Monday FGS

| December 19, 2022

SOG Machete

Michigan man shot by motorist during botched carjacking: police
Damon Lamar Currie was charged after police said ‘evidence of the crime was discovered’ at his home

By Jon Brown | Fox News
A Michigan man was shot during a botched carjacking, authorities said.

Damon Lamar Currie, 27, was shot by the driver of a Dodge Charger Hellcat who fought back when Currie and at least one other person allegedly tried to carjack him last Tuesday morning in Eastpointe, about 14 miles from Detroit, according to the Eastpointe Police and Fire Department.

A shootout broke out between the would-be car thief and the Hellcat’s owner, who had a concealed pistol license, authorities said.

The suspect allegedly drove away from the scene in a stolen Chevy Impala and later showed up at a local hospital with a bullet wound to the leg, according to authorities.

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Fox News

Seems Mr. Currie was interested in an upgrade. The actual owner disagreed.

Man armed with machete shot several times in Warrington

WARRINGTON, Fla. — The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office says a man was shot several times after approaching a home with a machete in Warrington.

The shooting happened on Decatur Avenue at around 11:30 p.m. Saturday night.

Deputies say the shooting victim did not live at the residence.

The victim suffered non life threatening injuries.

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They misspelled “thug” again. Question to the class, is a machete a large knife or small sword? Thanks again to our Gun Bunny, who was kind enough to provide the link.

“A president cannot defend a nation if he is not held accountable to its laws.”
– DaShanne Stokes

Yes, I know who Mr. Stokes is. Sticking him in the eye with his own words from 2017? Priceless.

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link, Points-and-Laughs

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Mr Mark Swanson needs a basic remedial English class – or stop sending his scribblings through the translation mill twice (English -foreign -English)

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Florida Man strikes …….errr……..gets struck again.
And once again, knife-gunfight-NO!
Not that there’s anything wrong with a machete, I keep one under my driver’s seat, ever since I used to roam the back roads in AZ. And have kept it there, even though I now live in The Big City. Just In Case, ya know?


A machete is more a cleaver than a sword or a knife. It is meant to hack and chop, not slice, cut or stab (which is more how knives and swords are used).

Although in this case it is an “alleged machete”. Now if I am a machete I am not going to take that shit lying down.

Last edited 1 year ago by 5JC
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Now if I am a machete, I would take that situation in hand, and strike back against the nay-sayers and liars.
There. Fixed it for ya.


A machete is a tool! Knives are typically described as having a blade on one side under a certain length. Swords typically have a two sided blades, Japanese Samuari swords being an exception, at least a certain length. Though Rapiers are kinda not sharp on any side but the point. Daggers are two sided blades smaller than a sword.
A machete is just a larger knife made for a specific purpose…better question is what is a Khukri!?


I would say that a machete can be used as a sword.

Not all swords are two-edged (see: scimitar and katana)
Some are made for a slashing attack, others for a thrusting attack. Some are primary thrusting attack secondarily cutting attack. The period during which they were developed and the protections they were to counter determine the form of the sword. (Same for knives.)

Qua a tool, it is make for hacking/slashing through vegetation but is equally capable of a slashing attack against an aggressor.

Regardless, taking a machete or other edged weapon to a gun fight is quite frequently an exercise in self-annihilation.


Doncha just love these poor victim selection skilz stories? I know that I do. That cat caught hell, didn’t he?

There’s another story in the queue where a nutjob brings a blade to a gunfight. Stay tuned.

Mr. Stokes can go EADOD.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Did Mr Currie find the levee dry when he drove his Chevy there?