John Kerry: race trumps experience

| March 22, 2008

John Kerry, who lost an easy election because he wouldn’t sign his Form 180, advises us to vote for Barak Obama because of the melanin levels in Obama’s skin in this interview with South Coast Today;

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ABC News’ Jack Tapper summarizes Kerry’s interview;

…[H]e’s supporting Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, is his belief that “it would be such an affirmation of who we say we are as a people. if we could elect an African-American president, young leader, who is obviously visionary about the ability to inspire people.”

Kerry said that a President Obama would help the US, in relations with Muslim countries, “in some cases go around their dictator leaders to the people and inspire the people in ways that we can’t otherwise.”

“He has the ability to help us bridge the divide of religious extremism,” Kerry said. “To maybe even give power to moderate Islam to be able to stand up against this radical misinterpretation of a legitimate religion.”

Kerry was asked what gives Obama that credibility.

“Because he’s African-American. Because he’s a black man. Who has come from a place of oppression and repression through the years in our own country.”

Now if I’m not mistaken, Obama has asked us to vote for him not because of the color of his skin…and here we have John Kerry telling us that’s the main reason we should consider him as our leader. Obama’s father is from Kenya and his mother is white. He grew up outside of the United States during the Civil Rights movement. So, where is this “place of oppression and repression”? His father’s family, nor his mother’s family, for that matter, were never subjected to slavery or Jim Crow…neither was Barak Obama, Jr. either. He has nothing in common with American Blacks.

Abe Greenwald at Commentary asks the same question;

Also, where is this “place of oppression and repression” in which Obama has suffered “through the years”? Hawaii? Harvard? The Senate? We should find out immediately and do something about this horrific crisis.

Kerry goes on to explain that Obama’s opposition to the war in Iraq gives him worthwhile experience. Experience in what? He wasn’t in a position to do anything about the war in iraq until just over two years ago. Kerry was in a position to do something about it at the time the decisions were made – oh, that’s right he “was for it before [he] was against it”. That means we made the right decision in 2004 and kept Kerry out of the White House, I suppose, since Kerry voted for the war and Obama knew better than Kerry.

Kerry just proves he’s a racist – and a hack. I suppose if he was endorsing Clinton instead, he’d say that she could put on a flowery apron and bake cookies for the third world better than anyone else.

We were supposed to vote for Kerry based solely on his three months in Vietnam because his three months of service gave him some special powers to conduct the war. Based on that criteria, he should be endorsing John McCain. I (don’t really) wonder why he’s not.

MT at Conservative Blog Therapy sums up Kerry’s interview in one phrase;

Obama will be a great President because we’re all bad people… and he’s black.

Category: John McCain/Sarah Palin, Politics

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Don Carl

We’ve had two Black Secretaries of State, neither have accomplished what John F’n Kerry seems to think a half-white Obama will…

Tom the Redhunter

So we’re supposed to vote for Obama because he’s black? Dems like Kerry are such hypocrites. They never say that when a black Republican runs for office.


[…] John Kerry: race trumps experience – This ain’t Hell […]