Justice system shorts
First, in LaLa Land, aka Los Angeles:
Goerge Soros’ bought-and-paid-for DA, George Gascon (we’ve mentioned him a few times before in various columns) just got slapped with a $1,500,000 award in a retaliation lawsuit. And, he is facing another dozen similar suits.
Shawn Randolph, the former head of the juvenile division of the district attorney’s office, claimed she was shuttled off to the parole division for pushing back against some of Gascón’s shifts to the handling of criminal cases involving minors, including his blanket ban on trying juveniles as adults.
Randolph’s legal team, led by civil attorneys Greg Smith and Beth Corriea, argued that she believed Gascón’s policies violated laws pertaining to victims’ rights and that limitations on the types of felonies prosecutors could file against teens would lead them to bring charges that did not accurately represent the alleged conduct of certain defendants. LA Times via Yahoo
Interesting read. “Turn ’em loose Bruce”‘s office of course disagrees but the judge went with the plaintiff.
And another George Soros prosecutor, this time in Austin, seems to be letting a murderer slide. Two years ago, two gangs blazed away at each other on Austin’s popular tourist music mecca, 6th Street, killing one innocent bystander and injuring another dozen. According to the family of the man killed, Travis County District Attorney Jose Garza, funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros has done little to prosecute the case and has recently appointed an inexperienced prosecutor to deal with the case less than two months before trial:
Doug Kantor, a New York native who had just bought a new home and was set to marry his high school sweetheart, was killed in the shooting and 13 other innocent bystanders were injured in the hail of bullets from both gangs that became the largest mass casualty incident in Austin in about a decade.
Travis County District Attorney Jose Garza, funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros…Garza has pulled multiple prosecutors off Kantor’s case in order to focus on other cases, including the prosecution of Army Sgt. Daniel Perry, who is facing a murder charge for shooting a Black Lives Matter rioter who pointed a gun at him, Nick Kantor said, who added that Garza then appointed a prosecutor with little experience in Austin courtrooms to the case shortly before the trial was set to begin.
Nice… focus on prosecuting a GI who shot someone in self-defense and don’t try to put a murdering gang-banger away.
A report quoted in Rolling Stone alleges that the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department is riddled with gangs… not the Crips/Bloods/cartels one would expect, but their own gangs named as the Executioners, the Banditos, the Regulators, the Spartans, the Gladiators, the Cowboys, and the Reapers. (I suspect the Banditos listed are not related to the Houston-based bikers.)
A blistering new official investigation decries violent, lawless “deputy gangs” that continue to wield extraordinary power within the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. The report delivers a call to action for new Sheriff Robert Luna: “It is time to eradicate this 50-year plague upon the County of Los Angeles.”
The new investigation describes a deputy-gang culture that is “deeply embedded” within LASD, calling it a “cancer” that “must be excised.” Conducted by the special counsel to the Civilian Oversight Commission — the county body that watchdogs LASD — the 70-page investigation relied on interviews with nearly 80 witnesses as well as dozens of depositions, court exhibits, and civil lawsuits.
The report insists that the gangs operate “much like the Mafia” and that only “made” members are entitled to the tattoo. Deputies eager to join a gang are notorious for “chasing ink” — or engaging in violence toward county residents, as a means of proving their moxie “in the hope of becoming members.” This has led to a rash of “excessive force or other forms of unconstitutional policing,” the report says. Rolling Stone via Yahoo
Now this is Rolling Stone – they describe the former LA sheriff as “Trumpy” – so the bias is assumed. But it brings to mind the old quote that if Satan ever DID win over God, he would need to take on Godly attributes in order to reign. Tip of the old hat to whomever can identify who said that, I am coming up dry.
Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Liberals suck, None
And all of that shit is going on in deep blue locations lorded over by D-rats. Happenstance? Coincidence? IMO it’s just a sample of what the likes of Soros and the left want to inflict on every part of the USA.
And this is what prevents me from visiting that area of that cesspool.
Those DA’s may funded by Soros…
Their strings are pulled by Soros…
They say what ever Dark Lord Soros wants them to say…
But IDIOTS in those jurisdictions voted for them
And will continue to vote for anyone with a (D)…
Not surprised their world is turning to shit.
Definitiom of insanity: Keep voting Democrat and expecting different results.
Printing presses are not too bright.
Those Trumpy Democrats. Villeneuve got rid of 30 deputies but LA is gonna LA.
There will come a day of reckoning…soon! Watch.
1 March 2023… A King County (Seattle) judge granted pre-trial release to a man accused of killing one person and shooting six others in a Jan. 2020 mass shooting in downtown Seattle. This with a history of violating court orders and a rap sheet that includes illegal gun possession. Also, the evidence against him in this crime is at least sufficient to justify holding him as a danger to the community and a flight risk — after all, he ran as far as Southern Nevada after the 2020 shooting. While he awaits trial, Tolliver will have to wear an ankle bracelet and live with his grandmother.