Weekend Open Thread

| June 16, 2023

This time, I asked Bing’s image generator to create a futuristic city on Mars, complete with robots, hovercraft, and ground activity. This is an example of an image of what many people in the early to mid-20th Century had of what things would be like today. If only they knew that not only have we not arrived at this point yet, but now we have people who will tell you that there are more than two genders. Enjoy your weekend!

Category: Open thread

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Commissioner Wretched



My Man CW. Good J.O.B. The Crown and all of the Trapping, Good Sir. Was hoping a deserving one would come along and relieve me of this Heavy Duty. Have a Kong Rat for your efforts.

Oh…and btws. I bees done buzzed my way thru your FIRST SciFy Tome. A real Honey of a Tale. You done good! Well written, good flow, believable story line, and the best part…NO TYPOS or grammatical errors. THAT in itself is an accomplishment these days. Working on “The Things We Left Behind” as we speak.

Last edited 1 year ago by KoB
Commissioner Wretched

King … thank you for the kind words and glowing review of my novel. I hope you like the second one as much if not more. That means a great deal to me, my friend.


Congrats, CW



Commissioner Wretched

I think I beat you to the throne this time, King …

jeff LPH 3 63-66


jeff LPH 3 63-66

Close but no cigar

RGR 4-78

Third place Jeff, that’s pretty good since you are competing against the professional Firsters.

Commissioner Wretched

Looks like I get to lord it over the DWs and WeedEttes in TAH for a while … standard opulent fare is being provided in the dining facilities, drinks are on me, and for everyone, a hearty serving of healthy trivia. Enjoy … and where’s my crown and scepter? DID YOU KNOW…? Did “MAD” Magazine get in trouble with the U.S. Treasury Department over a fake bill printed in an issue? By Commissioner Wretched didyouknowcolumn@gmail.com Now that we are firmly ensconced into June, I have to wonder something. Why don’t we have some silly rodent somewhere telling us how summer is going to be, weather-wise? I mean, we get old Punxsutawney Phil telling us all about how much winter we have left in February, so where’s the rodent predicting how summer is going to be? I can see it now … a skunk pops out of his burrow (or wherever skunks live) and if he sprays a tree, we get six more weeks of spring. Or something like that. (And yes, I know skunks aren’t rodents.) Messy, perhaps, but it would serve the purpose, right? Maybe I’d better take this idea back to the drawing board for some more work. Meanwhile, enjoy some trivia … I got it just for you. Did you know … … a total of 292 ways exist to change a one-dollar bill? If you count a one-dollar coin as being change for a dollar bill, it makes the total 293 ways. (I’d tell you what they all are, but if I did, what would happen to the quest for self-gained knowledge? Go look it up for yourself.) … more people live in the city of Shanghai, China, than in all of the continent of Australia? Australia’s latest reported population was 25.69 million people; Shanghai boasts 26.32 million. (But Australians have a lot more room to spread out.) … medieval doctors had some pretty strange habits? In the 1500s, for instance, European doctors had to calculate the position of the Moon before conducting surgery. (And if the Moon was in the wrong place, brother, your hospital… Read more »

Commissioner Wretched

… elephants really don’t like peanuts? Elephants in the wild don’t even know what a peanut is, and the little legumes are not part of a captive elephant’s regular diet. The only reason there’s a connection between peanuts and elephants at all is because 19th Century circuses and zoos allowed patrons to feed the animals, and peanuts were thought to be a cheap way to do so. (Another childhood belief shot to heck.)

… NASCAR does not require its drivers to have drivers’ licenses? (The way I’ve seen some of those drivers do their thing on the race track, I can believe it.)

… bears have preferences when it comes to beer? In 2004, a black bear raided a Washington state camp site and broke into a beer cooler. The bear consumed 36 cans of Rainier Beer, but did not touch a single can of Busch Beer. (I’m not at all sure what to make of that.)

… Britain’s World War II prime minister had a great quote about animals? Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) once said: “Cats look down on you, dogs look up to you, but pigs treat you like an equal.” (Hey, wait a minute here!)


Yogi just preferred the local brew, that’s all! Rainier was some good beer!


He was smarter than the average bear…or a Slow Joe. Maybe the elephants would eat more peanuts if they had a cold beer to wash them down with.

CW, we already have a bunch of skunks telling us what the climate is gonna be. We shorely don’t need to involve the 4 legged ones.

We could nuke a billion Chinese Communists and they’d still out number us. We keep letting them pour across the border interspersed with all of the other illegals and they will outnumber us here.

The dot guv can change a dollar bill from your bank account to theirs faster than any NASCAR Driver can place a noose on a garage door.

Commissioner Wretched

… a popular satire magazine got in trouble with the U.S. Treasury? In its December 1967 issue, MAD magazine published a picture of a fake $3 bill (which “most of your friends are as phony as”) with its gap-toothed mascot, Alfred E. Neuman, in the spot where a presidential portrait would be. Nobody thought anything odd about it, as it was a joke – except for one thing. That year, the first machines which would take in dollar bills and give back change were being installed in Las Vegas, and some unscrupulous souls discovered that if one cut out and fed the fake bill into the machine, one would get a dollar’s worth of change. Apparently it was the right size and weight to fool the change machine, and that prompted a visit to the office of publisher William Gaines (1922-1992) by agents of the Treasury Department. The magazine staff never did learn its lesson; during the 1970s MAD turned out a parody of Monopoly™ that had a $1,329,063 bill, and later still made another $3 bill which it called “twe dollars.”

… you may be a bibliophage? If you are, you’re in good company, because I’m one too. A bibliophage is a fancy term for a bookworm, someone who loves to read. (Most writers, in fact, are bibliophages. Not that they’d admit it in public, mind you.)

… a famous author once ran for Mayor of New York? In 1969, author Norman Mailer (1923-2007) ran for mayor with a platform that called for the city’s five boroughs – Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Staten Island and Brooklyn – to secede from the state of New York and form a 51st state. Mailer’s running mate was columnist Jimmy Breslin (1928-2017). New York voters must not have thought much of the idea; Mailer only secured 5% of the primary vote. (Well, it was a thought, anyway.)


Alfred E. Neuman for President! Oh…wait…I think his double was (s)elected in 2020.

I admit to being a bibliophage…sue me. Books in progress around Firebase Magnolia are like weapons…there’s at least one in every room.

The City of Town Line seceded from the State of New Yawk in 1861 and didn’t rejoin until the 1940s.

Commissioner Wretched

… you may know a quakebuttock? If you do, you know someone who is a coward. Quakebuttock was a word used in the 17th Century to signify such a person. (The visuals alone are priceless.)

… the University of Minnesota is older than the state of Minnesota? The university was founded in 1851, while Minnesota didn’t become a state until 1858.

… an off-camera accident changed the course of an episode of The Twilight Zone? The episode “The Silence,” made in 1961, features Franchot Tone (1905-1968) as a member of a club who bets another member, a loudmouth played by Liam Sullivan (1923-1998), half a million dollars that he cannot remain silent for one year. During the filming, Tone was involved in an accident that scraped up half of his face. The producers of the show used that to their advantage, filming Tone standing partially behind open doors and speaking out of one side of his mouth, accentuating the already-nasty character he was playing.

… at one time, doctors thought the color of a room would help prevent disease? During one of the smallpox epidemics of the 1800s, doctors recommended painting rooms red in order to prevent smallpox. (Kind of like painting a room yellow to help with yellow fever, I would suppose.)

Now … you know!


I ain’t skeered to watch buttocks quake…’specially when it’s the soccer mom’s around the pool.

I catch a number of the Twilight Zone re-runs on the MeTV Over the Air Broadcasts. Just this past week saw a very young Elizabeth Montgomery and a Donna Douglas in a coupla of them.

Paint It Black…The Stones


It may seem silly to some, but Vietnam had a much better soundtrack than Desert Storm, Iraq, or Afghanistan. Just my personal opinion, your mileage may vary.


Concur. ‘Nam did have the best soundtrack.


Disturbed’s “Down With the Sickness” is about the best the Iraq war had:

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

I have a large edition of a Golden Tabby cat, quite large.
23.4 lbs.
I named him something that would be unique and important enough to never be able to forget it.
Hence, Bofors the 40 Mike Mike cat.

Dennis - not chevy

‘thinking of places that have more people than others… A man once asked me where I was from; when I told him, he replied he’d never heard of it. I explained it is near the Vermont border. He lost his temper at the sound of Vermont. “I hate that place!” he shouted. I asked why and he replied one never meets GI’s from Vermont, he said they were all from places like his beloved Chicago. I told him that stood to reason as so many more people live in Chicago than in Vermont. He went on to tell me how stupid I was since every grade school student knows a state is larger than a city.


Derby Line?

Dennis - not chevy

Franklin County




Amish country.


I was doing some work in the barracks yesterday, saw a PFC wearing a WY National Guard patch. Told him where I grew up, then said “If I’m here, and you’re here, who’s left there?” He says “It’s ok, I turned the light off on my way out”.


Speaking of making change for a dollar, here’s a little folksy farmer tip:

Get yourself one of those clam-shell change keepers (like they give away at the grain elevator or tire store) and always keep two quarters, three dimes, three nickels and five pennies in it and you will always be able to make exact change for a dollar.


Lucky 13


Happy weekend and Fathers day!


Best dad ever!


Rest in peace, Gary Plauche.


Saw that news broadcast the next day on AFN

A Proud Infidel®™

Numma THIRTEEN and I once again award myself Honorary First.


Epstein did not kill himself.


2015….. Not.

[Back to the Future Part 2 (2/12) Movie CLIP – Hill Valley, 2015 (1989) HD]


It ain’t a “hoverboard” if it’s not what Michael J. Fox was riding on in that movie. Just sayin’.


What we have he-ayh is a failure to communicate. Some corporations you just can’t reach.

Bud Light Trying to Regain Market Dominance amid Transgender Controversy: ‘Beer Is for Everyone

“The Anheuser-Busch U.S. CEO has promised to protect the jobs of workers amid the transgender controversy plaguing Bud Light.”
“In his statement, Whitworth said the conversation regarding the company and Bud Light was no longer about the beverage, adding, “We are a beer company, and beer is for everyone.”
“Meanwhile, Bud Light is reportedly going to sponsor an all-ages drag party despite its struggles regarding the transgender issue, Breitbart News reported June 8.”



Alchol don’t care. Bur don’t make your brand a political statement your customers don’t want to make.


Just sippin’ my trusty Yuengling and laughing. Couple of Golden Pilsners tonight. May be drinking a couple of local brews tomorrow at the Fathers Day lunch I’m having with the family. The restaurant has a specialty beer that is brewed for them by the local brewery down the street. It’s a pineapple infused lager that they call a “Tepache”. It’s their take on a traditional low-alcohol fermented pineapple rind beverage from Mexico. The local brew is pretty damn good and I’ll probably close out the meal with a nice “Brandy de Jerez”, which is a Spanish brandy aged in Sherry casks. Smooth, rich, and sweet; I’ll take it over any cognac out there.

Green Thumb

No Weekend Thread is complete without pointing out the fact that the False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) works balls in the stall with a man named Paul-mer (of the ballsack) while avoiding calls seeking clarification of his highly dubious and potentially felonious Native American, Navy SEAL and Law Enforcement claims which he uses to procure taxpayer-funded goverment contacts to line his pockets and fuel his drug habits.

And the Phildo knows where the meat pole goes, in the American Taxpayer’s collective asshole.

Daisy Cutter

AI-generated image… take a guess.

RGR 4-78

I wonder what it would do if you asked it for a picture of “Ham and M%*therf%$kers”?

Daisy Cutter

It rejected that as against their policy and allowed me to report myself. It would not accept “ham and mofos” but it would accept “ham and mofo” – for some reason it kept giving an image of a pig character with one eye. Not sure that that’s about but I’m not up on my characters.

ham and mofo.jpg


Daisy Cutter

One huge…


Ninty-teenth. But present.

Y’all have a great weekend.

Epstein didn’t kill himself. Biden is not a real president. Harris is not a real vice-president. Congress is not honorable. I need more ammo, and so do you.


We are going to take away your guns you faithless heathen, Big Brother will save you!

God Save the Queen!

eh…. there are storms moving in….


By the way, no one has seen fit to mention that there is something off about an alleged Irish Catholic EVER saying “God Save the Queen.” Be kinda like me saying “All Hail His Excellency, Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico.”



I’ll take “things Irish Catholics don’t do” for $1000, Alex!


Is that kinda like Juneteenth GB?

Daisy Cutter

AI-generated image… take a guess.


Stolen valor as the rancid cherry on a sh*t sundae, perhaps?

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Daisy Cutter



Kinda looks like Joe.

In other news, apparently weasel zippers web site has been suspended.

I wonder if anybody here will clap and cheer over that news.

Daisy Cutter



I am guessing that is a special sundae known as the Balloon Bob special. Everyone at the Blackfoot VFW needs to eat one.


Found! An actual use for AI.


So, Hoover’s crossdressers just got trolled by a dude with ‘developmental issues’, HARD!

He tried to extort $10M out of them ‘in duffle bags’ for snitching on his not-ISIS-but-FiB agent handler.

Freaking hilarious and worth a read (LINK)

They arrested him and now are chalking this up as a win.

Can’t make this shit up.

Have a great weekend y’all! And if you have a neighbor that’s one of those ghey dotgov dicks, dog poop their car door handle for me? Allegedly!! In Minecraft.

FIB aint people persons.png

Yeah, that judge should dismiss this with prejudice. Reminds me of “Bill the Galactic Hero” where it turns out that an underground revolutionary group consisted ENTIRELY of agents from various security agencies, none of whom knew of the others’ involvement.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone would have been the third commenter for this Weekend Open Thread, but as usual, for some reason his comments made from the corporate world headquarters of the proud but humble woman owned business that sell software to the federal government was sent to “pending approval” by the vast chicken wing conspiracy.


The TAH/VG Technical Staff tells me it a legacy problem, Mr. Stone. Our systems no longer support phone modems.


You kidding, FirsTech is still using 300 baud acoustic couplers!


THERE it is. I knew you Signaleers wouldn’t let me down.

Daisy Cutter

OK, one more for a bonus round…
guess the image.

RGR 4-78

Smoke on the water? 🤔 


Steaming bucket of sh^t?

Daisy Cutter

A bucket of steam.


Ding ding!

Daisy Cutter

OK, one more. This is a bit more challenging…
so a hint. It is a yard of what?


A yard of dicks? And buckets of balls!

Daisy Cutter

A yard of chow line.

Old tanker

I identify as first and you must respect and confirm my identity. My pronouns here in this thread are first and firstest.

A Proud Infidel®™

They’re their there, it’s going to be al right!


comment image


Holy Crap.
PA’s new U.S. Senator John Fetterman.

Video here…

[‘I, uh, would just, um, really like to, you know — the 95, 95, 95. You know?’: John Fetterman’s bizarre response when asked about Philadelphia highway collapse in the Senate]


Yep, just as brain damaged as he was during the campaign, and the idiots in PA still elected him.. Hope they’re proud.. (he i of course a perfect poster child for their party…)


Fyr…ya mis-spelled “selected”.


Fair point Gun Bunny, mia culpa

Hack Stone

If you happen to be in Old Town Alexandria this evening, be sure to stop by the Portside in Old Town Festival and pick up some sweet corporate swag from the proud but humble woman owned business that sells software to the federal government formerly located in Bethesda Maryland. You can find Hack, Psaul, and maybe even Elaine Ricci handing out free Y2K software from the gray kiosk on the left facing the stage in the attached photo.


Ssgt Webster: Those retards couldn’t fight their way out of a shithouse!

GySgt Highway: Is that where you’ve been keeping yourself, Webster?

Ssgt Webster: Me and Major Powers are building an E-light Company of fighting men.

GySgt Highway: Webster, the only thing you could build is a case of hemorrhoids!.

Last edited 1 year ago by MustangCPT

Some days I wish they offered deprogramming services for our local truncheon-in-the-mud,,,


Um, what?!

From The Intercept:

When the Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley enters into his scheduled retirement later this year, one of the perks will include a personal security detail to protect him from threats — including “embarrassment.” 

Two questions;
1) Are you fucking high?!
B) How high were you let Maddung Mattis, ADM Roughead, SecDef Perry, etc invest in and represent Theranos on the freaking board?

The procurement document — published in redacted form on an online clearinghouse for government contracts but reviewed without redactions by The Intercept — begins by describing the Army’s need to “mitigate online threats” as well as identify “positive or negative sentiment” about senior Pentagon officials.

Cool. They super promise not to spy on you because {checks notes} they’ve promised not to.

Makes perfect sense.

Well Duh Oh Dee, see below for a image of the portly idiot in charge of you.

milley is a b!tch.png

Hmmm, does this mean that E-8 Moerk will be the NCOIC of the Security Detail and will get her ARCOM upgraded to an MSM at her retirement ceremony?


MSM? Naw man, she’ll rate for the first (h/t CW) Congressional Medal of Sycophancy after lobbying from SMA(R) Chandler’s nonprofit funded by Raytheon and the AFT’s Union, Sodomites’ Local #0.

Not from BCE promise.jpg