Soros puts down $1,000,000 payment on Beto
Well, they say an honest politician is one who stays bought. In that sense, and, probably ONLY that sense, billionaire George Soros is likely to be well-pleased with his purchase of Beta Beto O’Rourke. To be fair, he is neither the only buyer nor the only big-payment buyer – a couple formerly from California who moved to solidly Democrat Austin also put down a million on Puto Beto. In campaign finance disclosures, current Governor Abbot garnered multiple six-figure donations, while over half of Beto’s buyers were from out of state. (In the interests of fairness – so are a lot of Abbot’s. It may be a Texas election, but big-ticket spenders from all over the country want a piece of the action.)
Other big checks to O’Rourke’s campaign came from the American Federation of Teachers PAC and $100,000 from Nancy Sanders of Dallas.
Abbott’s top contributor was Midland oilman S. Javaid Anwar, a prolific GOP donor who has given the governor’s campaign nearly $870,000 since February. Twice, Abbott has appointed Anwar to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Several others contributed $500,000 apiece, including Dallas telecom billionaire Kenny Troutt, California real estate billionaire Edward Roski Jr., Houston road contractor James “Doug” Pitcock Jr. and Houston Rockets owner and restaurateur Tilman Fertitta.
Texas politics are known nationwide as a high-dollar pay-to-play blood sport. Remember, it’s in Texas that LBJ famously suggested they run a campaign ad against his opponent suggesting the man had sex with farm animals. “Nobody’s going to believe he f*cks pigs!” one of his aides is said to have protested: to which LBJ responded “yeah, but he’ll have to spend the rest of the campaign denying it.”
Category: 2022 Elections, America, Gun Grabbing Fascists, Politics, Second Amendment
Not a big fan of Abbott but Puto O’Dork would be a lot worse.
I’ve thought about changing a few signs in my neighborhood to match this.
I’ll bet ya that Beta Puta O’Dork got on his hands and knees and worshiped the Barbed Cock of Satan that is Soros for the acash, like a cheap $20 “sex worker”.
It’s probably the only wan that the Puta knows how to make some quick cash….
That’s “building relationships” because “it’s all about who you know” (and having integrity and self-respect is a career-killer) I was told… not great for fostering mutual trust/respect, I must say.
Sheesh, how the upper 1% of the upper 1% of the upper 1% lives, wiping their ass with $100 bills and flushing them down the toilet.
I am always amazed at how many people who have built up huge sums of personal wealth support and vote for progressives. The policies they want (high taxes, business choking regulations, etc.) will prevent others from building wealth. Very much an attitude of “I’ve got mine, and screw you.” They are like little kid bullies in the sandbox who hog all the toys.
I still maintain that this is how this asshole supports himself. He knows he has little or no chance of winning, but runs anyway in order to bank those campaign contributions.
Soros fucks pigs.
Practice makes perfect.
Soros is poison to the Republic.
And $1M will pay a lot of poor folks to vote for their ‘benefactor’
The Nazis’ shouldda taken Soros out, but he is too much like them.
It really is time to remove the individuals foreign to us.
You can not have a vested interest in the affairs of the world and be of America too.
Million bucks is pocket change to Soros. And Beatoff is just one of the Socialist wannabes that Soros is funding. To serve the public has now become “to control the public”. The Founders weep.
I hate both of these cocksuckers so I’m going to call for a double deployment of the AOI on both of them. Pieces of shit, the pair of ‘em.
Can he write it off as charity?
The only real question about the election is will Abbott beat Puto O’Rourke worse than he beat Abortion Barbie?
I’m going with Yes