“Oh, Hell no!”

| March 27, 2008

Jason Mattera of Young America’s Foundation and Hot Air went to Winter Soldier II and asked folks who testified if they’d swear to their allegations of atrocities. Jason recorded for posterity the results;

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Of course, without hesitation the consensus is “No!”, and Clifton Hicks, who was on this blog last night calling “Bullshit” said “Oh, Hell no!” I don’t blame you, Clifton – your stories are so full of holes I could fly a C-17 through them.

Jason Hurd who slung snot all over the panel while he tearfully recounted the time he ALMOST shot a woman carrying groceries also said he wouldn’t.

Of course, many of the IVAW members didn’t even want Rurik, TSO and myself at the event – probably one of the reasons it resulted in what one commenter here called a “wet firecracker”.

Michele Malkin declares, “The apples don’t fall far from the Ghengis Khan-invoking tree”.

So, a rational person might ask “What was the point?”

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Terror War

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I can’t get this to play. But if it does not include video of me saying “I’ve already submitted sworn statements and would be happy to submit more”, or words to that effect, then Mr. Mattera is very selective about what he pieces together, and I would be happy to call him on it.


Finally got it to play. He does not include me. Or any of the other people who responded to him with a “yes, absolutely”. I know that members of my own panel also said that they would be happy to sign affidavits. If you watch the “military breakdown” panel, you should be able to see this-it is during Luis Montalvan’s testimony.


And I’m ticked, so I’ve called him and posted a response on my blog.

Jonn wrote: Be ticked, dear. However, Mattera got negative responses from Hurd, Hicks and Reppenhaggen – three of my big four. I only wish he’d had a response from Turner.


What they would be ‘happy to sign’ and what they actually did are two different things.

The proof is the paperwork in my hands, not happy statements.

Thus Spake Ortner

All I know is I would rather be raped by a wombat*, nay, a tassle of wombats, than listen to Montalvan.

* Also, big foot, nessie and Knut the polar bear, all better than listening to Montalvan.

Jonn wrote: You ain’t never lied.

Clif Hicks

Mattera: “Would you go on the record as having committed war crimes?”

Hicks: “Oh, Hell no!”


Uh… I didn’t commit any war crimes, besides crushing a few civilian cars out of boredom… And as for the ‘wedding shooting’ that wasn’t a war crime, that was an accident, what reason would anyone have to sign any affidavit over that?

Anyway, I can’t speak for the rest of my comrades but as for me: Fuck you I ain’t signin’ sheeeeeeit!


Jonn wrote: Then why, since the beginning of this whole thing, have you used the wedding incident and you killing the driver of a car as examples of US atrocities in Iraq? If you’re willing to do the right thing (which is what you claim your testimony at Winter Soldier is) then why aren’t you willing to do the LEGAL thing and put your money where your mouth is?

Now, suddenly crushing cars out of boredom is a legitimate use of US military power in Iraq. I’ve NEVER heard you say that the wedding incident was an accident. It’s always been presented as bloodthirsty revenge by those evil deranged paratroopers of the 82d.

I guess you wouldn’t sign an affidavit since your story changes to fit the audience.


I think we have a definitive response here. Clif says he won’t sign his WS II account. And He says he won’t sign shit. I take that as a tacit admission his story is shit. QED.

Thus Spake Ortner

That is priceless.

He signed a letter to VFF, then didn’t have the balls to even respond when I called him out on his horseshit. Wouldn’t hold my breath for asshat here to ever do anything but continually lie.

Raoul Deming

I going to start selling shirts, Two lines that say:

Iraq Veterans Against the War
Not That We’ll Swear To It