Colombia discovers FARC uranium

| March 27, 2008


Photo from Miami Herald

The Miami Herald writes that the Colmbian government has discovered a stash of “impoverished” (to quote the MH’s article) uranium;

Colombian authorities said they seized up to 66 pounds of low-grade uranium hidden off the side of a road in southern Bogotá on Wednesday, which the Colombian Defense Ministry said belonged to FARC guerrillas.

The Defense Ministry said the discovery adds weight to the evidence found in a laptop belonging to slain guerrilla leader Raúl Reyes, which showed the rebels were interested in buying and selling the uranium on the international underground market.

But the 30 kilograms of uranium found in plastic bags dug about three feet from a road in southern Bogotá was ”impoverished,” the ministry said, and in that state could not have been used to make a radioactive bomb. Authorities were waiting for further analysis to determine how dangerous the material found really is, Armed Forces commander Freddy Padilla told a news conference late Wednesday.

Well, this at least lends credence to the quality of the intelligence that Colombia has gleaned from Raul Reyes’ laptops.

Category: Foreign Policy, Terror War

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