Quick updates: Dem election spending against Reps, Poland missiles, Hunter update

| November 17, 2022

Remember a while back I mentioned the Democrats were funding third party and Republican second tier candidates to weaken the Republican primary candidates? Sort of like if they would have funded Ross Perot to steal voters from Bush in ’92? Well, it worked…and worked big.

Banking that these far-rightcandidates would fail to capture the support of moderates and independents needed to win in November, Democratic political action committees and groups such as the Democratic Governors Association bought ads during party primaries earlier this yearthat highlighted Republican candidates’ association with former President Trump.

And the controversial strategy appears to have paid off for the party as nominees they promoted lost their races to a Democrat last week.

USA Today via Yahoo.

Cost a lot of money but they picked up some crucial wins that way.

Photoshopped Iranian launch

Poland:  even the Poles are saying the missile strikes in Poland were – gotta love it – Ukrainian.

Poland said Wednesday the missile that landed in a village near the Ukrainian border, leaving two people dead, was “very likely” caused by Kyiv’s air defenses.

“Most likely, this was an unfortunate accident,” Polish President Andrzej Duda said on Wednesday, referring to Ukraine defending itself against the barrage of Russian missiles that targeted the country the day before.

Yahoo News

According to the BBC, both Russia and Ukraine use the S-300 air defense missile.   “Fog of war”, indeed. I read where Biden called an emergency meeting of concerned nations to discuss – wonder what they will talk about now?

Things are about to get interesting in Hunter Biden’s world. There is a suit alleging the government worked hand-in-hand with social media companies (Meta, Twitter, etc.) to distort and censor attitudes on topics like Covid and Hunter Biden’s laptop. The list of named defendants is now 62 strong, and includes familiar players like the CDC, Fauci, Psaki, and others.

Lawyers for the Biden administration sought to block several of the depositions, including Chan’s. The lawyers noted that Meta, Facebook’s parent company, has said that Chan, an assistant special agent in charge (ASAC), did not advise the company to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story.

“Based on this newly received evidence, the Court should amend the Deposition Order, and withdraw its authorization of a deposition of ASAC Chan,” the lawyers argued.

However, the two attorneys general opposed the motion, arguing they never suggested Chan told Facebook to suppress the story but that the special agent participated in talks that led to the suppression.

“Moreover, there are additional compelling reasons to depose Chan—including that he is the principal point of contact between social-media platforms and the FBI Section that combats so-called ‘disinformation’ on social media; that he routinely organizes and participates in oral meetings with social-media platforms about election-related disinformation; and that he has openly boasted about coordinating with social-media platforms to combat misinformation and disinformation,” they said.

Yeah, that Biden laptop was all Russian disinformation. Musk already fired the guy in Twitter who helped bury the laptop story – should be interesting to see how all this plays out. Popcorn, anyone?


Category: 2022 Elections, International Affairs, Ukraine

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The Uniparty is alive, well, and growing. Nothing to see here, Citizen. Move along!

They will discuss sending in American built ADA so this tragic accident won’t happen again…and get the Big Guy a raise in his 10%. Inflation and all that.

There was a report that Trump farted after a big meal and a Kongressional Inquiry was launched. Trump’s fault because he ordered take out from Taco Bell. Yet the lying and nefarious activities that have known to happen is buried in the mass of lies being spewed on a daily basis. The truth is what the Party tells you it is.


Reject the evidence of your eyes and ears Comrade. The Minitru will guide you.

Don’t go all….


TBM defense is a difficult affair. Poland seems to understand. Polish PM: “Let me be clear, this is not the fault of the Ukraine, Russia bears the ultimate responsibility.”


It gets curiouser and curiouser…


That’s nothing. Wait till CNN and MSNBC start backing Trump again, cuz that will start happening again very soon (as soon as a real competitor enters the race). The hilarious irony that it will evoke will make liberal heads explode for real.

Now that he is in the race the only play is to delay the assault on Trump’s walking around privileges until after the party has a clear nominee. If it is him that is a clean win for the left and they will either straight up try to put him in prison for hard time or have him whacked.


“Have him whacked”? Bet on it, Hill-Dawg has a lo-o-o-o-n-g memory, and DJT usurped her presidency.