Simon: The sins of Sarah Palin

| July 8, 2009

BooRadley sent me a link to Roger Simon’s hillarious piece yesterday entitled “The Sins of Sarah Palin“. I hope Republicans are paying attention to the caricatures they’ve become. Here’s a sample;

The Republican Party likes to nominate the next guy in line. John McCain in 2008, George W. Bush in 2000 and Bob Dole in 1996 were all the next guys in line. They had “earned” their place in the party hierarchy. (Or, in the case of George W. Bush, his father had earned it for him.)

Today, it is hard to see who the next guy in line is, but the party mandarins, the pooh-bahs, are agreed on one thing: Sarah Palin ain’t it.

She is a dumb hick, a nobody from nowhere. She hunts moose with a chainsaw from the back of a snowmobile or something. Just listen to her resignation speech. It was not slick or polished or written by somebody else. She appeared to deliver it off the top of her head as if she were a real person. What a doofus!

Doesn’t she know that the highest form of political communication today is to exactly regurgitate a speech written for you by a speechwriter who has crafted, vetted and polled every phrase, line and word?

Me? I’m pulling for Governor Palin. Not because she’s particularly electable, not because she’s a woman…but because the Republican Party needs to change. Is Sarah Palin the change we need? She can’t hurt. It’s time we started electing our own candidates instead of asking the media and Democrats who they support first.

Ronald Reagan was that kind of candidate. When he was defeated in the primaries by Gerald Ford (who the media told us we should run against Jimmy Carter), Reagan kept the pressure on Carter on every issue from the Panama Canal to the Iran hostages to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan to the boycott of the Moscow Olympics. He became the Anti-Carter. The media knew Reagan could win against Carter, so they discouraged us from voting for him by using the same tactic they used against Goldwater a decade and a half before – fear.

I’m not saying that Sarah Palin is the next Ronald Reagan – that remains to be seen, if we give her a shot at trying keeping our minds wide open.

If you look at Palin’s principles, she’s a conservative right down the line – the kind of candidate that we’d all vote for – if we could get the media and the Democrats to approve of her.

Um, but they won’t approve. They’d rather write crap like this from Fkstick Kathleen Parker at the Washington Post;

Meanwhile, getting real, can we stop pretending that Palin is interested in anything other than her own ambition?

Can we also stop nodding assent every time she says the media are to blame for her self-inflicted wounds? The media invented Sarah Palin. Before the media shined their light on those no-place-like-home slippers, does anyone recall ever wondering what a governor of Alaska was up to?

Show me one line in that paragraph that couldn’t be attributed to Barack Obama just as easily as Palin. But, Fkstick Parker wouldn’t dare pen lines like that about Barack Obama. Who runs our party anyway?

Category: John McCain/Sarah Palin, Liberals suck, Media

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509th Bob

Who runs our party? The Republican self-appointed “elite,” as the OtherMcCain has pointed out. The same Republicans who took the winning 1994 Contract With America and wiped their a$$es with it. By succumbing to graft and corruption, and acting as if they were Democrats, the Republican “elite” thereby brilliantly engineering the party’s defeat in 2006 and 2008.

Why the hostility to Palin? Because she might fight if the “elite” played the graft and corruption game while she was in charge.


When the Democrats and Beltway RINO’s are scared of Sarah as evidenced by their savage attacks, you know she’s the best choice for the job.


At least she would protect our gun rights and such.

Frankly Opinionated

In early 1978, politically aware and active; I worked hard to get Gerald Ford to run. Back then he was claiming to need a “draft of the people” to enter the game. We knew that Jimmah Cahtah needed to go, and didn’t think for a minute that a Hollywood actor could pull it off, let alone do a damned good job after winning. Of all those calling themselves Republican, there are few who I think I would want representing America next. Sarah Palin, Bobby Jindal, JC Watts, are at the top of my list, and of all, I believe that more Americans would line up behind Sarah than the other two. It is clear that the republican hacks have done more to win over the democrats than they have to keep their Republican voters. And of all of the visible ones, those three on my list truly care more about America than themselves; a trait that is sorely missing now. Fred Thompson was my choice at the beginning of the campaign, but the “he’s too old” mantra beat him down.
No matter who it is, we’ve learned that it is the media that selected, nursed, and caused the win of the current president B. Hussein Obummer. We live in a nation that is content to accept that he has not as yet proven his eligibility for the job, has no credentials, and was heretofore unknown. He is the press’ boy, and how will we overcome that problem in 2012? How will we handle 2010? President is one thing, but it is congress that writes the rubber checks that we are stuck with.
Sarah for me in 2012!
nuf sed


Frankly, totally agree with the point about 2010. That needs to be taken care of first. No one should really be talking about candidates for 2012, that’s far down the road. The suckers who crammed Cap and Tax through the House, the ones who want to give everyone free healthcare, though they’ll actually be giving everyone no healthcare, the ones who voted yes on the Crapulus bill, without reading it, need to go. As do the ones who nationalized the auto companies. Then, maybe we can get rid of the czars and someone in congress can stand up and tell Obie that the constitution still applies in this country.


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