At Walter Reed tomorrow night

| September 10, 2009

Our buddy DanNY from GOE/NY sent along this humorous bit from some clowns who think they have the organizational skills of GOE;


The folks at Free Republic have been manning the four corners outside of Walter Reed since March, 2005 – here’s the post I did of their three year anniversary last year. It’s not like everyone just decided to finally show up this Friday night. They’ve never been involved in “severe intimidation” of the assembled moonbats halfway down the block from the Main Gate.

Well, there was the one time that Concretebob got the permit for occupation of all four corners when he found out that the Code Pink permit didn’t exist. That’s why they’re halfway down the block. So anyway, if you’re in town Friday night, stop by WRAMC and join us.

I hear Tankerbabe will be there.

Don’t forget the barbecue at the Mologne House. More from FReeper buddy, trooprally;

GoE has a duplicate permit for the moonbats area.

The DC Chapter has also extended our permits to cover all of the street in front of Walter Reed, except the small area where the moonbats are.

We start at 6PM. A moment of silence will be held at 8:46PM, 8 yrs and 12 hours after the 1st trade tower was struck.

RE signs, we will have a lot from GoE I and some made up, but if the numbers are going to be as many as expected, feel free to bring your own.

Moonbats may try to infiltrate our group with obambi-hilter and hanging obambi posters. If you see any, please immediately remove them.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Bloggers, Code Pink, Gathering of Eagles, General Whackos

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ConcreteBob stole it right out from under ’em, he did. Nuttin’finer than watching a bunch of witches shrivel.
Freaking losers. I am kinda hoping our NC Godfather of GOE George will be there to spank the sagging asses of the pinkos. Nobody does it better. Unless you count Uncle J., of course. And he’s so subtle.

Army Sergeant

I’m just amazed at the way people who I assume are otherwise intelligent can be willfully blind to the similarities of tactics between them and those they claim to condemn.


AS: I’m sure you have heard the expression: “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander”?

It must suck, for them, when their own tactics are turned against them.

Maybe the intelligent are getting sick and tired of dealing with it by “taking the high road” and have decided to give back a little of the medicine?

So, I doubt it’s being “willfully blind”, but more like “How do you like me now?”.


No, AS…We put them in their place by asking them how it is that they claim to be troops supporters and yet they donate 600k to terrorists we fight? Whom did they think they would hurt with that action? Bush or the troops.

How about this one- Why is it they have turned their backs literally on a wounded troop who wanted to understand why he was so hated by them? I.WAS.THERE. No violence. Just relevant questions, with no answers other than Bush was a warmonger.


Did anyone catch the line about signs being provided?…definitely a grassroots non astroturfed event here.