Oh Dear God- IVAW behind the Music

| August 10, 2009

WARNING: If bright lights, retarded speeches or Geoff Millard cause you to have panic attacks or seizures, do not watch this without consulting a proctologist first.

Here’s Army Sergeant and the IVAW coven getting their stories straight before telling their straight stories. I haven’t made it through it all yet, but I’ve seen more organization in a 4th grade dodgeball game at recess.

I’m starting to have a Pavlovian response to Millard’s voice. I really hate that man with the burning hatred of a million haters drinking hatoraid.

Why We Fight from Displaced Films on Vimeo.

PS: Whose phone number is 813-226-3436 that Millard is dialing?  Tell me that is Sandanista Jones Mejia…

PPPS: Geoff Millard is completely full of shit regarding the Geneva Convention.  Seriously, yoo be out yo dam mind foo’.

Category: Politics

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Newsflash to the ‘lil phuquestain wanting a weak military, that’s a great way to fill body bags…
Now ‘scuse me, I have to clean the bile & chunks off my laptop.


“a million haters drinking hatoraid” is probably the funniest thing I’ve read in at least a year. I mean, at least the funniest thing I’ve read since I was told that a government health care take-over would fix the economy.

Blue Cylcone

When people feel the need to characterize themselves as patriots and continually make that part of the conversation, it makes me wonder if they are trying to convince me or to convince themselves. History will judge who correctly falls into which category. Continually saying “I’m a great patriot” does not make it so.


Dude at 3:00 talking to AS has to be in the ISO. Listen to the way he speaks about “GI Resistance.” Whenever you hear someone making declaratory statement while raising their inflection to give the sentence the sound of a question, you know there is a significant probability of that person being progressive/leftist/socialist/communist.

Want to know the funny thing about Millard at 3:50 when he starts talking about how there has been GI resistance since our country existed? I once sat through a lecture by Millard on the “History of GI Resistance” where he started his time-Taco-Bell-cinnamon-twist (No, literally. He wouldn’t use a time line. It was curly like a cinnamon twist.) talking about “GI resistance” in the Roman empire. He was using a crude form of string theory to justify why IVAW is right in advocating “GI resistance.” I wanted to stab myself in the ears with sporks.


According to google, Bill Levesque lives on the other end of 813-226-3436.


“GI resistance” in the Roman empire.”

Ring-ring-ring, Calling Claymore, your satirical story telling services are needed!!!


Hmm… Centurion Brutus Mallard McBethicus has a nice ring to it.

Yat Yas

What a bunch of self-absorbed a-holes. Couldn’t finish this tripe, especially listening to Millard. As far as AS, hate to to tell her, but a bunch of old farts have also served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

NYC Veteran

IVAW = Brownian Motion

Another Disgruntled ex-IVAW "member"

It’s time for someone to go after Adrienne Kinne. This ISO member works for the VA but also justifies American Troops sabatoging other troops in the combat zone. I think the VA should know this.


I’ll admit I’m fumbling and stumbling some.

I truly enjoy the collective efforts that TaH, and others expend concerning this issue.

Still it ain’t unreasonable to ask… So what?

From, at least, GoE I we all know that ANSWER uses the IVAW as some sort of veneer. Toss in the ISO and just what is the point?

Don’t mean to ‘rain on your parade’, but keep this in mind…


Ok, I knew this was a bag of shit from the very beginning when they can’t even get the oath right. For people supposedly Veterans and “in the know” they should at the very least get the f**king oath right.

The thought of a “weak” military; are they f**king kidding me?

The next line of crap is the logic of soldiers dying. No shit shirlock, that’s what happens in a war. I hate to break it to ya, but it happens in peacetime, also.

With the way these assmunches are talking; I’m wondering why they joined the military to begin with? Did they think that they could justsign up and get some college money and not have to do any of that soldier stuff? Did they think by joining the National Guard that they wouldn’t have to do much, except sit back and drill one weekend a month and get all that college money?

They have questions about why we’re fighting in both Iraq and Afghanistan; well I have questions as to why the hell they even volunteered to put on the uniform to begin with, if they have such disdain for it now.

This crap pisses me off to no end.


I would put money on the fact that the dude AS is talking to in the engagement to which OldTrooper refers is not an IVAW member. If I’m wrong, I offer a $5 donation to TAH if he’s an Iraq vet and member of IVAW.

Another Disgruntled ex-IVAW "member"

The shitbag that wants a “weak” military is Perry O’Brien. He deployed to Afghanistan back in 2003…he is a member of “IV”AW.

Tough call on the bet…He’s NOT an Iraq Vet but is a member of “IV”AW.

Country Singer

You know, I’m going to call Army Sergeant out here. I blog over at Military Pundits. I started off with a few rants that I submitted to Bouhammer to see if he wanted to post them with me being a Guest Blogger. After a few months, I asked him if he wanted me to become a regular blogger. AS is listed as a blogger over there, but she has never once blogged there as far as I can see. So come on AS, let’s hear your voice on MP. Hey, you signed up for it, right?

And yes, I’m stirring the pot!

Tim Sumner

Is the Hispanic looking brunette is currently in the Army? WTF was she doing in uniform (in the car) taking part in the video? As for the “President” of the D.C. Chapter of IVAW, Millard’s name fits him. His namesake (sounds like ‘film more’) hailed from the same state, had been NY militia, and was also unelected and ascended when Zach Taylor died. Yet this Millard starts out ahead; our long forgotten 13th President was in his day best known for dragging down his Whig Party, passing the Fugitive Slave Act that forced free states to return slaves to their owners, and promptly losing the 1852 election to Franklin Pierce. President Millard Fillmore’s party became the Know Nothing Party; this Millard is already there.


“Did they think by joining the National Guard that they wouldn’t have to do much, except sit back and drill one weekend a month and get all that college money?”

Watch “The Ground Truth” and you’ll hear that “I joined the National Guard and my Recruiter told me I’d never deploy” mantra constantly.

Any moron who’s bothered to READ FRIGGIN’ NEWSPAPERS prior to 9/11 would see that as time has gone by, the Guard was being called on more and more to pick up the slack for active duty units cut after the fall of the Berlin wall. In the Clinton era, the 29th LightID and the 49th Armored did Bosnia rotations… Gee-willikers, a war breaks out on 9/11 and you’re in shock that you have to pack your bags-n-baggage?

You sign a contract with an organization, it behooves you to do a ‘lil research. The National Guard was formed in 1903 under the Dick act to make calling the militia up easier to do and for the Guard to be the Reserve force for the active component.Ignorance of that fact is no excuse, caveat emptor!


“In the Clinton era, the 29th LightID and the 49th Armored did Bosnia rotations…”

With regard to the 29th, technically only the 3-116 deployed. And more technically, only Charlie company thereof. I was in that company that went. Cheesiest deployment eveh.

Ever Forward.

Brown Neck Gaitor

29th Let’s Stay.


Ah shit. Where do I send my $2.50?

Country Singer

Still waiting, AS…