unravel Trump,
THIS is the 1 (now x 37) that he doesn’t get away with.

Unless of course, someone here knows
a successful defense strategy to get him off.
I don’t have much faith in the assorted public claims of innocence,
and the rants and bluster over the past week aren’t helping him any.
Much like his civil suit public rants against women,
some of what he says publicly after being charged
may end up being used again him.

Let’s hope he’s wise enough
to avoid bringing up Hillary or Joe in court.


As a platoon RTO I needed a security clearance (Confidential) just to have access to the trivial information I used. It really annoys me that a Sec. of State and other VIPs routinely get away with this crap.

Then there was John Deutsch, former Director of Central Intelligence, who had secret documents on an unsecured laptop computer in his home that his son also used to play online video games.