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| July 8, 2009

Go say Hi to Evan here.

H/t Blackfive.

Category: Politics

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I first read about Evan on the Sniper’s blog and signed up so I could leave notes in his guestbook. There’s something about this kid that grabbed my heart from the very first. I would do anything to help him, prayer is the starting point but wish I could do soemthing else, I just don’t know what.

A very dear person in my life, worked in a Special Oncology department with kids for years and I met so many of them, got to know the kids. Angels they are, pure angels.
I would have happily exchanged my life for any one of them. But between prayer and ongoing medical advances, more and more of them are winning.
Evan will be one!


God bless Evan-I hope he wins this fight.


I spoke with Evan’s mom tonight. His levels are still zero so they are not able to go out and about. He’s in GREAT spirits but a little tired. All around – life is GREAT! The tumor is GONE and they are just waiting a few more weeks for follow up then they can go home. So many prayers answered.

I am so blessed to have been able to spend time with Evan and many members of his family. They are amazing people! I’m going to miss Evan’s hugs and having him snuggle up next to me but could not be happier that he’s going home soon and will be with his brothers!


“Cancer” should never be part of a child’s vocabulary.

Evan is a brave kid. Kudos to his family and to all the Soldiers who lend moral support. HOOAH!