Arvil Reed in the news

Arvil Reed Phony Navy SEAL
If the name Arvil Reed sounds familiar, it’s because the former US Navy E-1 (booted early), was going around telling tales of derring-do. He was telling people, with phony documents, that he was a 20-year veteran of Naval Special Warfare where he had been a Navy SEAL officer. He claimed to have received the “Navy Cross Medal”, “Silver Star Medal”, and other awards. Of course, none of that was true. He was outed here and at Military Phony three years ago.
Arvil’s making the news again. It will probably not surprise you that it’s not for his philanthropic efforts or for starting a charity for orphans in Ukraine. He allegedly struck a domestic partner with a firearm and threatened to kill her. He’s being charged with attempted murder (among other felony charges) in Hawaii.
Big Island Now has the report;
A California man was charged with attempted murder after an incident at a Hilo hotel on Friday, March 4, officials reported this morning.
Hawaii Police Department’s South Hilo Patrol responded to the domestic incident that took place at a hotel on Banyan Drive at 6 p.m. after a 45-year-old woman reported the suspect, identified as Arvil Reed, had struck her with a firearm and threatened to kill her while in their shared room.
Arriving officers located Reed in front of the hotel and he was arrested without incident. The woman was treated at the scene by fire rescue but refused to be transported to the Hilo Medical Center.
Reed, 54, faces charges of second-degree attempted murder, two counts of second-degree assault, first-degree terroristic threatening, two counts of ownership or possession of a firearm prohibited, carrying or use of a firearm in the commission of a separate felony and kidnapping.
Reed is scheduled to make his initial appearance today in Hilo District Court. He remains in custody in lieu of $680,000 bail.
Category: Crime, Navy Poser, Stolen Valor, Valor Vultures
I’d love to buy this man a drink (an arsenic cocktail) followed by 158 gr. appetizer.
The trash has taken itself out.
I wonder if Reed will continue with the Navy SEAL schtick while in prison?
Betcha his cellie will make him squeal like a seal.
I imagine he will take the Ranger Burrell approach.
Will probably go down something like this.
Uncanny similarity?
Stolen valor: often merely the rancid cherry topping a sh!t sundae.
Probably the last topping he will get to do, he looks more like the “bottom” type where he is going.
It’s going to be tough on him in the end.
With a head like that I would suspect Hydranencephalybut why it wasn’t caught at birth is a mystery.
Probably so the homeless have a better grasp of those pistol-grip ears when he’s “entertaining the lineup” behind the dumpster outside the back door of the bathhouse.
Nothing to add.
Wow, lots of charges. Wonder how he managed to get the firearm to Hawaii? Probably not legally…you suppose maybe he got it like a criminal would from a non-registered sale?
I was thinking the same. Tourist? Gun? Hawaii?
Whack his pee-pee again. Harder.
He likely just packed it in his checked suitcase. It is still legal to check a bag with a handgun in it, provided you declare it.
Has to be in a lockbox too.
Story time. I spent a few years at Schofield Barracks. We got a batch of new privates from replacement and one ended up in my squad. Asked him if he had any firearms, as they’d have to be stored in the armory and all that.
“Roger sergeant, I have a Glock I brought with me”
Holy shit didn’t expect that one.
Turned out the kid, not knowing any better as privates tend not to, had simply packed it in his carry-on and flew his happy ass to Hawaii.
The shit you get away with when you’re not even trying.
And they say there are no snakes in Hawaii.
Isn’t that Nikita Kruschev?
Can’t be Nikita K SFC D because I don’t see him banging his shoe on the table.
While he is in prison he will be a member of squeal team six. Reed will be squealing like a pig when Bubba and Thor pay him a visit.
Instead of the two Purple Hearts he claims he was awarded, I think he was a bit confused and meant this medal.
Why don’t we just go ahead and throw this POS into the volcano and be done with him. Fire is a good cleansing agent, right?
I don’t think that’s the type of sacrifice Madam Pele is interested in. She might capsize the island.
What was that metaphor?
Cue Two Girls, One Cup… he’d dig that.
I looked that up. Spare yourselves. You have been warned.
My apologies… Reed would still dig that, though.

No harm no foul, Anon. Taking one for the team on occasion goes with the territory.
I thought Arvil Reed served with Phil Monkress on SEAL Team 4.
Either way, it does not look like All-Points Logistics will be opening a branch in Hawaii anytime soon.
He can run his suck in prison all he wants. They aren’t really going to be interested it what he has to say with his mouth though.
How do you say “Prison Bitch” in Samoan?
“fale puipui” Another word he’ll need to know is “folo” which is swallow.
Haole Holey… 😜
Book him, Danno, Poser 1.
Here is a Life Hack for Arvil Reed; Hawaiian Tropic Sunscreen can be a suitable substitute for Ky Jelly when you find yourself the prison girlfriend of a 300 pound Samoan.
They had to Reed him his rights then off to booking
I see what you did there. 😉
Bat Shit Crazy isn’t enough for this turd
Someone’s a-gonna straighten his ass out come shower time.
Well, well,
A person who has earned a Lake City Quiet Pill.
But instead he will get an all expense paid vacation in prison.
Oh well, at least he can enjoy the sex.
That’s a GREAT leather vest that Arvil is wearing!
Very snazzy!
He has a Peyton Manning/Paula Broadwell level five head.