Oh yeah? Where is it?

| July 20, 2009

I like to treat the Nirthers like Head and Shoulders brand shampoo:  Whip them into lather, rinse and repeat.   So, Decepticon, explain this:

Maj Cook is not breaking any rule, in fact he is testing what has been put in place; a true Patriot and a VERY BRAVE SOLDIER!!!

Google: Orly Taitz and Maj Cook in Utube and listen to what is said, this will explain the dilemma and the concern. Maj Cook has a Combat medal, so this is not about not serving or fear of serving like most morons post on this site…

Show me the “Combat medal.”

He doesn’t have one. He has a combat patch, ENTIRELY DIFFERENT*, from service in Kuwait.

*Caps for my Nirther Friends only, it apparently is what they use to show something.

This lawyer really is retarded. The military didn’t cave dipshit. They wanted someone who would actually serve, not some asshat Reserve Major playing games with the troops. They stripped his order because he was a volunteer.

Category: Politics

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B Woodman

This “major” is old enough, has been in long enough, to know better, even if it has been Reserve time. What crawled up his butt & infected his brain?


143rd Transportation Command is his SSI-FWTS Also I note he’s wearing on his rack the AFEM, GWOT-E, GWOT-S all fairly standard stuff.

He’s still a douchebag as Uncle J says


…I keep waiting to see this dude pop out:


Sgt D in The Sandbox

bottom line for me is that it’s not HIS place to question the orders he recives from his duly appointed superiors. If he wants congress to investigate Obamas birth certificate he should start a petition or something. Anyone who would volunteer to go, wait till, what, 4 days before he goes active then scream that he can’t follow those orders that he ASKED for because the Prez is illigatimate, is a pice of shit! F**k him and F**k anyone who supports somebody who would do that to his unit. If you don’t like the Prez resign your commission and move to Canada. I promise, no one will try to stop you.


“They stripped his order because he was a volunteer.”

Shit, TSO. We ALL volunteered. he violated his oath. He should be courts martialed, period.