The Simpsons are going to Delaware!!!

| July 15, 2009


Well, not so much the Simpsons as TSO, and not so much Delaware as Indiana.  Seems this whole blogging thing is starting to pay off, and my employer has seen the light of day with regards to online communications.  So I am going out to our higher HQ for a few months to discuss how to get better at reaching out via this new medium.  Now, I am only telling you this because my posting over the next week as I pack all my stuff to move may be sporadic.  But after I get there you will likely see a huge up-tick.  I don’t know but maybe 3 people in Indiana, so there will be lots of posting time.

My five year plan to find a job where I don’t ever need to get out of my pajamas is closing in on fruition.  Since I doubt I will be the next Heff, blogging seemed the way to go.

Also, anyone wishing to do me harm, be they viking snipers or not, be advised I have a new locale.  Just email me for the address.

Category: Politics

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Jonn Lilyea

You’ll hafta link up with these folks at Chicks on the Right.


How are your panic attacks since my parents are 2 of the 3 people living in Indiana?

Jonn Lilyea

I linked to them when they covered the July 4th Tea Party in Indianapolis. I read their blog when they showed up in a Technorati search and they seem pretty smart and sympatico. They seem pretty popular around the area, too.


TSO – how can you take the bar exam from there? Are you giving up?


Indiana huh? Indy proper or Lawrence? Flying or driving?
Who’s basement will you be staying in?




TSO, you know what they say about justice delayed…Don’t put it off too long. You worked too hard to get through law school to not take the bar and be able to use your degree.