Iranians seize US bound tanker, release footage of the attack

| May 3, 2023

Somewhat old news: last Thursday Iranian forces seized a tanker bound for the US using a helicopter-borne ‘commando assault’.

The capture on Thursday of the Turkish-managed, Chinese-owned Advantage Sweet represents the latest seizure by Iran amid tensions with the U.S. over advancing nuclear program. While Tehran says the tanker was seized over it running into another Iranian vessel, it has provided no evidence yet to support the claim — and the Islamic Republic has taken other ships as bargaining chips in negotiations with the West.

Military Times

You would hope that some “interesting” conversation has taken place between China and Iran over this. Unfortunately, the Chinese probably just regard this as yet another poke in the US eye.

The U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet has said the Iranian seizure was at least the fifth commercial vessel taken by Tehran in the last two years.

“Iran’s continued harassment of vessels and interference with navigational rights in regional waters are a threat to maritime security and the global economy,” it added.

Seems to me there is a word for this kind of thing…what was it? Oh, yeah:  piracy. Time to bring back WWI-era Q-ships and raiders. Or at least introduce the Iranians to some REAL commandos.


Category: Crime, Iran

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Once in an anomaly.
Twice is a trend.

Iran Seizes Second Tanker


Back in my day, we were escorting tankers in the straights…
Pedo Joe the Cuck-in-Chief will do nothing.
They weren’t doing shit like that when Trump was President.


They pull shit like this with vessels all the time — bet they picked one without armed guards onboard.


Sal’s take on the second seizure.


Sal Mercogliano put up this post within hours of the incident. No chance that this Administration will do anything about it. The same smart people are in charge as they were when Iran did the this during the Big O Administration. At the time, O’s State Department decided that the language of the US defense treaty with the Marshall Islands did not extend to commercial vessels flying their colors.


Perhaps the Iranians are stopping the tankers in the interest of “Climate Change” and the Brandon administration is hesitant to stop them for that reason? /sarc



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Forest Bondurant

The Biden administration needs to send Iran a couple of pallets of cash to pacify them. That ought to do it. (sarc off)

Hack Stone

The Obama -Biden Administration didn’t do shit when the Iranians seized a US Naval vessel and her (can we still refer to boats and ships as female?) crew, why would you expect them to act on this? And it’s not as if US Forces could retaliate, they are all undergoing mandatory training in recognizing White Rage and Diversity Equity & Inclusion reeducation.


It’s all part of the gradual weakening of the armed forces and recruiting folks/reprogramming them to be loyal to the dictatorship. The old school military would never agree to attack the citizens — ever. Orders from CinC be damned.


We’re punked-out by bad folk again.


Although Russia’s currently hysterical that Ukraine tried to drone-attack the Kremlin and Ukrainians have no idea– was probably this (or some silliness like it) that freaked out Putin:

A Proud Infidel®™

Unlike when Donald Trump was President, they know there will be NO consequences for their actions, thus they’re going batshit like Juvenile Delinquents.
BUT HEY, no more mean Tweets to hurt anyone’s feewings!

Last edited 1 year ago by A Proud Infidel®™

To quote an old British Captain I met at Diego Garcia years ago — “the world was a far better place when civilized nations colonized these animals.”

A bit extreme but… I got his point.