Protest against Gen. Petraeus in Seattle tonight
Nucsnipe writes to tell us that General Petraeus is scheduled to speak tonight at the World Affairs Council in Seattle. Of course, the moonbats of World Can’t Wait spot an opportunity to do some fund raising;
Some background on World Can’t Wait from Discover the Networks;
Founded in June 2005 by Charles Clark Kissinger, a longtime leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party, World Can’t Wait (WCW) is a direct action movement seeking to organize “people living in the United States to take responsibility to stop the whole disastrous course led by the Bush administration.” The organization asserts that removing President Bush from office “will be like removing a forty-pound tumor from your gut.” WCW vows “to send Bush, Cheney and the rest of those fascists packing. … After that, there are people in ‘World Can’t Wait’ who are working for everything from reforming the Democratic party, to building a 3rd party, to revolution.”
This is the first protest that I know that’s been directed at General Petraeus since the Inauguration. If there’s anyone in the area that can get to the site on such short notice, I’d sure appreciate some pictures.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Protests/Rallies, Usual Suspects
Won’t be able to make the protest, I’ll see what I can find on the local papers and websites. So far all I can see on the searching on line is that the Women in Black will be there.
The ‘deeply hated “troop surge” in Iraq’?
‘Deeply hated’ because it so deeply worked? What a pathetic bunch of losers! I don’t want to see any pictures of them…
“If there’s anyone in the area that can get to the site on such short notice -”
You mean “get to the SHITE” don’t you?
Besides – if they don’t know that Bush left office, they must be so totally drug-comatose that they probably won’t find their own way.
An event probably supported by this crew:
Oh Jonn
You underestimate the persistence of the NY moonbats.
Here is our after action report from Gen. Peteaus’ visit on My 28th and the moonbat protest.
Dan Maloney
NY State Coordinator
Gathering of Eagles
” If there’s anyone in the area that can get to the site on such short notice, I’d sure appreciate some pictures.”
If someone can be there to beat the shit outta WCW, Those would be the pictures I’d like to see.