Because, Monkeypox!
Clyde’s Editorial Comment
It’s official. Mr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, World Health Organization (WHO) director-general says so.
Right after he didn’t. Here’s the threat:
Monkeypox is a rare disease similar to smallpox caused by the monkeypox virus. It’s found mostly in areas of Africa but has been seen in other areas of the world. It causes flu-like symptoms such as fever and chills, and a rash that can take weeks to clear. There’s no proven treatment for monkeypox, but it usually goes away on its own.
The numbers:
More than 16,000 cases of monkeypox have been reported across more than 70 countries so far this year, and the number of confirmed infections rose 77% from late June through early July, according to WHO data. Five deaths from the virus have been reported in Africa this year. No deaths have been reported outside Africa so far.
The 800 pound, never mind. Annoying fact:
Men who have sex with men are currently at highest risk of infection.
General Quarters over this? I’m pretty disappointed. The Virus Ship has sailed, and the timing is off anyway. This all smacks of how out of touch PINO Joe’s Handlers really are, and that their coordination with WHO is shot. If a monkeypox epidemic is the hand they’re going to play, enjoy the magic show.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", 2022 Elections
Why didn’t the Biden-Harris Administration have a vaccine and plan in place to handle this virus that is impacting the community of men having sex with me, men having sex with men who identify as women, bisexual men having sex with men, and sex workers who may be men? We need to drop all support for cancer research and focus our efforts on wiping out monkey pox before it decimates the entertainment industry.
Uh….hmmmm….Hack Stone…Does dear little Rosetta Stone know about this? And I quote “…the community of men having sex with me,…” Is that why Elaine Ricci left you too? To steal a quote from Commissioner Wretched…”And now you {we} know!” I do believe that I am safe from contracting this particular virus.
A Pox on this Congress of Monkeys that are hell bent on their control of We, The People.
Just another wonderful contribution to the World from Africa.
You know that it is a typo, as Hack Stone always refers to himself in the third person. That’s Hack’s story, and he is sticking to it.
Hack Stone has voluntarily opened himself up to ridicule and mockery. But he’s not the FIRST to do so…
It’s out of Africa?
Very thoughtful of you to post that link, GB. Perhaps Hack can contact Redford for some safari makeup tips the next time he goes lookin’ for another hot little hairy hookup, hmm? 😅
Ol’ Poe’s wonderin’ if it’s a typo or a Freudian slip. If it is a typo it has to be the all-time Typo of Typos here at TAH.
If it’s a Freudian slip, Hack, well you can rest assured your filthy, perverted, deviant sexual proclivities will remain forever confidential within the TAH community.
You can trust ol’ Poe on that…Chimpy.
Heh, heh… 😜 😅 😝 😜
Does Hack’s typo qualify him for #48 of the 57 current recognized genders?
Hack, your TAH brothers and sisters have every confidence that you will be able to follow the science and break that latex ceiling to become, ta-dah! Number 58! 😉
Hack Stone no longer needs closet doors. 😜
Are you perhaps thinking of a coming out party here on TAH for our decadent brother, King?
That’s just so darling. I’m sure Chimpy will be ever so thrilled, don’t you just know?
Oh my, this is making ol’ Poe just positively gush… 😅
Yep. Might better invite the Flint Stones. According to their song intro, they know how to have a gay old time. And just like the Christmas tune, he’ll don him now his gay apparel going falala falala fa la la… 👬 😂
A wise monkey doesn’t monkey around with another monkey’s monkey…….
Well… scratch all my Africa vacation plans.
And listening to reports of monkey pox cases in Michigan, steer clear of Detroit.
Deerbornistan? Little Somalia?
Pretty much.

Trunk Monkeys Version 2.0
With inflation, it is now General Dollar and Half and only half men on hand, some in dress.
LGB Nuremburg 3.0 soon…
Risk assessment is out (sorry Lars).
Is there no risk assessment of Antifa circle jerks? Cuz those would encompass our man from Bezerkeley.
P.S.: I would think all that double dutch-ruddering would place those Antifa fellows at high risk, as well.
Well I’ll be a monkeys uncle.
Rim Shot, and I got on too late to use that line on all the Monkey Business going on.
Well, Jeff, you shouldn’t have been out there monkeyin’ around, dude… 😜
Don’t have unprotected sex with multiple anonymous partners at gay orgies while high on Ecstasy? (That’s too hard and/or “oppressive,” comrade!)
Monkey see, Monkey do
Don’t get Monkey poo on you
Anal sex, do it hot
Then you’ll get the Monkey Pox
Doctor: I’m afraid that you have monkey pox. Can you tell me who you had sex with recently?
Patient: Do I look like I have eyes in the back of my head?
Looking forward to the incessant monkey pox vaccine commercials featuring Antoine, a work in progress.
If a monkey catches this virus, is it called monkey pox, or just pox?
Hack Stone, I’m giggling like an idiot….
If a monkey catches this virus, it is monkey-squared pox, or monkeypox-squared?
Butt-monkey pox? 🤔
Oh, look! Here’s me not giving a shit.
It’s like the CDC in San Fran being told by the gay community that they need to do something to help with the Monkeypox epidemic. So, the CDC said to stop having unprotective s*x with each other. The gay community said the CDC was being homophobic.
Told ya!
So now we have the Government monkeys flinging Monkeypox hype like these Simians flinging their poo. Watch and enjoy despite seeing kids getting shit-faced!
(2) Monkeys fling shit – YouTube
It’s never been about solving the problems. It’s about manufacturing a panic, because panicked crowds are easier to herd. Nothing makes would-be tyrants like an ignorant populace.
Sycophant officers and shitty SNCOs are no better.
When I enlisted, being gay was illegal.
As I advanced through the ranks, it became acceptable – encouraged, even.
I’m so glad I got out before it was mandatory.
Also, 800 pound gorillas aren’t monkeys.
AW1, Clyde is flippin’ you the bird cause you had the temerity to imply he’s a monkey! Sheesh!
So tired?
Damn racist, homophobic virus.
I saw the SJWs railing against the name monkey pox last month. They say it’s racist. I think they lost that one, as it’s a worldwide phenomenon and a lot of the world hasn’t lost their minds being so woke as to call a virus racist.
Racist? Since when are monkeys a race? I suspect those SJW’s have watched “Planet of the Apes” and its sequels too many times.
Since Monkey-pox is now an epidemic, there are many unanswered questions. For example, did patient zero get it from having sex with a monkey? Also, can one get it from spanking his monkey? (Asking for a friend)
Also, if one feels compelled to “spank his monkey,” does the CDC recommend wearing a condom and a surgical mask? Inquiring minds need to know to feel safe.
Counselor, ol’ Poe’s wondering if you have any idea how many unsafe and fear-filled vibes you’re triggering among the TAH brethren with those kinds of questions… 😜
[…] post supplements the Because, Monkeypox! post by AW1Ed and is dated around the same time. CNBC has additional information at this […]