Colonel Paris Davis to receive MoH for Vietnam

| February 15, 2023

Colonel Paris Davis, US Army Special Forces (ret.)

When last I talked about the absolute badass that is Colonel Paris Davis, the wheels were in motion to upgrade his Silver Star to the Medal of Honor, for heroism in action in Vietnam in June 1965. Colonel Davis received the call today from President Biden advising him that he was to receive the nation’s highest honor, delayed almost six decades, after the award recommendation paperwork was twice lost by Big Army. has the story;

When reinforcements finally arrived on the afternoon of June 18, 1965, Capt. Paris Davis was able to rescue the last of his wounded men from the battlefield. Hours before, he received an order to abandon them, one that he disobeyed while engaging in harrowing combat for 19 hours.

Davis, disregarding his own safety, saved at least three Americans under the command of his Special Forces unit, which was taking heavy machine-gun and mortar fire from hundreds of Viet Cong fighters. The backs of his legs were peppered with bullets, and part of his finger had been blown off by a grenade — part of an inventory of at least eight wounds.

He had personally killed more than a dozen enemy fighters with a pistol, M16, machine gun, grenade and a 60mm mortar he set up on his own, according to an after-action report published by the Army — “stacking bodies the way you do canned goods,” he would say in a later interview.

Davis was only 26 then. Fifty-seven years later, now-retired Col. Davis — one of the first Black men to join the Green Berets — is set to receive the Medal of Honor after the Army inexplicably lost the paperwork for the military’s highest award at least twice, and even after several pushes from his comrades, according to The New York Times.

President Joe Biden called Davis on Monday, informing him of the award, according to a family statement.

“As I anticipate receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor, I am so very grateful for my family and friends within the military and elsewhere who kept alive the story of A-team, A-321 at Camp Bong Son,” Davis said in the statement. “I think often of those fateful 19 hours on June 18, 1965, and what our team did to make sure we left no man behind on that battlefield.”

Davis also said in the statement that the call from the president “prompted a wave of memories of the men and women” he served with, friends who had pushed over the decades for the retired colonel to receive the mark of valor he was owed.

Those supporters questioned why the Army lost his Medal of Honor paperwork, and whether Davis’ race had played a role in his being overlooked. After the documentation was lost the first time, Davis’ commander pushed for an inquiry to find out where it went, but no clear answers emerged.

The award was resubmitted, according to The New York Times. And for a second time, the paperwork was lost. Nonetheless, Davis received the Silver Star and a Purple Heart for his actions.

The civil rights movement was at a fever pitch, and racism was still overtly baked into American institutions like the military. Many of Davis’ supporters and teammates, including Davis himself, said that racism delayed his award during an interview with CBS.

“I don’t think, I know race was a factor,” he said in 2021.

In a 1969 interview on the “Phil Donahue Show,” Davis recounted the bravery of his soldiers with reverence, including Spc. Robert Brown, a medic who was struggling with his wounds at the time of the interview.

When asked what he told the colonel who had ordered him to leave Brown behind on the battlefield, Davis said, “I told him, ‘Sir, I’m just not going to leave. I still have an American out there.'”

Later, Donahue asked, “You’re a Black man who was in a command position of an all-white outfit, and you risked your life, and your career when you refused that order — that could have been the ball game, couldn’t it?” “It sure could have,” Davis said, going on to add, “In the dark, brown is just as black or white as anyone else.” requested comment from the Army as to why Davis’ award was delayed, but the service referred questions to the White House.

In November, learned that Davis’ nomination had been approved by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley. Since then, it went to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin for approval and then on to the president.

The White House said that Biden was looking forward to the medal presentation, though did not specify when, according to The Washington Post.

Davis will become the 65th living Medal of Honor recipient.

Category: Army, Biden

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Badass just doesn’t start to describe this man.

My only hope is Biden has a health issue so can’t present the medal to Colonel Davis as Biden is unworthy to even touch or see this award.


Sadly, not many replacements are worthy either.

Harris? BWAHAHA!


The contrast will be obvious and illuminating.


Hmm. We should move the politics elsewhere. Inappropriate to this thread.


Way yonder past due. The epitome of the The Warrior Commander. “Take care of your troops and they will take care of you.”


Maybe honorary Navy SEAL Hunter Biden can present the medal. Hopefully Joe Biden will remind us that day about his son Beau who was (not) killed in Iraq working court martial dockets. It’s been nearly five minutes since he has dropped that lie and I had almost forgotten about it.
never forget… something…

But back to the actual hero of the story, damn. I don’t know if racism played a bigger role or the Commander’s embarrassment at the leadership failure of wanting to leave men behind in the delay of the medal. Either is likely. Colonel Paris Davis’ actions that day weren’t just heroic, they were stuff of legend, he acted and behaved in the way that everyone of us hopes to live up to when the time comes, but few men seldom do.

We all salute you.


I’m sure Biden is happy to be a part of this because he sees the political optics it gives. I’d be very surprised if he doesn’t mention Beau.

I can’t blame his leadership for ordering a withdrawal (it’s just a chessboard at that level and pieces get exchanged), but I salute COL Davis for refusing that order.

He is exactly the kind of leader that should be honored, remembered, and emulated. There is no excuse for his upgrade being lost even once. Twice is too much.

The military has become quick to recall soldiers to duty to try them for crimes; whatever clerks/commanders lost that paperwork should be found and held responsible. I don’t know if it was racism or professional embarrassment, but there’s no justifiable excuse.

I’m happy he’s still alive to receive the award, no matter who is hanging it around his neck. Long overdue.


Highly deserved and long overdue. Thanks, Mason.

Skivvy Stacker

“The White House said that Biden was looking forward to the medal presentation, though did not specify when…”

Chances are the third loss of the award will be when Biden can’t find his way to the ceremony.


Odds that he will mention his dead son Beau???


I hope not, that day should be about the Col Davis and the men he fought with. I pray politics will be left at the door.


If he tells me to get off his lawn…I am running!


What a legend. Hard to imagine holding a flame to VN vets like this.


I’m thinking Joe will say something along the line of ” The Colonels a bad dude just like Corn Pop.

Anna Puma

Col. Davis is a leader of warriors.


Way past due. After fifty plus year I now know the origin of Bong Son.

In the late 60s and early 70s as a kid I had reason to travel semi regularly between Beaufort SC and Savannah GA. When traveling the back road I had occasion to see a dozen or so Army UH-1 helicopters swoop in on a roadside farm and land and disembark troops. On other occasions it may have been a smaller number of helicopters practicing assault landings without troops aboard.

There was a sign posted with the name Bong Son on it.

In those pre internet days I managed to collect info that the Army had made arrangements with a local to conduct training in a couple of his pastures and folks from Hunter AAF routinely used it for practice/training.


[…] this week’s announcement that Colonel Paris Davis will receive America’s highest award, the Medal of Honor, for actions almost 60 years ago, I want […]