Stolen Valor – From Making History to Making License Plates

| August 18, 2022

Gabrielle Beutler

Gabrielle Beutler has been in the news a lot lately – initially based on accepting the post as Commander of Lavonia Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 5897.

She accepted the post a few short months ago in June 2022.  It wasn’t long before the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) arrested her and charged her with forgery, as well as misrepresenting her veteran status to get the appointment.

GBI Makes Arrest in Forgery Investigation

AUGUST 17, 2022

Lavonia, GA (August 16, 2022) – The GBI has arrested and charged Gabrielle Beutler, age 31, of Bowersville, GA, with one count of forgery, two counts of distributing false IDs, and two counts of misrepresentation of veteran status.On August 11, 2022, the Lavonia Police Department asked the GBI to investigate suspected criminal misconduct of Beutler, who was employed as the Post Commander at the VFW Post 5897 in Lavonia, GA. The investigation revealed that Beutler represented herself as a veteran and altered a U.S. Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty form and presented it the VFW for association and promotion. She also used false identification documents to obtain Purple Heart license plates for her vehicles. Beutler was arrested at the Lavonia VFW without incident.

This investigation is active and ongoing. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the GBI Athens Field Office at (706) 552-2309.  Anonymous tips can also be submitted by calling 1-800-597-TIPS (8477), online at, or by downloading the See Something, Send Something mobile app. Once the investigation is complete, the case file will be given to Northern Judicial Circuit District Attorney’s Office for prosecution.

It would be ironic if she were sent to prison, put on license plate detail, and had to make Purple Heart specialty plates.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.  She has the trial and if found guilty, the sentencing to go through.  It could be a slap on the wrist should there be a plea bargain.  They will most likely pursue fraud charges vs. stolen valor.  You know what we’re doing here.


Category: "Teh Stoopid", Purple Heart, Stupid Criminals, Valor Vultures

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She’s a beaut.

Amateur Historian

She’s a butte, actually. 😉

A Proud Infidel®™️

She played stupid games, now she’s about to win stupid prizes!


what a sack of shit


This is her:

She has lived in various places, i.e. Oklahoma, Nevada, Texas, West Virginia.


Pimping the kid to Go Fraud Me. Isn’t she just a box of chocolates?

A Proud Infidel®™️

She’s a box of Chocolate Ex-Lax®™️!

Daisy Cutter

Ya never know what your gonna git.


Lessons. . . .

1) When you’re breaking the law don’t make yourself high profile or. . . . (see above)

2) If she was only stealing shit in California, she’d still be on the streets. So pick your crimes and locations of said crimes carefully.


There’s gotta be a motorcycle and a leather vest covered in POSer bling involved somewhere here in this steaming hot mess.

There’s just gotta be.

What branch of the Armed Forces does ol’ Gabby here pretend to be affiliated with?


Roger; thanks.


Space Force National Guard (Guam)… using Battle of Hoth Campaign Medal with Endor clasp as VFW qualification.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Daisy Cutter

License plates and toilet wine – two fine prison skills.


“…Beutler represented herself as a veteran and altered a U.S. Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty form and presented it the VFW for association and promotion

Sounds like somebody’s baby momma that I know. She claims she’s to be an Army Veteran on Facebook, and other places. In reality (this may be a lie too) she was injured in bootcamp, then discharged after about 6 months. Her story is fishy, but I would not call someone who admits to never graduating from basic training a Veteran. 


On her GoFundMe page:

Looks as if she lied about her Daughter having cancer.

Additionally, there was a Motorcycle Ride that netted $4,500 for her daughter’s “cancer.”



Daisy Cutter

Maybe she could team up with Alaska Bob and do a be-all-to-end-all motorcycle ride and lick both cancers at once.

Last edited 2 years ago by Daisy Cutter
Daisy Cutter

Although I should point out that Alaska Bob has a very rare form of cancer. It’s an ‘Agent Orange Never Stepped Foot in Vietnam’ variety.

John Seabee

Daisy, I would point out that a number of vets, who were stationed at CBC Gulfport, MS, were exposed to the thousands of barrels of Agent Orange that was stored there and they didn’t step foot in country either…


Ha! I called it in my comment above!

I just knew that there had to be motorcycles involved somewhere in this reeking shitshow!

Now I wanna see the vests!

Heh heh heh…


This is what is known as the “Alaska Bob Gambit”/s

But since there hasn’t been an identification as to a service affiliation on the altered DD214, the tick mark will have to be entered as a “Floater That Just Won’t Flush” for FY22 Valor Vultures Tote-Board purposes.

Daisy Cutter

This is interesting and I have a hypothetical question about the official scoring.

  • If there is no military service, is she counted with the branch she falsely identifies with?

If that’s the case, it is much like conforming to a preferred pronoun. TAH is adapting to and honoring imaginative military service. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)

Last edited 2 years ago by Daisy Cutter

Well, the FY22 Valor Vultures Tote Board has already been modified to include the Space Force, so adding a “Floaters” category is not that hard.

But here we are with only a month and a half left until this year’s results are published on the 07 Oct 22 (new FY23) Weekend Open Thread, so I’m hoping the pace will pick up to make my efforts worthwhile.

MI Ranger

Wondering what MOS she claimed to be? Me may have our very first PAC clerk or Waterdog!

A REAL soldier

She’s probably a high speed Ranger or Pathfinder…Hell, maybe she’s SF. She looks super hardcore so….

jeff LPH 3 63-66

What’s going on with Alaska Bob. I thought that he and Sgt Preston of the Yukon RCMP and his dog King were still digging themselves out of a snowbank and the DD214 was put in a waterproof satchel tied around Kings neck to rush it RCMP HQ and then to Valor Guardians for evaluation.

Mike B

While I can’t confirm it as of yet. I read that she went to Boot/Basic for about a month and broke her foot, before getting separated.

A REAL soldier

I did that and got put on convalescent leave. Went back in 30 days and graduated. I wasnt offered a separation for a broke foot and I doubt she was either.


Skrunt! IDC SARC may pass on hitting that, but Strap on Sally won’t.


Just another case of The Man keepin’ her down.


 Gabrielle Beutler of Bowersville, GA done fornicated herself.

Enjoy your punishment, you EARNED it!

John Seabee

Hmmm… Maybe sleepy Joe could trade her for Brittany Griner.


Gross. You know the more I see disgusting scum like this the more I think the ancients may have been on to something when dealing with these types of people. They just got rid of them the moment that proof was obtained, gone, never to return, buh bye. No offspring contaminating the world, no scams, no lies, no nothing, just gone.


Tracked it down thru the VFW Post 5897 Book of the Face that she represented her service was as a Zoomie.

Daisy Cutter

“From Making History to Making License Plates”

From Hero to Zero



SMH…they never learn


Claimed to be AF security forces dog handler wounded in Afghanistan. Even invented the name of her non-existent dog that was killed in the same IED explosion that wounded her. Real piece of work.

A REAL soldier

Oh how i wish there was a way for her to spend a year in Afghan for real. That would be great karma for her.


[…] You may recall that we wrote about Gabrielle Beutler here. […]