McCain’s MSM Honeymoon Ends
Ya know, as soon as I saw the spaz-tards on CNBC laughing and chuckling over this supposed John McCain scandal, I knew it was some manufactured BS. Has anyone at the New York Times seen Cindy McCain, for pete’s sake? Who would cheat on her? Even some of their in-house staff lesbians could have twigged them to the absurdity of the story if they couldn’t find some straight guys to ask.
But what clinched it for me was the Associated Press quote in the Washington Post story from McCain’s attorney;
Robert Bennett, a Washington attorney representing McCain, said McCain’s staff provided the Times with “approximately 12 instances where Senator McCain took positions adverse to this lobbyist’s clients and her public relations firm’s clients,” but none of the examples were included in the paper’s story.
“There is no evidence that John McCain ever breached the public trust and that is the issue and the only issue,” Bennett, who once represented former President Clinton, told NBC’s “Today” show on Thursday.
So the Times just decided to disregard anything that might clear him – is Nifong one of their editors now? They’ve got Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs pretty upset;
Are we supposed to get our bowels in an uproar over a suggested rumor with a colleague? The leftards can’t have it both ways. We had to live through an eight year Clinton presidency with a horndog …[a]nd yet the Democrats consistently maintained that it was personal and irrelevant, a veritable vast right wing conspiracy
Michele Malkin warns McCain;
If you lie down with MSM dogs, you wake up with stories like this.
Brennan at the American Pundit asks;
If this was a problem, why did The New York Times endorse McCain? Of course, we know the answer to that.
Blue Crab Boulevard writes that McCain’s staff has declared war on the NY Times;
McCain’s spokesmen are pounding right back on the morning news shows. They are hitting very hard, too. Oddly enough, this incident is quite likely to get many conservatives to rally around McCain. In that respect, the story is a massive backfire.
I agree heartily. This may be the single incident that awakens many Republicans and Conservatives to the fact that this is really another battle in the “us” vs. “them” war. That they’ll stop at nothing to discredit us and any attack against one of “ours” must be answered in kind. We all remember what happened in the 1992 election when we just sat back and let “them” have at President Bush because we didn’t think he was conservative enough for us.
If nothing else, it may temper some of the criticism of McCain from “our” side.
Then again, that might have been the NY Times’ intention in the first place.
Ow, my head hurts.
Clearly this was a simple matter of time and inevitabilty.
But color me angry. Four weeks ago I was calling McCain a kook. Today I can’t wait to vote for him. If the NYT slimed bin Laden, I might think better of the scum.
I have to agree with Martino. I was an ardent Thompson supporter who decided to go with Romney when Thompson quit. When Romney quit I just had a hard time thinking of voting for McCain. I knew I had until Nov. to decide for sure. I knew I would go to the polls at least to try to replace my senator (Tim Johnson) with a Republican, but this clinches my vote for McCain.