Jesse MacBeth II; attack of the spell check

| March 20, 2008

I picked this up over at Ace of Spades; apparently Jesse MacBeth feels a need to explain why he’s a lying sack of shit;

i joined the army a proud man. but it seemed the army wasent so proud to have me. the first week of basic everything went ok besides being smoked and drilled to exhaustion there were no out of orinary issues. intil during the secound one of my drill dgt (ds martin) appraoched me in the training bay in front of all the other iet soldiers in my platoon took the quran off my bunk spit in it and threw it across the room yelling “muslims dont belong in my army” and madde me crawl in his words” like the muslim dog i was” to get my holy book. i was upset but again i wanted so bad to be part of something. all my life i was eigther in grouphomes homeless are in jail. i wanted to change that and this was my chance so i took the the racial slurs and religiouse slurs know that it wouold all end in 7 more weeks. but it only got worse during the 3 week of basic

Since I am a professional editor, I got a real headache trying to get through all of that. But, just so Jesse knows, even if what he’s written happened (and I have no reason to believe that it did) it doesn’t excuse him from trying to score hippie chics and veterans benefits for things that he never did – like murdering a mosque full of Iraqis, for example.

I hope he gets some help, or gets his narrow, lying ass beat – either would appease my angry side. In the meantime, Jesse, do yourself a favor and download a Firefox browser that has a spell check built right into it so you at least don’t write like an ignorant turd.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers

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His writing is like his lying- unbelievably bad.

Raoul Deming

Of course the root cause of all Jesse’s troubles in institutional American racism and intolerance.


well said. i hope his arabic is better than his engrish.


I blogged about that, too.
Here’s my conclusions:
If this is a parody, bravo! If it isn’t, it still makes for an interesting study of what happens when a lunatic’s mind goes wandering off without a chaperone.

In anycase, Simply put, “Jesse MacBeth” is lying poser.

I could only get through the first few sentences of the whole craptastic psycho-sexual fantasy, before I had to put on my bullshit waders.

What. A. Nutbag.


He never got the memo that basic training isn’t supposed to be a picnic?

Jonn wrote: He may have gotten the memo, but I don’t think he’s literate enough to read it.