Vietnam vets welcomed home at Ft. Campbell

| August 17, 2009

Some Vietnam veterans finally got their welcome home at Fort Campbell yesterday according to the Washington Times;

Maj. Gen. John F. Campbell, commanding general of the 101st Airborne Division, said the time had come to do the right thing.

“We realize that many of you did not receive the honorable homecoming you deserved as American heroes,” Campbell said. “We wanted to make sure that another day doesn’t go by when you did not have a proper welcome home.”

I’ve been welcoming them home for years, I’m glad the Army is doing the same thing finally.

Category: Military issues

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Country Singer

There was a surprisingly good piece by Horrendo Revolver (Geraldo Rivera) on Fox News last night about it.


Good story, posted it to my blog.


yep i saw it last night on Fox. it was great.


Too bad those who have since passed didn’t get this recognition. Sigh.


I too welcomet them home whenever I get the chance.
It is the least that I can do.
They deserve far more..

Welcome home.

Old Tanker

’bout time….long overdue. Way to go 101st!! Make it 1st class all the way!