Friday FGS

| December 9, 2022


1 Dead, 1 hurt after shooting and attempted armed robbery in Warner Robins
Warner Robins police say it happened on 1307 Watson Boulevard near Vernon Drive

Warner Robins Police are investigating an armed robbery that left a man dead on Watson Boulevard on Monday night.

Police say they responded to a call around 9:44 p.m. about an armed robbery at American Philly N Wing on 1307 Watson Boulevard near Vernon Drive.

When officers arrived, they spoke to the business owner and multiple witnesses who say the victim was pistol whipped.

Police say during that time the victim pulled out his own weapon and shots were fired.

The suspect then ran away, and officers found him in an area on Vernon drive.

The suspect went to the hospital with gunshot wounds, and later died from his injuries.

The suspect was identified as 23-year-old Joshua Hickey, according to Coroner James Williams.

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An autopsy will be performed at taxpayer expense to determine the cause of Mr. Hickey’s untimely demise. Is Covid still a thing?

CA police fatally shoots man who lit a tree on fire, charged at officers with piece of wood
San Bernardino police shot the man after unsuccessfully deploying a stun gun

San Bernardino police shot and killed a man who set a palm tree on fire and then charged at officers with a large piece of wood, officials said.

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Fox News

-Dog and his Montey Python pointed sticks skit in 5, 4, 3…
*grin* Thanks again, Gun Bunny.

“Now I Have A Machine Gun. Ho Ho Ho.”
– John McClane

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

A large piece of wood. In other words, a stick.
Another addition to the ever growing encyclopedia of “things to NOT bring to a gun fight”.
Doesn’t matter how softly you talk, or how large the stick is.

Last edited 1 year ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Rather than say large piece of wood, or even stick. Call it a club and his invitation to the room temperature challenge.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Looks like he joined the “club”.
Or did the “club” join him?


charged at officers

Out of Fs to dole, Top. The condition of stick possession is re-elephant.

Another victim of the Saint Floyd hoax is to be ‘sentenced’ today. Officer Kueng is looking at 3 1/2 years for Public Service in the First Degree.



This case still bothers me as “Saint” George the career criminal would be alive today if he had just got his stupid ass in the police car. All the officers are getting their lives destroyed over trying to help society deal with a worthless dumbass.


The dude was circling the drain from intoxication, heart inflammation and diminished lung capacity due to Chicommflu.

Having a donnybrook with the po’ didn’t help none.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Stick it to him the LEO said to his partner as the perp rushed toward them with a stick which would have been a real sticky situation if the Officer didn’t get his/her gun out in time from maybe the gun sticking in a too tight holster.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande



See what I mean about the plethora of “poor victim selection skilz” perps? Had to use the DDD (Digital Decision Device) to determine FGS/SPoTW status. Two (2) less oxygen thieves to prey upon society.

Was Mr. McClane identifying as Santy Claus or calling out Kumhella’s name?

Woulda been nice to have a IDF Warrior Princes to go along with the Uzi. Jus’ sayin’

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Did you mean “IDF warrior Princes” (plural);
Or “IDF warrior Princess”?
(given a choice, I’d take the latter)

I think he meant ‘hotties’:

IDF hotties and a douche.jpg

Y’all know what I meant, even if auto corrupt didn’t.


It’s ok bud, it’s been a long week.
Off to the pheasant field, wish me luck!

(btws, I got you something)


My Man! Proof that the Infuntree Dood lubs his Gun Bunny and wants him to be happy. Have a serving of this Beef Beast Brisket, washed down with Mr. Miller’s Elixar, to go along with that bird.


I appreciate you, Reb!

Supposedly the state Deepartmental of Enviromenting sewed 670 birds on the field I visit.

Haven’t seen one this year.

I guess they (the birds) took the day off when I was there.


“…sewed 670 birds…” Dood ya got me in stitches! Or are you just trying to needle with us? A real danger zone you’re flying into with the Maverick syntax. Better put that on ice, man, or you’ll find your goose cooked. You flunk Home Ec or do the teacher and not the lessons? ‘scuse me I’ll go “sew” some snark elsewhere. “Sew “ long. Eat too much Thai food and you’ll split into two!


I was in a good mood, Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ when your ego started writing checks your body can’t cash.

The Gov likes to say they take our money for hunting licenses and permits, pay farmer john to raise birds, and stock (sew) them fields with them.

Even over dogs, my fellow orange vests got skunked this day.

In sum, them govboys done sewed us up a snipe hunt.

I’d be better off flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit out of hong kong then hunting in this bullshit state.


WSB, Brother. We got plenty of critters that want to find their proper place in life…on a plate next to the taters, peas, and carrots. Slim on pheasant (got a brother in SD tho), do has plenty of quail, dove, bambi, porcines, black bear, squirrel, rabbit, mr ducks, geese, and fish galore.

Bookmarked your gift. Where do I sign up? 😜


Hope you had good luck.


Skunked again.

Had thai food instead.
I consider it a ‘win’.

Thanks for the wishings.

Last edited 1 year ago by Roh-Dog

Some cuties right there. And that guy certainly isn’t putting in for a transfer (unless they all get PMS on the same day…)