Political campaigns as foreign policy
Well, I feel better, don’t you? The guy who makes weekly pronouncements about how he “created or saved” hundreds of thousands of jobs while the unemployment rate increases by hundreds of thousands of jobs lost reassures the world. And then he impores the other leaders of the world to follow his plan (AP Link);
Obama urged national leaders to unite behind a global recovery plan that includes stricter financial regulation and sustained stimulus spending.
The short version; more regulation, more government spending, more taxes.
The president rejected suggestions that the summit fell short of expectations by failing to call for tough new sanctions on Iran for its crackdown on democracy advocates after its disputed presidential election.
“What we wanted is exactly what we got — a statement of unity and strong condemnation,” Obama said. He said the leaders’ declaration was even more significant because it included Russia, “which doesn’t make statements like that lightly.”
How many statements of unity and strong condemnations have there been in the last few years? Did human history begin on January 20th, 2009? All history before that date doesn’t count? North Korea is launching missiles like bottle rockets, the Islamic Republic’s police are beating the snot out of everyone on the street (when they’re not shooting them or hanging them). And that “Russia doesn’t make statements like that lightly” line should have been made on his knees with his face buried in Putin’s shorts.
Is he saying the whole rest of the world DOES make statements lightly? Thanks, allies, now get behind Russia – everyone who does things to the detriment of the US and our security seems to get a seat in front. Screw the rest of them.
Just like Obama’s political campaigns. Blacks, Hispanics, unions, gays, the traditional Democrat voters – get tossed aside so he can woo the folks who don’t want to vote for him. When Obama goes overseas, American interests and those of our allies get tossed aside so he can woo the thugs. Remind you of anyone?
Read my post at my Latin American politics blog, Tall & Rich, for another example of our current poor foreign policy.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Liberals suck, Terror War, Usual Suspects
Maybe those idiots at the White House are trying to bleed the Iranian mullahs to death through a thousand paper cuts?
Okay, so lemme get this straight. Nearly a $2 TRILLION deficit this year, piling more on with cap-and-tax and a socialized healthcare bill, losing upwards of 400K jobs a month, consumer spending and business investments STILL declining, another wave of ARM readjustments right around the corner, and we’ve avoided economic disaster?
Well, holy crapsticks, Batman! I sure would have hated to have seen what REALLY is happening! Does this guy even believe his own hype anymore?
Sparky, unfortunately, yeah, he does. So do his go-alongs in the SRM. And the $2 Trillion figure is a “conservative” figure, from most knowledgeable economists, and another $1 Trillion for nationalized health care. That’s frightening, in and of itself. Meanwhile, all the little Neros in D.C. continue to fiddle.