Linda the husband-stealing tramp

| July 13, 2009


No doubt she is acting this way because of Prop 8.

SAN FRANCISCO, July 12 (UPI) — Linda the penguin has split up two male penguins who lived as a nesting couple for six years at the San Francisco Zoo, caretakers said. Male penguins Harry and Pepper had been so content together they were allowed to incubate and hatch an egg laid by another Magellanic penguin last year, zookeeper Anthony Brown said. “Of all of the parents that year, they were the best. They took very good care of their chick,” Brown told the San Francisco Examiner in a story published Saturday.

Curse you, Linda! Never has a story from the world of the Spheniscidae, Order of the Sphenisciformes of the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Aves and Infraclass Neognathae wrought such devastation on our society. Were you not of the female pursuasion I would grab you by your dirty little vestigial wings and slap the supraorbital gland right out of you.

Have you no decency Linda? I get that your eyes are adapted for underwater vision, and are the primary means of locating prey and avoiding predators, and that in air it has been suggested that you are nearsighted, but dammit no research has supported this hypothesis. I’m guessing that evil bitch Miss California (now Ex) put you up to this husband stealing, and I will not stand for it! Gavin Newsome is purportedly in tears over this.

Again, curse you, Linda, you tramp, I hope you loose all of your thick layer of insulating feathers which serve to keep you warm in water.

H/t Claymore

Category: Politics

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But, but, but, it’s BIOLOGY!