Oberlin college to pay $31M to bakery they defamed as racist

| April 2, 2022

Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio is a private liberal arts college, with a heavy emphasis on “liberal.” We talked about one of thier students not long ago who was triggered by male work crews in the dorms. Awhile back some black Oberlin students were stealing wine from a nearby mom and pop bakery that had been there for more than 130 years. When they had them arrested, it of course drew claims of racism and a pattern of racial profiling. This despite the students admitting they were shoplifting.

The college did what every far-left institution does when there’s an accusation of racism. They knee jerk react and stage protests, effectively shutting the business down. The bakery owners sued the school and won big. A federal appeals court has unanimously upheld the verdict.

From the Washington Examiner;

“At trial, it was absolutely clear to the jury (as reflected by the verdict) that there was not a shred of truth in the vicious statements about the Gibsons and that the College caused the devastating harm,” the law firm representing the Gibson family said after winning the case. “The truth prevailed.”

The initial award by Lorain County Judge John Miraldi in 2019 was later reduced to $25 million plus $6 million in legal fees. In the latest development, a three-judge panel on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit unanimously upheld the award.

Despite the students’ guilt, Oberlin College and key officials, including its vice president and dean of students, accused the bakery of racial profiling, claiming that owner David Gibson and other employees assaulted the students and had a history of racism. At trial, the jury heard evidence that college officials distributed flyers containing the false accusations and encouraged students to boycott and protest the store.

The award is the largest defamation verdict in Ohio history.

Oberlin, a small liberal arts college in northern Ohio, has long been known for left-wing politics. Alumni include actress Lena Dunham, former Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, liberal activist Nan Aron, Chicago Seven member Jerry Rubin, former Amnesty International head William Schulz, and a host of notable journalists. But one alumna, conservative pundit Michelle Malkin, was not sorry to see her alma mater punished.

“For decades, grievance-mongering Oberlin elites have bullied and defamed innocent white people without consequences in their multicultural Ohio enclave,” Malkin wrote in a 2019 Daily Signal column titled “I’m an Oberlin Graduate. They Had It Coming.” “False racial allegations and toxic identity politics are the bread and butter of Oberlin campus life.”

Category: Get woke, Liberals suck

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(invalid) (16).gif

An amen. Every once in a while it is nice to be reminded that we live in a mostly free country.

RGR 4-78

The price of stupid has been assessed at 31 million per DAM.

And it hurts.

DUTCH in Atlanta

There is HOPE in this crazy world!

Hack Stone

Sure would like to know what the “alleged” shoplifters have accomplished since graduating. Probably working for Biden Harris Administration.


Probably working at CNN or MSNBC like most of their alum.


One transferred to Farmingdale in 2018 and graduated in 2021. (Mr. Alligator Tears on the video).

What they don’t mention is that when Gibson Jr tried to stop the strong arm robbery the other little darlings jumped him and the three of them were still giving him a beat down on the sidewalk when the police arrived. Then the mean men with the guns took them away.


Well, they certainly fit the prog preferred demographic and they have all the requisite social justice training.


If you want, see the shoplifter crying like a little girl as the cuffs go on? Its still comedy gold.

Hack Stone

They are worried that the verdict will stifle free speech on campus. First of all, free speech is already stifled on college campuses. If your views don’t follow the woke agenda, you must be destroyed.

As far as the knee jerk “spontaneous protests”, maybe this monetary award may make them try to gather the facts before grabbing the pitchforks and torches. Probably won’t, though.


….I grew up not far from Oberlin, and in the 60s and 70s it was known as ‘Moscow-On-Route-57’ for a reason.

Also, the faculty, administration, and students utterly loathe the locals as uncultured, despicable hicks (which is why many faculty/administrators don’t stay long; just long enough to get Oberlin on their resume and split) and the locals return the sentiment. Oberlin’s had this coming for a long, long time, and the verdict won’t kill the school – more’s the pity – but it’ll sting.


Real shame that.. would have been nice if the verdict did bankrupt the commies


Oberlin won’t even feel the loss; the college has a multi-billion endowment fund.

AW1 Rod

Outstanding! Maybe these jackoff losers will learn something from this episode.  My guess is that they won’t, and they’ll be shelling out punitive damages again somewhere down the road to someone else. Maybe they’ll eventually fold as an institution.




As Glen Greenwald of Instapundit fame would write…


I’m still in awe and appreciation of the verdict from the Rittenhouse jury.
He owns CNN now and will soon be directing the Washinton Post, the NY Times and a host of other left wing liberal bastions of Hell !!!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Did he make a settlement with cnn and the others yet or is it in the process now.


Mason, thanks for reporting on this. I have been following this case on Legal Insurrection for years. Kudos to Justice Carr for bravely and correctly applying the law. I agree entirely with her well supported opinion and the court’s decision. Let’s hope the Ohio Supreme Court refuses to accept the appeal of Oberlin; they richly deserve their comeuppance.

I recommend reading the court’s decision for a full understanding of the despicable conduct of the college officials in their campaign to destroy this family-owned business that had been in operation for over 80 years. The full decision is linked on legalinsurrection.com.


Love to do that, rgr769. Got a link to the text of that decision?

Nevermind, just noticed the last sentence of your comment stating that legalinsurrection.com has a link. I’ll look there.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hondo

That is how I found it at Legal Insurrection. The link is in red and imbedded in a sentence in the article.


OK, I give. I’ve read the latest article I could find on legalinsurrection.com concerning the case (dated 31 Mar 2022 @ 4:25PM). I see plenty of excerpts from the Appeals Court’s decision, but no link to the full opinion.

What am I missing? Am I looking at the right article, or is it in another one?


That is the correct article. Scroll down just below the clip of Tucker and Professor Jacobsen. Third line below starts “A decision….” “decision” is in red; click on hit. That is the link to the full opinion of the case.


Got it. Thanks, and sorry for any inconvenience.


Happy to be helpful. Especially since “we are all Hondo,” anyway when a vexatious litigant demands your identity.

A Proud Infidel®™

*Taking a deep breath*
OOooooh, the delicious Schadenfreude, I wonder if that college’s rich fat-cat Alumni will open their pockets to help cover that “oppression”, I think not. Even Better, a panel on the 9th Circuit upheld it unanimously which makes the Schadenfreude even more delicious, i wonder what propaganda they’ll give their snowflakes on this? Likely the same kind of shit fed the stoodints of UC Berzerkely!

Hack Stone

Hack Stone saw an advertisement for this school year on the back of a Metro bus earlier today. Preparing the yutes of today to be our future. Looking forward in the near future to be reading on WTOP that school administers of this institution of academics have been indicted for embezzling all of the funds that were supposed to support the school.


And how come the school website doesn’t end in .edu?


Made my day!