‘You are not New Yorkers’

| January 3, 2023

Governor Kathy Hochul (D-NY)

Conservatives in the Empire State should move to Florida because “you are not New Yorkers,” Hochul said in a broad attack on Republicans last election.

“We’re here to say, …just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong, okay?” Hocul said to her audience. “Get out of town. Get out of town, because you don’t represent our values. You are not New Yorkers.”

Careful what you ask for. The state’s massive social spending life’s blood is income taxes paid by residents, of course. The State has nearly $14 billion in projected budget gaps over the next five years and can ill afford to lose any taxpayer, let alone millions of them.

Like the woke-broke post from yesterday, Americans are voting with their feet and wallets.

Hochul flamed for asking people to stop ‘leaving’ New York after telling Republicans to ‘get out’ months prior

‘If you tell people to leave, they will,’ one user tweeted in response to the Democratic governor

By Gabriel Hays | Fox News

Critics of Gov. Kathy Hochul, D-N.Y., slammed the politician for admitting that her government must “reverse the trend of people leaving our state” on Sunday after she told Republican lawmakers in the state to beat it to Florida last year.

During a January 1 inaugural address following her November re-election, the governor vowed to make New York a better and safer place to live, acknowledging the fact that many New Yorkers have fled the state for other parts of the country in the past year.

Local CBS anchor Anne McCloy tweeted about the telling moment in Hochul’s address, stating, “In a perhaps unexpected acknowledgment, @GovKathyHochul says New York State ‘must reverse the trend of people leaving our state.’”

McCloy also noted in the same post that “New York State saw the greatest population decline of any state in the last year according to the most recent U.S. Census data.”

The governor’s statement came several months after she told prominent Republicans to “get out” of New York.

Fox News

By itself this is just an amusing anecdote on how sound bites can themselves come back to bite, but on a macro level? People are reacting against draconian rule and woke policies. This exodus has been going on for some time from several states but ignored by a compliant, complicit media. It now is impossible to ignore- folks are sick and tired of being lectured to and funding progressive wet dreams. Now Democrats are running out of other people’s money and wonder why? Ask Disney.

Category: Democrats, Points-and-Laughs, Schadenfreude

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Fuck YOU KEVIN Kathy!!!!

You are a DISEASE!!!


Wayyyy ahead of you, Guv. The D family left upstate NY in 1849.


Both sides of the UpNorth clan just passed through New York, on their way to Ohio and Michigan, back in the 1890’s. If only Whitmer’s family had stayed there.


Hey Ms Guv Thang…There must be at least 50 ways to leave…jus’ sayin’.


AhhhhhhahhaHah! Serves you right, Governor Crazy Eyes!




I lived in NJ and worked in NYC from ’89 to ’96. I beat feet to FLA and have never looked back.
Eff the Rotten Apple. Anybody that lives there gets what they asked for…misery!

USMC Steve

There it is, kind of like the self licking ice cream cone. The normal people are getting out of there, and the leftarded idiots stay and wonder why their lives suck, refusing to realize that they did it to themselves, and too stupid to stop doing it to themselves.


Insanity is to keep voting Democrat and blame Republicans because nothing improves.

Army-Air Force Guy

The GOP hasn’t held any real power in Oregon for well over two decades now and the Dems are still blaming them for all of the states’ ills.


Having got what she asked for, you would hope she would shut up. But they never do…

Hack Stone

Is this thread about the large “exflux” of New York taxpayers or the people who did not flock to the theaters to see Bros?


Brevity is the soul of Squidwit 😜 


Some broad from Buffalo telling the rest of her state what a New Yorker is?

That’s not going to age well.


NY sucks. I experienced the suck when I was “investigated” by NY in 1981 for filing my federal tax return with a “APO NY address” but not filing a NY state tax return.

It took a year of letters back and forth to resolve. Prior to that the only time I, an Illinois resident coming off of 6 years Army Recruiting duty in Chicago, had been in NY was the connecting flight at JFK from Chicago to Frankfurt to begin my 3 year overseas tour.


Ah, Blue State state bureaucrats… think the world revolves around their navels while unaware there’re other states, etc. out there.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

So? The state of NY investigated you? What were they going to do? Confiscate/impound/lien income/bank accounts that never came near the state of NY?
I would imagine that it all sounds scary when you’re in the middle of it all, but really, what was the state going to do? With money/property/income/accounts that were never in the state? Demand that you pay anyway? LOL!
That would be a case of the BBB (Big Brass Balls) where you tell the state to pound sand….sideways.


People in Connecticut have a lot to bitch about but all of our neighbors have it much worse. Especially New York.

Prior Service

Confused. Do I laugh at NY for enacting legislation and policies that drive people out of the state or worry that they haven’t been enlightened but are maybe just a bit less liberal or simply unable to pay the high cost of (liberal) living and will vote their liberal ways in their new home? They already California’d my Washington.

Maybe we should just opt for the long game and isolate them in their liberal enclaves where they will die off due to an inability or unwillingness to reproduce?


I left NY for constitutional carry.

Many others feel the same way.

Regular NYers are much more politically diverse than people realize. You only have to worry when NY economic policies start driving the liberals toward lower costs of living.

A Proud Infidel®™

“…  where they will die off due to an inability or unwillingness to reproduce?”

That’s probably why the libtards are for open borders, they see it as a supply of D-rat voters. What bothers me is that among those fleeing are libtards who want to infest other States and turn them into liberal shitholes like fleeing Californites did with the likes of Washington, Oregon and Colorado!


They are coming to Az in droves. They come up here, talk down to people and call us the bad guy. We f them over every chance we get. You cannot reason with them. Their eyes get all weird when they see guns on our hips.


They already destroyed Teton County (Idaho and Wyoming) where I grew up. I’ll be damned if they’ll get Arizona too. And you’re right, their eyes glaze over and their lips kinda twitch when they see how many folks are carrying.


Too many people from NJ, NY, MA, and MD moving to my NC over the past 20 years. If it keeps up it will end up just like rest of that cesspool. Way too many are like locusts. Never learn and just destroy everyplace they move to.

We definitely need more stringent and selective immigration policies, and building a big wall. Right on the Mason Dixon line.


I hear ya. Voted GOP and complained about RINOs longe before I got to deepest Red State-land– folk need to learn to stop being idiots.


I don’t know when I can leave PRoMD but I have a boat accident just waiting to happen.


Ditto. Due to job reasons, I was temporarily interned in Bodymore, Murderland for three years. Got out ASAP.

Green Thumb

At least she ain’t Cuomo.

A Proud Infidel®™

“The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” – Lady Margaret Thatcher

So now with so many others fleeing the dump that liberalism has made NY State into, she wants to hasten the exodus of taxpaying people, DUMBASS!!!


The only New Yawker I knew in the Army was so deranged that we used to bad mouth FDR in front of him, just to see him burst into tears. So glad that I’ve never been there.


Funny thing is in recent years many have begun pointing out that FDR was, in fact, a pretty terrible president. Maybe your old Army acquaintance offed himself by now, overwhelmed with emotion and dismay.


If he’s still around, he’d be a puddle of tears.


Well, north of Yonkers and east of Nassau County ain’t New York either then.


Funny you should say that.

I grew up in North Tarrytown (now Sleepy Hollow). Best thing I ever did was leave that fucking state.

Those of us who grew up within sight of New York City and whose lives were strongly influenced by “Da City” always considered ourselves very close to NYC. We may not have been born and raised in the five boroughs, but I did feel a strong connection to it. And I spent LOTS of time there. Just hop on the train and before you know it, Grand Central Station!

My sister lives in Manhattan and my nephew resides in Brooklyn. And I have tons of other relatives there.

Years after leaving, I went back for my nephew’s wedding and I got an education in NYC residents’s attitude towards anyone who had the nerve not to live within the city’s confines. My NYC accent comes out when I’m there and the clerk asked me where I grew up. When I said “The Tarrytowns”, she replied, voice dripping with contempt, “Oh, you grew up in the country!” (cont)

Last edited 1 year ago by MustangCryppie

And that show of contempt has been repeated more than once since then. At one time I was a fans of the Mets and I would wear a Mets jacket. One clown asked me about it and when he found out that I grew up in Westchester, he carried on like it was a crime that a “non-New Yorker” would wear that jacket.

I used to say “I Love NY”. Now I say “Go FUCK YOURSELF NY!” My shadow will never darken the place ever again.


There was a reason my family moved out to Suffolk County in the ’50s. Don’t blame ’em.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

Mid-Island (a.k.a., “Joey Buttafuco-land” as my family calls it) may have its bizarre moments (and I realize that was Nassau County ol’ Joey actually lived in, not Suffolk) but it does beat the city.


Joey Buttafuco-land! LMAO! Haven’t heard THAT name in a long time!

Oh, yeah. Suffolk County is a world away from NYC! A cousin had a home in Southold, wayyyy out on the Island. Couldn’t ask for a nicer place.


All Republicans on the trains to the camps. They are to be stripped of citizenship, as they are not true New Yorkers. Next it will be the Jews or the Christians.


You are not New York taxpayers.



Free Upstate from New York City. The Governoress came rule the big city. Free Upstate….


Her office is in Albany.

Dean A. Hoffman



No problemo. Plenty of illegal immigrants to take their places. Try to build a first-world society with that material. The left imports mass numbers of third-worlders to get the power to implement programs that these third-worlders won’t be able to generate enough wealth to pay for.


iMira, Free Sh*t! (Pay no attention you left Venezuela because that sucked.)

A Proud Infidel®™

Funny you should mention illegal aliens, the State of Colorado just announced that they’re shipping another batch to Nooh Yawk City because uhhm, yeah, they SAY they’re a “Sanctuary City”!

Top W Kone

It was a very sad day when I realized I could not return to my moms home town in upstate New York. The family farm is still there, it started in 1794. But as I got closer to getting out of Active Duty, I realized I could not go home.

Half my rifles are illegal. My civilian job prospects while having 15% higher pay than other places their cost of living is 30% higher.

I could buy land but would have had to jump through hoops to get any use out of it.

So sad. The hills are so lovely. My family has such history in the town that would have been so nice to continue.

But I had to walk away to freedom.

USMC Steve

Places are just places Top. Find yourself another one that you like and be happy dude.


I will always miss the Adirondacks, and the rivers, and the Amish cheddar… but you’re absolutely right, Top. Albany (in deference to NYC votes) has ruined such a beautiful state.

Forest Bondurant



As a Floridian and right-Libertarian, I welcome all red voters to the Sunshine State. We need you here; too many woke types coming from up North looking to turn Florida into a lefty hellhole. I’m a DC-born transplant who came here to escape Yankee wokeism. The only allegiance I kept from the old home place is my love for the Washington Redskins (the HTTR means Hail To The Redskins).