Tuesday night links

| June 30, 2009

Actually, the whole reason I’m doing links tonight is because Army of Dude has an excellent review of a sorry-assed review of “The Hurt Locker” and I wanted y’all to see why we’re OK with Alex beating us at the best military blog thing in the Weblog Awards this year. He doesn’t write as much as we write, but when he does, it’s infantry poetry.

Tankerbabe welcomes home the last of 6/4 Cav to Fort Hood from Afghanistan.

Knee Deep In The Hooah has the best video of God Bless America ever made. Take hankies.

The American Power Blog asks “Are you Franken serious?

Gateway Pundit says “We’re all Marxists now”.

TSO sent me this goofy shit this morning – I thought it was one of those ads that get in your way when you’re trying to get to a news story. But it’s just silly-assed Geezers For Sitting On Our Hands still beating the Bush Impeachment dead horse.

Are you wondering what “out of the cities in Iraq” means, ask Grim at Blackfive who still has Iraq sand in the crack of his ass. Greyhawk corrects the headlines.

While you’re at Blackfive, take advantage of the 20% discount from Ranger Up.

Need some Sarah Palin? Don Surber and Ace of Spades has links and photos to the Runners’ World article.

I like eddiebear, and if you don’t mind the language, you should read as he rips up Mark Tapscott into tiny little profane pieces at doubleplusundead. VanHelsing at Moonbattery takes on Henry Waxman.

JammieWearingFool tells about another whistleblower in the Obama Administration who spoke truth to power and got shat upon. Ms. Malkin has the video of Mr. Alan Carlin on Fox.

Subway used to make good sandwiches 30 years ago, but now all they sell are lettuce sandwiches. If that’s not enough to keep you from going in there, The Sniper has another reason.

Speaking of abusing the troops, Weasel Zippers has another story about the British troops being verbally abused by some people of undetermined nationality, but waving Palestinian flags.

Everyone’s favorite video blogger, Skye at Midnight Blue, went to the opening ceremony for a homeless veteran shelter in Philly.

Feel free to pimp your links in the comments or email them to me and I’ll add them in here.

Category: Bloggers, Link fest

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Alex’s post is fuggin genius.

Seriously, genius.

Mr Wolf

Hankies? Bring a BUCKET. Holy crap that was good- when that girl belted, it was incredible. Yeah, they got a future.

Seriously- you’ll need a ShamWow to wipe with…



I’m glad to see Minn finally has it’s representation in the Senate. It’s about dang time.

Frankly Opinionated

Enlighten myself and other of your readers,please. Is it enough for us to just click on and open your Google ads to get you the credit? Need we do more? I have been called a “hiteck redneck”, but am not sure how this all works for you. Lately, I have been opening the ads, then moving on. Is that enough?
Now, to check the rest of the links out.
nuf sed

Jonn wrote: As far as I know, just clicking on the ad works. You’ve been doing well at it so far – we might actually get a pay out next month.


That review was a Big Hollywood. They just did the Troopathon and they frequently have posts that are supportive of the military. I wouldn’t go too hard on the reviewer. The Hurt Locker was written by the guy who wrote In The Valley of Elah, so if I had to take a wild ass guess, I would say that Locker is probably not favorable to the military. Just playing the odds here.

USMC Chris

Jonn, I wrote this in response to the Big Hollywood review, and I’m sure after most of you all watch it, you’ll feel the same. —- I saw the movie last night, with great anticipation, after seeing the reviews and reading Ed Morrissey’s Hot Air tip. As a veteran from Iraq, from the period the story took place, the movie was a horrible disappointment, but completely understandable why it will be HUGE in the box office. And unlike what others have said how the movie is apolitical, when the Colonel (which Marlow just wrote about) in letting an insurgent unnecessarily die for what seems to be no reason other than the thirst for blood, and later on a psychiatrist whose therapy includes telling a soldier “War can be fun”, it was ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. As a veteran, I could nitpick any military movie, non matter how great it is, to make it unwatchable, so I go in with a certain attitude knowing that mistakes will be made, in order to provide a more exciting narrative and story. But when things happen that are so absurd (leaving the wire alone and coming back with no repercussions, patrolling streets LITERALLY alone, entering situation that NO soldier would ever find themselves in) it’s extremely hard to like this movie. What you watch isn’t a movie about Iraq or the war (as others have already stated), it’s still an outsider’s imagination of what they THINK it’s like to be in war, which is, addicted to something; unnaturally desiring to be there; “war is a drug”. At the end of the day, it’s extremely dissappointing because, the movie, at its premise could have been terrific. It could have made a great story about and EOD Tech, without being political, and mistakes that could easily been overlooked. Instead, what we got was a story about an EOD Tech who masquerades around as the Lone Ranger, with a thinly disguised “soldiers are addicted to war” and “officers are stupid” message. My recommendation? Go see Taking Chance and Brothers at War again and let AO Scott and the… Read more »