Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| December 27, 2022

This guy has a lot of problems

I’m also suspicious of men who want to breed with libs

White people are dangerous for existing

I’m not a simp. I just let my wife fuck other dudes. That’s maturity.

Being against whiteness isn’t racist. It’s not about skin tone

Political violence and racism are core tenets of this guy’s ideology

Calling PETA. They’re making whales entertain people again

Admiral Maxwell ‘Grandma Killer’ Klinger has an important message

She says she’s part dog. From the looks of things, I think she may be right

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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Mental illness is a terrible thing.

RGR 4-78

So much insanity, so little lithium.


It’s all going to the batteries for coal fueled cars.


Left/libtards be nuts.


I don’t have a problem if cuck “lets” his slutty wife bang other dudes. It might be her only chance at improving the gene pool. Speaking of which there is definitely something wrong with any guy that wants to have a kid with crazy lady. She has a point there.

It’s good to know that the Leftists in the US Government are now openly calling for censorship instead of sending it though the back door like the FBI was shown to be doing yesterday. Truth is more refreshing.

Last edited 2 years ago by 5JC

Of course it comes from someone with the user name vegan.soldier.uk
What else would it be?


Cuckboy is a simp.
comment image

over the hill RNGR

A mind is a sad thing to lose.


I’m afraid of the mental health crisis this country will be faced with in 10-20 years — once all the damaged children grow up and the insanity/results of woke ideologies and policies are realized.

So many schools, teachers and doctors will be sued into oblivion and democratic politicians will once again be begging for amnesty.

Less inclusion — more sanitariums and accountability.


Nah, they will all be dead from Covid 25 or nuclear fire.


Job-security for the mental health biz.


Saw a thing once “you want to see how you did as a parent, don’t look at your kids. Look at your grandkids, the people YOU trained, raised them. Think on general the Boomers failed miserably looking at their grandkids.


When young people, who recklessly believed these assholes and got snipped, wake up to the nightmare, I think these teachers, doctors et al have much more to worry about than just being sued.

Forest Bondurant

I’m disappointed there isn’t a liberal out there who hasn’t commented on how it’s the fault of “white oppressive snow” that’s wreaking havoc in NY State.


Wow, that’s a special kind of stupid


They work hard at it, too.

Green Thumb

Where do these people come from?


Is that one woman, having issues with Caucasian people, trying to hack up a furball? She lacerates whites, yet her video settings make her less brown and more “Caucasian” looking.

Unfortunately, videos like these are not anomalies but common, especially among the younger generations.

There was another TikTok video of a guy essentially saying the same thing as the guy in the simp video, but “cuck” is used instead of simp. The guy nearly looked like the “Simpjak” in the attached image.

I am not a cuck so I chose to allow my girlfriend to sleep with other men.jpg
Last edited 2 years ago by thebesig

Cucks beclown themselves.

Green Thumb

His chick has been banging dudes a lot longer than he knows. Trust me.

Coool set up for her, actually. Free rent, free chow and all the sex she wants on the town.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

WHite people are dangerous simply by existing?
Wow! You’re a special kind of stupid, aren’t you.
Well…….you’re white……you exist……therefore YOU’RE dangerous.
ANd you haven’t “offed” yourself yet? Hypocrite.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Yes, I’m a male. Yes, I want biological children.
But with YOU!? Nah, that’s a hard pass NOPE!
Maybe use you for a one night stand if I’m that hard up.
But for now, even that’s a hard pass NOPE!
Ever heard of MGTOW?
(Men Going Their Own Way)
You’re the reason why that was created.

Marriage 2.0… or why nobody wants to get married today.

Screenshot_20221227_192710_Samsung Internet_resized.jpg

Cynical as all get out, but damn it is definitely true!


You cheat, she gets the house, the kids and half your income.

She cheats, she gets the house, the kids and half your income.

Just sayin’.


Somebody didn’t get a good enough lawyer or something. When getting divorced that’s a time you don’t want to skimp.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“Whales Entertaining”

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

How to come out as trans? Simple! First, cross dress.
Second, cut off that part of your anatomy that betrays your “gender”. ANd in order to show how HARD CORE you are, do it yourself, without anesthesia, or hospital backup. What could go wrong?! After all, you’re setting an example for those who would follow in your footsteps. “Do it for the children”.


She identifies as a dog? A well placed smack on the snout with a rolled up newspaper will fix that behavior.


You misspelled “baseball bat”


A guide to coming out as trans to your students:

“Children. I have an important announcement to make. I have some serious mental health issues to deal with, and until I get better, it’s not a good idea for me to be around children. So, I can’t be your teacher anymore. Let me introduce your new teacher to you. I’m sure you’ll make her as proud of all of you as I am.”

That is all.


Very disappointed that the “woman” in the last clip didn’t bark or howl or both at the end.

Slow Joe

I wouldn’t be surprised if I some point the Gruberment will come out with an army of British style cigarettes and cut the dicks of all white men, because of white surplusmacistz, to make all POCs “feel safe”, whatever that is.

Who the phukc came up with POC?
People of color? So white people have no color? Like transparent? Or invisible?

This is Marxism 101. Divide people in classes and conquer them.