Why is the media so upset now??

| July 3, 2009

The other day, Helen Thomas and Chip Reid of the White Press Corps lit up Robert Gibbs about the Obama Administration’s manipulating the news and the discussion about any number of issues;

Soon after, President Obama took this question at the Town Hall meeting about Health care;

Turns out that Debby Smith is a volunteer for president Obama’s political machine according to the Associated Press;

Smith obtained her ticket through the White House. Aides said she was a volunteer for Organizing for America, Obama’s political operation within the Democratic National Committee. Among the other questioners were a member of the Service Employees International Union and a person with Health Care for America Now, which recently organized a Capitol Hill rally for overhauling health care.

The press generally let Obama and his campaign get away with setting them up during the run up to the election, so why are they feigning outrage and surprise at the way they’re being manipulated now? Did they think things would change?

More at Michelle Malkin’s

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media

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I saw that C-Span clip a day or two ago, but I don’t think it’ll ever get old. If only the media would be more like that. They’ve played nice with politicians on both sides too long, sometimes criticizing politicians in opinion pieces but rarely do we see them get up the courage to challenge them face-to-face.

Newsy showed both of these clips in their story as well. I really hope the media is in fact waking up to the way they’ve been played (and not just by the current administration) and that we’ll finally begin to see real reporting and interviewing.

Old Tanker

I’m still trying to pick my chin up off the floor after hearing Helen Thomas dare to question teh One……


“Why yes, Helen, you are a puppet; have been for years. And a lot of your media friends are so far in the tank for us they have to have air piped in; so why are you upset at being treated like what you are?”[/obama staff member]

Mark in Texas

You have to understand that the press corps do not care that the Obama people are causing propaganda to be printed ad broadcast. The behavior of the press corps during the last election cycle proves that.

What Helen Thomas and the rest are upset about is that the Obama Whitehouse is cutting them out of the process. The press corps expects to transcribe the talking points and deliver them to the typesetters at the newspapers or the techs who broadcast them at the networks. The Obama people are cutting out the middle man and simply delivering the propaganda directly, both for the sake of efficiency and because the newsies keep introducing spelling and grammar mistakes.

This is the same thing as a union filing a grievance because an office worker picked up a screw driver or moved a box that was in the hallway. It has nothing to do with the type or quality of the products that are produced in either case.