Iranian fingerprints on weapons in Afghanistan

| September 9, 2009

Fox News is reporting that Defense Department officials have told them that they’ve found a weapons cache chocked full of Iranian-made weapons;

Afghan and NATO forces uncovered the weapons cache on Aug. 29 in Herat. It included a small number of Iranian-made “explosively formed penetrators,” hyper-powerful roadside bombs similar to the weapons used to kill U.S. forces in Iraq, a senior U.S. Defense Official told FOX News.

Also seized during the raid were 107 Iranian-made BM-1 rockets and dozens of blocks of Iranian C4 plastic explosives.

It’s not shocking news, of course, but at least there’s a bit of proof. Not that proof would effect anything like policy under this particular administration. It still makes overtures to Iran politically awkward.

Kuwaiti sources say that Iran has also supplied Hezbollah with chemical weapons and protective masks. The United Arab Emirates intercepted a weapon shipment from North Korea to Iran earlier this month.

Geez, I hate to say it but i think I detect an axis of evil or something.

I’m sure Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter can get it all straightened out though.

Category: Terror War, Usual Suspects

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I don’t detect anything breaking here. There are many Hazara Shia in Herat and I didn’t catch if anyone knew whom these weapons were intended for. It could have been the Taliban. Iran and the Wahhabi movements are sworn enemies, but I would never put it past the Mullahs to send a little support to their Wahhabi enemies to take the fight to their other enemies from time to time.

But when it comes to Gulf Arab(Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc.) sources on Iran, I don’t trust them as far as I can spit. The evidence indicates that the Gulf Arabs pose a greater threat to America’s national security than Iran does.

Dave Thul

I remember reading in high school history about this insane situation where we had a war going inside the country of Vietnam, but our enemy would route the supply lines just over the border so that we couldn’t attack them.

I never thought that in the 21st century we would be repeating the mistake.

Trying to kill the soldiers of a another country has always been causus belli.

AW1 Tim

Agreed. Causus belli sufficient unto the day.

My son deploys to Afghanistan in a couple months. It’s one thing to wage war. It’s another to wage war on some else’s terms, and with the frikkin politicians trying to use you for bait.

I remember this bit:

“We had been told, on leaving our native soil, that we were going to defend the sacred rights conferred on us by so many of our citizens settled overseas, so many years of our presence, so many benefits brought by us to populations in need of our assistance and our civilization.

“We were able to verify that all this was true, and because it was true, we did not hesitate to shed our quota of blood, to sacrifice our youth and our hopes. We regretted nothing, but whereas we over here are inspired by this frame of mind, I am told that in Rome factions and conspiracies are rife, that treachery flourishes, and that many people in their uncertainty and confusion lend a ready ear to the dire temptations of relinquishment and even to vilify our actions.

“I cannot believe that all this is true, and yet recent wars have shown how pernicious such a state of mind could be and to where it could lead.

“Make haste to reassure us, I beg you, and tell us that our fellow citizens understand us, support us, and protect us as we ourselves are protecting the glory of the Empire.

“If it should be otherwise, if we should have to leave our bleached bones on these desert sands in vain, then beware the fury of the Legions.”

Centurion Marcus Flavinius, Second Cohort, Augusta Legion to his cousin Tertullus in Rome. No date given.


God help any man or group of men that fails to seek absolute victory over our enemies, or who will seek to sacrifice our men and women for some small political gain.

B Woodman

Then maybe our generals need to start ignoring the Washington DC politiboro, and start waging war to WIN it.

Let’s not have a repeat of VietNam. From everything I’ve learned recently about that war, the US was THIS CLOSE to winning. Even according to our enemies. But because of the f***g politicians in DC, the might of the military was weakened and we were pulled back in defeat.

AW1 Tim

Brither, Thing is, we DID win in Vietnam. We left there with the ARVN able and ready to protect their country. All they asked was for us to help keep them in parts and ammo until they could get up to speed and support themselves. Then the Democrat-Majority Congress got a bee up it’s butt about Nixon and decided to spite him by cutting off all funding to South Vietnam. They just couldn’t STAND the thought of our helping out a friend and winning the frikkin’ war. The most poignant stories were Pilots taking off with a full load of ordnance, but only enough gas for a one-way trip, for to provide CAS for their brothers on the ground. ARVN soldiers holding bridges and roads open with only 1 grenade a 1 magazine each, so that the women and children might have a chance to retreat away from the NVA Tank and Infantry columns. The Democrats, for to bring an end to the story of Vietnam on THEIR terms, brought about the Killing Fields, and millions of Vietnamese, Laotian and Cambodian dead, all so that they could point fingers at Nixon and say “I told You So!” The US Military didn’t lose in Vietnam, not once. WE destroyed the Viet Cong, and decimated the NVA. It was the Democrat-Majority Congress who wrote off South Vietnam, and have been trying to rewrite history ever since. When folks say, “No MORE Vietnams” I agree. We ought to be there to win at all costs, and destroy unto the nth generation our enemies so that they will never again dare to raise a hand against us. Let their great grand children tremble in fear when the names of our soldiers are whispered in the darkness of their bedrooms. Let not a single one of their descendants dare to even dream of making war against America, lest they be forever damned and their memories erased from the roll of history. Anything else should bring a pox upon the families and friends of those who encourage such defeatism, and the ever lasting shame of their… Read more »


Amen Tim!