Tuesdays with the Libs of Tik Tok

| February 15, 2022

Trust The Science™©!

“The Science” is a registered trademark of Saint Fauci, he being the personification of “The Science”. A million masks be upon the chosen one who brings vaccines.

You will comply with us

Trudeau can use all of them

She seems nice

Indoctrination in public schools

This is just sick

Biden admin’s latest high-level hire at DOE

Guess I’m just not ready to date

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok, YGBSM!!

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

The Lovett School responded to the “blacklist” claim…



The word of someone from a Board of Trustees? Ask Joe Paterno what that’s worth today.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

My reply isn’t meant to imply I agree with the school’s response, just found it interesting.

In this day of fakery from all quarters it is sometimes difficult to know the liars without a reliable scorecard. Reliable score cards are about as rare these days as finding a virgin in a Subic bay whorehouse during the Naval bases heyday…


Salty covers the DOE, dog fetish thing. How did he get a security clearance with DOE?


Salty Army is legion.



Slow Joe

Off topic TSP question:

Traditional TSP vs Roth TSP

When using Traditional, the money gets taken out before taxes, resulting in a lower yearly taxable income and thus a lower tax bracket with lower taxes.

Doesn’t this result in a higher tax return and at the end of the year, making it more beneficial than the Roth?

Thank you.

The Neanderthal

At age 70.5 you will be forced to take funds out of the Traditional (RMD) leading to possibly more taxable income later on in your life. You do NOT have to take any funds out prior to age 70.5. 🇺🇸✌🏻


The inception date for a person’s first RMD is now 72 years of age. They changed the law as part of the Chicom flu epidemic.

Milo Mindbender

The Roth is already taxed income so when you use it after 59.5 it is tax free, but you don’t get the taxable income reduction that you get from a traditional 401K, 403B,or a 457 account. It works out about the same either way in the long run as far as I can see.


You are not required to draw from a Roth IRA. If you do not need the funds, you can allow it to grow until your passing. The funds then become part of the inheritance to whom you wish to pass it onto. The funds, not the account.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Oddly enough I’m old enough to remember when there weren’t any women with penises…in my day we called those folks men for some reason.

Green Thumb


Cannot say I ever dated a woman with a penis, but that is just me.

Maybe check with Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics).


I like hotdogs, they taste good and pair well with beer. But ‘hotdogs’ on my women?
Hardest of passes.
A Proud Trans’phobe*’ Bigot

*just FYI to the confused idiots who cannot accept the reality of their ‘equipment’: no one is afraid of y’all.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Yeah, I’m comfortable in the knowledge that I prefer being the only one with a penis in my relationships…I will accept that makes me too immature for the modern dating scene and forever be grateful that is so…


Concur. Only sausage I’ll eat is made by Hillshire Farms.


I prefer my women without a penis. In fact I belong to the 7Up school of thought. Never had it, never will.



That kid from Kindergarten Cop was on to something: https://youtube.com/watch?v=fg3Xs_x9Kco


I really have to wonder why all the interest in the sexuality of the children, unless those asking the questions are interested in having sex with the children. Then they belong under the jail.


*WORD!* Then they belong under the ground. FIFY

The herd needs thinning.


Many of the people pushing this sexuality of children indoctrination are likely fans or members of NAMBLA. You know the pedo’s that want to call themselves MAP’s, “Minor Attracted Persons.” IMHO, if it looks like ”grooming,” it probably is.


Preverts vote Democrat, you know… of course, commies like Che tend to shoot them all after the revolution as “counter-revolutionary” somehow.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
MI Ranger

What is with the XinXing Academy? Does that mean China sponsors them? Might explain a little.

Not sure where they are going with questions 10-12…answer is I have no idea what you are saying!

The Human Sexuality questionnaire AM I NORMAL (about answering questions posed in a “safe space” blog) actually sounds like something we did back in High School Sex Ed, or that elementary school talk we got after school (had to bring our parents). About the only thing listed I would actually be ok with. Incidentally the answer to most of the questions is: YES, you are normal. Don’t do it in public.

Not sure where they are going with questions



The Commissariat approves of what is being taught in schools – YOUR CHILDREN BELONG TO US!


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The weird sex dog guy has the right resume for a lower level flunky at DOE. Better he has that all out in the open instead of hiding it in the closet like previous generations.

“I completed a dual Master of Science degree program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in nuclear engineering and the technology and policy program. I am a graduate from Kansas State University with a BS in mechanical and nuclear engineering and a BA in vocal music performance and a minor in Chinese language. My educational research interests were concentrated on nuclear fuel cycle system analysis with subtopics of interest including economics and nuclear waste storage and disposal analysis. I’ve had internships at Harvard Kennedy School, Argonne National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory, and Dow Chemical Company in various projects relating to nuclear engineering and systems analysis.”


Sounds like he spent wayyyy too much time in the Arco desert. You Navy nukes know what I mean.


Where’s Lars? These are HIS people. They think, act, and have the same beliefs as he does…so where is he to defend them from all our “horrible” takes?
Imagine jumping
in a DeLorean and going back to your High School and show them what the future
has in store. Nobody, not even the weirdest kid you ever knew of or heard about
would believe any of this was real.


The weirdest kid at my school kind of looked like dog boy except he wore more make up. He and his husband live in Nebraska now and manage a Walmart.


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Again with the pizza, huh.