Apparently SOCOM Ain’t Down with Bat Shit Crazy

| July 15, 2009

Major Stefan Cook, the ass clown who decided not to deploy because the President wasn’t eligible, has been fired from his civilian contractor job.

But get this, he worked at SOCOM!

“The CEO of Simtech, Inc., Larry Grice, explained to Plaintiff over a series of four conversations within the next two hours, that he had been terminated. Grice told the Plaintiff that he would no longer be welcome in his former position at SOCOM but that Grice wanted to see whether he could find something within the company (Simtech, Inc.) for Cook. The upshot was that at this time Grice did not have anything for Plaintiff to do. Grice told Plaintiff, in essence, that the situation had become “nutty and crazy”, and that Plaintiff would no longer be able to work at his old position.

Grice explained that he had been in touch with Defense Security Services (an agency of the Department of Defense[1], with regional offices located in SOCOM Headquarters at McDill Airforce Base in Tampa, Florida), and that DSS had not yet made a determination whether Plaintiff Major Cook’s clearances would be pulled, but Grice made clear to Cook that it was DSS who had compelled Cook’s termination.

Essentially, because of the “nutty and crazy” situation and the communications received from DSS was no longer employable by him at all. So he was not optimistic about getting me another job at the company. Grice also reported to Plaintiff that there was some gossip that “people were disappointed in” the Plaintiff because they thought he was manipulating his deployment orders to create a platform for political purposes.

Grice then discussed Plaintiff’s expectation of receiving final paychecks (including accrued leave pay) already owed, without any severance pay, and wished the Plaintiff well.”

I doubt if he was fired because he tried to sue the President; more likely a security clearance issue.

In a security clearance review there is a paragraph called “known acquaintances” and the good Major’s lawyer is a certifiable loon.

Anyone who disagrees with her probably also believes we actually landed on the frigging moon!

Category: Politics

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I understand the security clearance issue based on associations and there have been many that have pointed out, before, that Obama, due to his associations, couldn’t get the most entry level of security clearances, if he were in the military.

So, the Major committed a minor and now he can’t get no luvin from his civilian occupation? Did he think he could pull this bs and keep his job?


Talk about sh!tting where you work.


and none of you see that this development is frightening… When Academic Sakharov criticized the Soviet Gov’t he got his clearance pulled and with that ‘black ball’ his opportunities to earn his livelihood diminished drastically. He could not find any job and had to rely on donations from his remaining friends, some of the donations were brought by the Americans. According to the Soviet Gov’t, good Academic Sakharov started hanging with the wrong crowd of anti-communist loons and thus became the loon himself. Academic Sakharov was the father of the Russian H-bomb and the very famous anti-communism dissedent.

Frankly Opinionated

Couldn’t happen to a better candidate. Great news COB6!
Olga, are you an undercover agent for Code Pink? Or is it IVAW? Get a life, we got a country to defend.
nuf sed


A man should not lose his civilian job IN PRIVATE SECTOR just because the FED GOV’T does not like what he said/did in his reserve status. Take a minute to think about it.

COB6 Wrote: I appreciate your position Olga but I think this is a special case. Major Cook was not ordered to combat, he volunteered as an individual augmentee. When DoD accepted his volunteer request and sent him orders he immediately found a loon lawyer and sued over this stupid ass BC thing.

That’s not the kind of idiot we need in the Special Operations Command.

Jon H

“A man should not lose his civilian job IN PRIVATE SECTOR just because the FED GOV’T does not like what he said/did in his reserve status. ”

If that job requires a security clearance, and the man’s behavior has led to him losing his security clearance, then he loses his job. Tough.

He should have thought of that before listening to a nutty, incompetent lawyer with a degree from an unaccredited online “university”.

Old Tanker


He did not lose his job in the civilian sector. He worked (and still does) for a private contractor. He simply can no longer work in a secured section of said company due to his behavior. Now I have many reasons to look at this administration with jaded eyes for removing people from their jobs due to getting too close to the truth, look at the Inspector General firing of Gerald Walpin, here is real cronyism and cover-up. This Major is a distraction from real issues at the White House and staged the whole non-event.


Screw him. Should’ve kept his mouth shut.

Whatever happens to him is of his own doing. Personally, I think Article 88 applies.


Old Tanker,
the document says that there is no other, non-clearance, job available at this contractor, so for all intent and purposes, the guy lost his job.
He did not find the lawyer after he got his orders, he volunteered with the intent of gaining ‘standing’ as a plaintiff in the already pending new lawsuit to compel BO to produce his birth certificate. Whether or not you like his tactics, Feds should not take away his job in retaliation. Remember, it happens once to a person you do not like, the next time the Feds will do that to you, this is the nature of the beast.

COB6 Wrote: If you are correct that he volunteered for the sole purpose of “standing”, then he is very likely guilty of a felony under Article 88 of the UCMJ and will go to prison. Expect a post soon about this.


he needed to get an active status in order to get standing. I am sure that he has no issue with deployment per se. Also, he probably decided, like the other active-duty plaintiff in Iraq, that somebody needs to do that and it’s better be him than the other guy who wants to continue his active-duty career. TSO’s general does not have standing because he is retired; that’s why the SCOTUS denied the cert in the original lawsuit…



I work for a contractor. Every time I’ve gotten a gig I’ve signed a piece of paper basically saying I can be fired for any reason what so ever. My boss can come in and say, “I hate the color of your coffee mug. Get out.”

So the company has some guy who’s decided to stir up all sorts of trouble in the military. Who cares why. Let’s remove that bit. He’s just causing drama.

The next phone call that CEO gets from his client will probably involve words along the lines of “So what the fuck is up with that nut you’ve got?”

This is bad for business. It really doesn’t matter if the CEO even agrees with what his employee says. He might! But the whole “Ugh, that company has THAT guy working for them.” is totally unsat when you’re trying to get work and recompeting every so often for your job.

I’ve seen people get transferred away (you can’t fire a lady apparently without risking a Equal Op lawsuit) for far less.


Further, if that excerpt is from a legal pleading, this bozo has another problem – his lawyer SUCKS. I would scold my 14 year-old niece for bad writing if she sent me something like that.

Lawyer voice out.


We cannot take the ‘why’ out of the equasion because it was the SOLE purpose why that phone call came from the FEDERAL client.
There is a big difference between a private client calling a private contractor and complaining about an employee’s political views and a FEDERAL client calling a PRIVATE contractor and complaining about an employee’s political views.
I just want you all to realize that once this kind of action from the Feds goes unquestioned, it WILL be done to other people, and those would be the ones you like and agree with…
Again, you can dislike his MO but you cannot celebrate his losing his civilian job in retaliation for his political actions. This kind of celebration is so lefty…


I think he lost his job because he was a security risk, since he had the clearance. I think that might be another matter all together.



Not really. You see, when I wrote the word CLIENT up there I meant FEDERAL since that’s who my client always is.

If I was running a contracting company and my client so much as said, “Yeah, I read an article on that guy you’ve got. Kinda strange?”, well, that guy would probably be gone.

Civilian companies can fire people for any reason they see fit. Somebody attracting bad press to themselves that makes them not seem like a team player is not a good thing to have attached to your company.


you missed the fact that his private employer was contacted by the Defense Security Services and AFTER that, he was called in and told that he was no longer employable.


Not the first time a client has called a contractor for any number of reasons and said “We don’t want to work with Person A anymore”.

Hell, once it wasn’t even the client but somebody else who was just affiliated with the contract.


And to add, I can tell you that a 9/11 Truther would last about thirty seconds in any job I’ve been in before the client ordered them out.

He should’ve known this if he’d worked in the industry very long.