Flag Etiquette

| June 11, 2023

White House Pride Month Celebration

No one at the White House is familiar with Title 4 US Code? From pics of the event no one was wearing masks or observing social distances either.

White House accused of US Flag Code violation over Pride Month display

President Biden spoke in front of Pride Month display Saturday

By Anders Hagstrom | Fox News

President Joe Biden’s administration is receiving backlash online over its Pride Month display at the White House on Sunday as many Twitter users are saying it violates the U.S. Flag Code.

Biden celebrated the LGBT community in a post Saturday, revealing a set of flags hanging from the White House that faced the South Lawn. The display includes a rainbow-colored Pride flag flanked by two American flags.

Fox News

To be fair I read the White House said the covid restrictions were sent in error. It might even be true.

Category: Diversity, The Stupid is Strong

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IMHO, The Flag Code is not the only thing that the Xiden white house admin has violated.


Wow, you must have been very upset with the previous administration then.


Will you survive?

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I think he hosts his very own double-dutch rudder club of antifastanis.


“Pedos are welcome here” is what that flag says
Figures the Pedo-in-Chief is pushing this agenda
He’s just thinking of all the new kids in the pipeline


Remember, Hunter’s laptop has a telephone contact list that has Brandon’s number identified as “Pedo Pete.”

Skivvy Stacker

I might be if his opponents could be more specific about what violations of my rights he may have committed.
I’m constantly seeing this current slob violating not only the Constitution, but also misinterpreting it, bowing to foreign countries instead of standing firm against them, and generally not seeming to understand anything about what he’s doing.
Hell, even his own President said that you could “leave it up to Joe Biden” to fuck something up. And by God, he sure has.

USMC Steve

Few of us were as far as his presidential duties because he was not actively committing seditious acts. Biden has been all the way. Trump was fairly effective as president despite all the resistance he got from the socialist democrat party and the estalishment republicans. Guess you didn’t pay any attention during those years.


Commie, why do you still live in this country?


He can’t get Starbucks in Venezuela:
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LMAO. Good one!


The flag code is like the pirate code.

A set of guidelines. They carry no legal weight.

That being said, if anyone should respect the flag code it should be the commander in chief.

Most of these decorations are done by people completely clueless about subtext or symbolism and are merely pursuing an aesthetic.

That being said, if there was a message being presented by having the pride flag set between two American flags, it was that America embraces the LGBTQ community.


It sends the message that the US flag means less than the flag at center. Keep spinning, spin till you puke. No amount of progressive/liberal/democrat bullshit or gaslighting can change that. No flag other than the US flag should ever be displayed on or flown above a federal building, regardless of the cause.


Sure thing.

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Green Thumb

Obama started it when he took liberties in lowering it for his own personal opinion on issues.


I’m not so sure about the “ A set of guidelines. They carry no legal weight.” comment.

For example: 29 CFR 1926 and 29 CFR 1910 cover workplace safety (think-OSHA). If those “guidelines” are not adhered to, they can carry some very heavy monetary fines, if bad enough, jail time. US Code does have legal weight.


The flag code has no legal weight.


Colin the communist said the Betsy Ross flag was evil, but Barack flew two of them. Fuck you commisar.


Commissar will excuse ANYTHING done by this corrupt regime. A fascist state with his buddies in charge is his wet dream. He is a complete disgrace as a veteran (kinda like Hunter Biden)…
This was NOT accidental, it was a completely planned move by bidens handlers… and they intended exactly the message we received, that they put more value on these mentally ill freaks than on our nation…


You have reading comprehension issues.

And pot meet kettle.


Also, asshole, not only did I not defend the Biden administration for this flag display…I also, until now, never called out the clusterfuck carnival of flag code violations every single Trump rally has been.

Funny how none of that seemed to bother you. Hypocritical asshat.


It’s a big jump from a political rally to the White House, the people’s house, the place the world looks to as an example of freedom. If you’re ok with our so-called “leader of the free world” pandering to a group that is more about sexual deviance than the “freedom to love” they espouse, placing their flag in a position superior to the flag of our nation, then you’re more worthless than any of us imagined. You’ve never stood for anything in your entire fraudulent life, I don’t know why this would be any different.


You would not be pissed if this display was two American flags bracketing a POW/MIA flag.

So this has zero to do with the flag code violation.


It would be just as wrong. The US flag goes front and center.


Commie, at least everyone at the Trump rallies displays the flag as a form of respect to our glorious country. Get it? They love and respect our country. They don’t use the flag or any form of it to make a mockery of our country. Those alphabet freaks at the White House this past weekend should all be on their knees kissing America’s soil because this great nation of ours provides them with the freedom to act like asses and get away with it. Aint that enough? So, I for one can excuse that type of flag display. Come to think of it, why don’t you just go on down to Venezuela after all? load up on your Starbucks fufu coffee before hand though!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Marine0331

What the fuck are you talking about? How the fuck is any of this one me?


You defended it by stating the flag code has no legal weight. You showed your true colors and proved once again exactly what kind of NCO and officer you were. Your commissioning was the military equivalent of a sympathy fuck. You’re a fraud.

USMC Steve

Except a hell of a lot of us don’t. We find nothing particularly special or noteworthy or kewl about sexual deviancy. Nor do we actively promote it.


I take the Pirate Code very seriously.


Rum, Sodomy and the lash
Oh wait….that was the Royal Navy!


“The flag code is like the pirate code”

Then there should be yardarms with nooses instead of flags
between those columns.


4 U.S. Code § 1, sorry son. Looks like you scored no mas. It has penalties associated therewith, and that’s a federal statute. Better get a refund from that law school


The cuttlefish has never been to law school. Anyway, not according to his Linkdin page.


It would have been a lot better to see the Star-Spangled Banner take front and center, flanked by Progress Pride flags.


Mask up you filthy peasants!


FORT BRAGG is still real!


If you want to get banned on TWATTER, this lil trick will do it.

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Communism keeps creeping in om America.


Their intentional stalking horse:
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Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

I had gay and lesbian friends growing up. Kinda knew the deal when I had a crush on Audrey S***** but she was busy playing with Patrick C******, singing pop songs and talking about boys.

I was in 3rd grade, she and he in 2nd. Age difference? Sure, but I was smitten and he was in the way, but not ‘in the way’ that way.

Conceptually I have understood this truth the vast bulk of my life. Some people just are like that, -insert derogatory terms here-.

Fast forward to high school and my time in the trenches as a ‘drama (club) kid’. To put it mildly, there was a couple ‘alternative lifestyle-types’ in drama club.

Never had an opinion to the ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ of it, never been my bag to judge others by their predispositions, wiring, or choices, so long as it didn’t hurt me.

Still generally carry the same view.

Over time even put my money where my mouth was, with my main fight being equal access to recognition in marriage “2-person civil unions, recognized by the state and federal gubments”.

Heck, even donated to Human Rights Campaign for years via CFC.

I am a Liberal. It is what we {should} do: open the state to all, equally, without favor or arbitrary conditions.

But this fucking noise? Look assholes, you’ve lost the plot. I don’t want my nation celebrating any kind of predilections, and idgaf about ‘historic inequities’ or ‘perceived injustices’.

Good men and women have paid the ultimate price to have that RW&B fly, there are ways to achieve ‘representation’ without desecrating that fact.

But YOU did this anyway.

Fuck you for that!!!!

IMVHO, the greatest gift to a free citizen is to meld into the background and be forgotten by the state.

Please forget me, fag flag-worshipping state. I am not your kin.

They dont get it.jpg

Also, this has been a pretty important cultural event on twitter. The amount of bots coming out of the woodwork to claim this was ‘photochopped’ or Eh Eye generated has been… interesting.

The [attempted] gaslighting indicates they know it was fucked up and are just trying to infoengineer the situation.

File this away for when MSM {spits} calls for retaliations because MAGA/Patriots/2A groups/Mothers Against Groomers etc ‘violate flag code’ by flying The Colors upside down as a mayday call.

I can hear SPLC crafting such a narrative right now…


Pretty sure the Sodom and Gomorrah flag should be flown below and to the sides according to Flag code 4.7.c


*U.S. Flag Code §7. (e)*


Somehow you all, despite two days of discourse, still have not gotten it though your heads that the flag code has no legal weight.

It is not a criminal code. It is a set of recommendations and expectations.

I think presidential administrations should honor it.

Almost none do. The Trump administration violated it constantly.

I am not defending the Biden administration on this.

I cam calling out the manufactured outrage and bullshit hypocrisy. Also the utter stupidity of those of you who think the flag code is some sort of legally enforceable mechanism. If you fucks understood the bill of rights you would know the flag code has no legal weight. Nearly everyone at a Trump rally would be rounded up for all the ways they abuse the flag with their merchandising and attire.

This controversy isn’t about the flag code. You all never whined about Trump flag code violations. And you would be upset about the American flag bracketing the POW/MIA flag.


Public Law 116-67

116th Congress

The MIA/POW is mentioned in USC btws, just because it is don’t mean it supersedes Flag Code.


“Nearly everyone at a Trump rally would be rounded up for all the ways they abuse the flag with their merchandising and attire.”

Not quite the equivalent of the White House giving the pride flag the place of honor where the US flag belongs. Nice try, swing and a miss, strike three, you’re out.


A lot of Americans misunderstand flag etiquette, displaying it backwards, incorporating it into their wardrobe, letting it touch the ground or become so tattered that it looks like a grimy towel, or having it emblazoned on everything they own in various colors and shapes. By and large, we call those proud but ignorant, or at least unaware, Americans by a collective title: Patriot.

If I learned one thing in the Army, especially doing flag setups for the CJCS, CSA, and other senior military leaders, it’s to treat the flag with honor and respect and to know how to properly display it. Joe American may be a bit rusty on those tidbits of knowledge, but you can bet that anyone on the Right carrying or wearing a flag means nothing but respect. The Left, on the other hand? They’re likely waiting to burn it or otherwise desecrate our flag for some woke cause.

Putting the US flag on the same level as a pride flag is disrespectful as best and traitorous at worst. It shows a White House that is out of touch with the vast majority of Americans and which would rather pander to a niche minority than pay proper respect to our flag and what it once stood for.


Spot on!


Well said FM, well said!