ACORN’s pimp tax advisors fired

| September 10, 2009

You’ve probably already seen the videos on of the Baltimore ACORN workers who gave tax advice to two folks who they they thought were a pimp and a prostitute and future slave traders.

Well, ACORN announced that they fired those two workers today according to Fox News.

The community organizing group ACORN has fired two employees at its Baltimore office who were seen on hidden-camera video giving advice to a man posing as a pimp and a woman pretending to be a prostitute, as some legal experts raise questions over whether the employees broke the law.

So I guess the problem is solved. Those were the only two workers out of the thousands of ACORN-affiliated workers who were giving tax advice like “don’t file, then”, promoting the importation of under-aged sex slaves and suggesting the pimp claim some of them as dependents.

Wonder when the story will show up in the New York Times or Washington Post.

ADDED: Oh, look…AP finally noticed.


Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Media

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Just A Grunt

ACORN also accused the videographers of visiting several other locations and being turned away. I wonder if there are videos from those other visits, since so far to my knowledge the people who did this report have neither acknowledged or denied that they went to other places.

What if Breitbart releases another video tomorrow from a different location? Will ACORN fire some more workers? What about the day after that? How long can ACORN go before somebody, anybody, brings some real criminal charges against them? I am not holding my breath hoping the justice department does, but there has to be some ambitious prosecutor out there just waiting to sink to their teeth into this case.


ACORN…Bringing corruption and criminal activities to a neighborhood near you…..
You can’t set up the unwilling but I bet it’s all that evil Glenn Becks fault…


Of course ACORN wants to help them pay taxes even if gained illegally; ACORN gets Governement funding as well as a recent increase compliments of Obama and many Democrat politicians.


Apparently one of the places they were not turned away was the ACORN DC office. Big Gov has another video out.


25 years ago, had ACORN been this bad, I suspect they would have been prosecuted under RICO statutes. But now…shows how far we’ve fallen as a society.