| September 9, 2009

OK, listen up. I woke up pissed off, I pulled on my cranky pants and hoisted them to nipple level, and I intend to go to bed pissed off. And what salves a wound better than goofing on IVAW? In the immortal words of Edwin Starr: Absolutely Nothing!

So, first, let it be known that the contest for creepiest IVAW member has been conclusively accomplished (One might even say Mission accomplished.) Somehow just watching this dude made me feel better. I’m guessing that dog hates it when this dude breaks out the peanut butter.

And dude, lay the F off the uppers, seriously.

Category: Politics

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Jonn Lilyea

That expression when the dog barks is the scariest human face ever.


Damn, TSO, who pissed in your cornflakes to get your undies twisted up around your nutsack today?

I’m not complaining, cuz IVAW is a joke and easy to make fun of, just curious.


Coast Guard? Can someone tie the anchor chain to that shit hanging out of his nose?

Frankly Opinionated

When I was a kid, on the farm; I asked my Dad why the Angus bull had a ring in his nose. I was told: “Because he is so goddammed dumb that is the only thing he understands.” I see that method of control is still being followed in the less than smart set.
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Frankly Opinionated


Frankly Opinionated

Oops! How in hell did I submit that one above before I finished it. And I don’t even drink.
Anyway. That is what I must write about.
While it is off topic, it is important, so I feel duty bound to let the fellow readers know.
If you get an e-mail with this in the subject line: “Photo of Nancy Pelosi Naked”- Do not open it. DON’T! It actually contains a photo of Nancy Pelosi Naked!
Just thought that y’all would want to know.
Now to click on some of Jonn’s Google ad thingys.
nuf sed

The Sniper

Coast Guard. Wow. Just, wow.


Just when I thought nothing could be more priceless than Mastercard.