McCarthy House election one in a century
In the election for House Speaker today, Kevin McCarthy (R-CA – yes, that is correct, a California Republican) accomplished something not done since 1923. He lost.
While Republicans took control of the House in November’s midterm elections, they fell far short of a predicted landslide victory, leaving only a slim majority to work with. McCarthy could only afford four defections; in the end, McCarthy lost 19 Republican votes.
The question for speaker will now go to a second ballot, followed by an indefinite number of additional votes if a candidate can’t secure a majority.
Last time this happened was a century ago in 1923. Doesn’t even come close to the 1855 record of 133 votes, but generally modern Speaker aspirants make sure they have the needed votes before the election. Surely I can’t be the only one looking at the 2022 election debacle and this as symptomatic of the incredible lack of Republican leadership?
McCarthy, who had served as the minority leader, wooed his GOP critics by endorsing rule changes, including making it easier for a smaller group of members to challenge leadership in a procedure known as vacating the chair. The California Republican, who also lost a bid for Speaker in 2015, urged the party to support him in a closed-door meeting earlier Tuesday, saying, “I earned this job.”
How Hillary-esque.
“Kevin McCarthy is not the right candidate to be Speaker,” Rep. Don Bishop, R-N.C., said Tuesday in a statement representative of some of the oppositions’ feelings. “He has perpetuated the Washington status quo that makes this body one of the most unsuccessful and unpopular institutions in the country.”
Or my favorite quote on the subject:
“If you want to drain the swamp, you cannot put the biggest alligator in charge of the exercise,” (Matt) Gaetz (R-FL) said. Yahoo News II
Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", 2022 Elections, Politics
Don’t think he’s the right guy for the job. Clearly he didn’t know how to cut a deal to get enough votes.
The “opposition” was only asking for simple things:
Allow motion to vacate (basically allow a vote of no confidence)
No more omnibus bills. All bills would be single issue bills.
No more back room deals on legislation, allow more participation.
More time to review legislation before a vote- 1 page=1 day.
Essentially no more “Nancy, My way or the highway” type leadership.
Kevin McCarthy can suck my ass.
What an entitled asshole.
“I earned this job”
I’m with Lauren Boebert.
This is BULLSHIT. Fuck Kevin McCarthy hard and dry with Dan Bernath’s rotten corpse.
RINO, he is.
Rhino… 🍩 he is….
He earned that job? Says who? Clearly not 218 Congress critters. I hereby move that we deploy the Planetoid of Insults against Kevin McCarthy for being a crashing bore, among other things.
Just lost second vote, too.
Three times!
You know, I believe that it was W.C. Fields who once said something along the lines of, “If at first you don’t succeed, try again. If you still don’t succeed, quit. No sense being a damned fool about it.” Sage advice that Kevin will clearly not follow. Fuck that guy.
Now six… wonder what today will be?
Seven…and counting!
Eight failed votes!
Ah, ah, ah!
Today was even funnier than yesterday. Really helped to keep my spirits up after a rough week at work.
As more and more of the swamp dwelling sewer rats show the depth of their ratness, the more one thinks that a pissed off JAL Wide Body Driver had the right idea. Change my mind.
It would be nice if the RINOs would fight the democrats at least as hard as they fight fellow conservative Republicans.
The RINOs are not going to change sides to work with conservatives.
Even though Democrats seldom have the common courtesy the seek…

Nope. That might take some of the money they steal out their pockets.
If the RINO’S fought the dems, they wouldn’t BE Rinos
You know what they say…Third time’s a …nope…wait…..
(one of my favorites…)
The man we need!
He’s got my vote!
Randy…I AM The Liquor! 🍺🥃🍸🍷🍹🧉🥂🍾
At this point, I’d rather have this crazy, shroomed-out motherfucker as Speaker:
Or even this guy…Bernie “The Right Hook” Sanford:
He’s already moved his shit into the office. Done deal.
Lets think outside the box here. Trump for Speaker! Watch all the heads explode
It would be hilarious, but if it was proposed, I wouldn’t be shocked if the RINO’s voted in that Democrat race-baiter in as Speaker out of spite. Honestly, he wouldn’t get the votes regardless. He’s pissed off to many Establishment types.
You’re right of course but lets just picture the chaos of the nomination and the previously mentioned exploding heads. A guy needs a dream now and then
Well, Matt Gaetz did it…
This is what a divided party looks like.
Trumpers vs. Everyone else.
Congress won’t be able to get anything done until they sort this out.
That seems to be a feature and not a bug to me. I get no bigger smile than when Congress says they can’t make any laws.
Yep. Fine by me. Mark Twain hit the nail oh the head with this one:
“No man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.”
Actually that is Gideon Tucker, not Twain. Twain seldom commented directly on domestic politics so if you hear a quote attributed to him it is likely a false attribution. People love giving him attribution though because everyone knows who he is. Who ever heard of Gideon Tucker?
You are so mistaken. The libs are completely united. Throw a couple of Rinos in the mix and they get whatever they want.
No, what it is is the people who McCarthy made deals with against the people doing their JOBS.
If McCarthy, after all his years in the House, doesn’t yet have the skills and enough respect from his colleagues to bring about his own successful election, what the hell does that say about his ability to lead? 🙄
Don’t like McCarthey for the job anyway. He’s part of the swamp. But, I’m sitting here shaking my head, knowing what’s gonna be done for “We the People” by our government!
If you would drain the swamp, don’t follow the lead of the biggest gator.
Huh. Same wavelength? Scary.
If you want to drain The Swamp, you cannot put the biggest alligator in charge of the exercise.
Matt Geatz
Yep! Don’t like the Dems and most Republicans too! Fire them all and start over.
Or, first cut their pay and take those benefits away. No one else gets benefits for what’s supposed to be a part time job.
McCarthy is an establishment republican, and I don’t trust him. He has gotten caught doing shady stuff too many times. And ANYTHING from California is suspect these days. Lauren Boebert seriously dropped dimes on him yesterday on Fox News about stuff the holdouts were asking for, common sense stuff, and McCarthy wasn’t having any of it.
I’m in favor of Scalise myself. If there anyone who won’t budge on stuff it would be him.
Maybe its just me, but why would we want to substitute one California Congress critter for another one. Even worse would be to have a New York Congress critter as speaker and as Denate majority leader.
6 failed votes?
What a fucking loser. He’s a glutton for punishment. If he was smart, he’d drop out of the running, cut a deal with someone less offensive who could get the votes, get his choice of committee chairmanship, and be content with being “the man behind the man.” IF he was smart.
Well, he’s a republican,,,, from California! So how Republican can he actually be? In my mind, that explains the smart that he should be
Sorry, smart shit have been in quotation marks.
Good grief! Not “shit”,,, but “smart”
Time for me to put the interwebs away for the night.
“Drain the swamp”
Matt Gaetz is one of the bottom feeders in that swamp as well…
The Republicans look like exactly what they are right now, a leaderless, rudderless conglomeration of selfish buffoons clamoring for attention.
The upside is that it’s unlikely Democrats or Republicans will be able to do anything for at least two years which means they can’t fuck me more than they already are in terms of taxation and intrusions into my personal liberties…so that’s at least a predictable two year path….
When a bunch of motherfuckers I don’t like are fighting with another bunch of motherfuckers I don’t like, I try to figure out ways to keep them at each other’s throats. Looks like bottom-feeder Gaetz is doing that work for me.
I USED to have a drop or two of respect for Gaetz, but his latest rounds of acting like a rich spoiled brat have erased that for eternity, fuck him.
11 failed votes…damn, someone needs to hit this dude upside the head with a clue by 4. He just ain’t gettin’ it.
Jus’ sayin’;