Joe Biden claims assault weapons ban if Democrats keep both House and Senate

| August 27, 2022

Joe Biden told his audience that if two more senators are added to the current Democrat senator count, and if the House is kept, they would get unfinished business completed. This unfinished business includes banning assault weapons. However, there is the need to overcome the 60-vote threshold to make many of their campaign promises a reality.

From the Post Millennial:

Right now Democrats are in control of Congress and have been since the November 2020 election. The House of Representatives has a Democrat majority with 224 seats while Republicans occupy 212.

In the Senate, Democrats control 50 seats and Republicans control 50 seats with Democratic Vice President and Border Czar Kamala Harris as the Democratic tie-breaking 51st vote.

If the Senate were to gain two more seats in the midterms the voting block would still not meet the 60-vote threshold to beat the filibuster, and any legislation would have to pass along budget reconciliation methods, as did the $739 billion The Inflation Reduction Act.

In June Biden called to ban assault weapons by reinstating the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban.

Previously, Vice President Harris defined ‘assault weapons’ as any weapon, “designed for a specific purpose – to kill a lot of human beings quickly. An assault weapon is a weapon of war with no place, no place in a civil society.”

CNBC notes that the term is “ambiguous,” “contentious,” and “invented by the anti-gun lobby in the 1980s.”

Biden also promised that, after the midterms, he was going to “codify Roe,” and “protect voting rights” so that “no one ever has an opportunity to steal the election again.”

Biden took a break from his most recent vacation to attend the rally hosted by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in the gymnasium of Richard Montgomery High School in the suburb of Washington DC. Candidates at the event included Maryland Democratic gubernatorial nominee Wes Moore.

According to a DNC official, the 100 attendees helped raise $1 million for the committee and the Democratic Grassroots Victory Fund.

The Post Millennial has the link to this story.

Category: Joe BIden, Second Amendment

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Well, that’s what the British said when they went to seize arms at Concord and look what happened.


Pedo Joe is just begging for an all-out civil war. I don’t think it’d end the way the lefties imagine either.


These people are not brave, they are the worst kind of thug, the type afraid to ‘get their hands dirtied’ and would send others to do their bidding.

Vile, contemptuous creatures.


Which is why the military is being groomed for such.


I will not allow myself, nor my fellow Americans, to be subjugated and terrorized by a ‘100 people’ in a ‘high school gymnasium’ licking the fingers of their patronus in some kind of ritual.

These people are cultists and intend to use force upon anyone that dares to tell them ‘no’.

Not no, but FK NO. <– put that on my tombstone


Medicated Joe is just parroting the teleprompter. His handlers are desperately trying to drum up anything resembling support. Rather than addressing issues facing actual Americans, they are down to playing the Second Amendment card.

Pure conjecture at this point, but if passed who is going to enforce it? We all know who it won’t be.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO Joe Pedo is simply reciting what Soros tells him to!

BlueCord Dad

I’m not worried; if there’s ever a problem, I’ll just walk out on the balcony here and put that double-barrel shotgun out and fire two blasts outside the house. 

You don’t need an AR-15—it’s harder to aim, it’s harder to use, and in fact you don’t need 30 rounds to protect yourself. Buy a shotgun! Buy a shotgun!

Last edited 2 years ago by Roh-Dog

Well, a .50 BMG machine gun is pretty heavy. Maybe 10 moving boxes heavy. I Don’t really Know. Were the boxes loaded? Were they books or glassware?

An AR15, in .50 AE, Beowulf or SOCOM is maybe only as heavy as a couple of moving boxes?


The base plate for 81 mike goes in the box with the
kitchen pots and pans…


Well, I for one took Unka Joe’s advice and bought a shotgun (well… actually ‘another’ one, but a Vezir Sanayi Turkish imported). Rather ‘nice’ I would say. Slightly used, but a couple hundred rounds of Black Aces buck and slug, and 2 twenty round ‘nanners (NOT 30) included along with the the normal 2 10s and the scope thingy dude put on. Hope the pic comes out, had to resize due do upload limitations.

Oh, and I’ll just leave this here for you all. I think of this often when Unka Joe speaks.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Biden also promised that, after the midterms, he was going to “codify Roe,” and “protect voting rights” so that “no one ever has an opportunity to steal the election again.”

So he admitted that the 2020 election was stolen, and not stolen (bread)


That was my take on what he said and admitted by “steal the election again.” I suspect that comment wasn’t scripted by his handlers/minders. Joe’s problem is he knows some things we aren’t supposed to find out, and sometimes he lets something slip out in one of his off the cuff remarks.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

He also said something similar when the stolen election came up. Was something like this if I remember …
“”We have the best fraud team out there””. Went something like that.. Wouldn’t it be something if his handlers decided to make him resign and he gets so pissed off that he apologises to Pres Trump that the election was indeed stolen at his resignation speech.


Fornicate About and Discover.

Molon Labe, mofo!

I will not become a Subject…and won’t allow my Compatriots to become subjects either.  🇸🇴 

Amateur Historian

I’m gonna vote to prevent that…

The Stranger

Past a certain point, the ballot box is meaningless. You must then use the third of the boxes that secure freedom, the cartridge box.


So Joe is basically writing Republican campaign ads for them now?
I mean Carter level inflation, record gas prices, COVID BS, 87,000 new IRS agents, Afghanistan and shit ton of other failures aren’t enough to get out the vote for Republicans, Joe decides “Let me pour a little more gasoline on the fire”

Old tanker

Actually, I think the dems control about 51 to 57 senators at least given how there are several rinos on the other side of the aisle. The latest gun control act sponsored by cornyn best indicates that situation.

USMC Steve

Locate, close with, and destroy by fire and maneuver. It is way past time.