Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| October 25, 2022

Giving porn to children should be a crime

This is what passes for “comedy” now

HE seems angry

If they push it any further they’ll go plaid

I’m still old-fashioned in that I like my women to not have a penis

Beto’s coming from your AR-15 and your kids

Ah yes, that noted white supremacist Martin Luther King, Jr.

Ages like fine wine

Quite a change in just 6 months

What media bias?

Huh, bail reform needs to be reformed

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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Horrible Democrat policies aren’t a problem until election time…
Defiant L’s & Libs of Tik Tok are STILL THE BEST ACCOUNTS on Twitter…
I can’t wait for them NOT to be throttled down when Elon takes control…
After demonizing The GOP, Dems will call for bipartisan support once they are the minority party in both houses…
Except, they’ll want GOP support for THEIR BILLS ONLY…
McCarthy & McConnell be tell them to get fucked, because its time to fix the mess they created…


Did someone say reform?


Last edited 1 year ago by 5JC
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

WOW! That “flag”!
I’m having flashbacks, and I haven’t touched LSD in over 40 years!
Anyone gotten convulsions and epileptic spasms yet?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Kalifornication teacher put on leave.
Unfortunately, not enough leave.
Should have his soul leave his body.
That’d fix the problem….permanently.

I suspect he has already sold his soul to a certain someone.


Ethan Klein is a nasty authoritarian-leaning piece of crap.
I don’t like what he said there, generally dislike what he says always, I kinda hate his face, and I think he, and his clotshot shilling ways, can fuck off.

That being said, within context and in the range of political discussion, I think he should be allowed to make an ass of himself.

Why should spicy speech warrant timeouts or dog-piling?

Idiocy is whole lot easier to see in the Light.


Winston knew about left/libtards.


It’s almost like they’ll say anything they need to in order to get reelected.


I have erotic fantasies about putting child molesters into wood chippers. I will seek professional help…to crank the wood chippers…and sharpen the blades.


Yeah, cuz nothing dulls the blades like large bones, like femurs and hips.


Looks like the other shoe has come crashing down the Vax in New York….

Last edited 1 year ago by 5JC

Queery: How does one misgender a creature that doesn’t appear to have a specific gender? Asking for a friend who is alphabet curious, as I don’t care.