100% wrong
The current administration seems to be making their decisions by asking themselves what George Bush would do and then doing the complete opposite. They coddle dictators and thugs from the Middle East to Central America despite the fact that it can do nothing to further the cause of peace or democracy. Gateway Pundit has a video of Charles Krauthammer saying the same thing.
While Obama is stroking Ahmadinejad over the election dispute in Iran, Secretary of Defense Gates reminds us that Iran has ratcheted up their support of Shi’ite militias in Iraq. From the Wall Street Journal;
Some of the Iraqi Shiite extremist groups that the U.S. claims are backed by Iran say they are ratcheting up attacks in Iraq in tandem with Tehran’s post-election crackdown on protesters.
Shiite militia leaders say a toughening resolve among hard-liners in Iran is translating into direct orders from Iran-based leaders to increase attacks, as well as inspiring militants next door in Iraq to demonstrate their influence.
So, what is probably the worst thing that Obama could do to disrupt the successes in Iraq? How about putting the one man in charge of resolving political and tribal differences in Iraq who is universally despised by all of the groups in Iraq – Joe Biden;
As the U.S. military met its deadline to withdraw from Iraqi cities, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said President Obama asked his No. 2 to work with Gen. Ray Odierno, the top commander in Iraq, and Ambassador Christopher Hill on mending fences in Iraq.
Biden would be “working with the Iraqis toward overcoming their political differences and achieving the type of reconciliation that we all understand has yet to fully take place, but needs to take place,” Gibbs said.
So why is Joe Biden a bad choice? Remember how his plan for Iraq was to partition the place along ethnic divisions? Why would anyone consider him the guy to “mend fences” when his plan was to build walls? A flashback from the archives of the Wall Street Journal;
Despite deep resistance from the Iraqi government, Mr. Biden tried to turn his plan into U.S. policy, introducing a nonbinding Senate resolution that called for its implementation. But his effort completely backfired in Baghdad. The proposal ended up unifying all the disparate Iraqi factions in opposition.
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who called on the Iraqi parliament to meet and formally reject the Biden plan, immediately went on Iraqi television with a blistering statement: “[Biden] should stand by Iraq to solidify its unity and its sovereignty . . . [He] shouldn’t be proposing its division. That could be a disaster not just for Iraq but for the region.”
So you tell me…is the Obama Administration trying to sabotage peace in Iraq? It sure looks that way to me.
And then, they side with Chavez, Castro, Ortega, Evo Morales and Rafael Correa against the legal government of Honduras. The Obama Administration continues to call it a coup (just like his new communist friends in the region), even though, it reality wasn’t. Again, lets read the Wall Street Journal;
As military “coups” go, the one this weekend in Honduras was strangely, well, democratic. The military didn’t oust President Manuel Zelaya on its own but instead followed an order of the Supreme Court. It also quickly turned power over to the president of the Honduran Congress, a man from the same party as Mr. Zelaya. The legislature and legal authorities all remain intact.
We mention these not so small details because they are being overlooked as the world, including the U.S. President, denounces tiny Honduras in a way that it never has, say, Iran. President Obama is joining the U.N., Fidel Castro, Hugo Chávez and other model democrats in demanding that Mr. Zelaya be allowed to return from exile and restored to power. Maybe it’s time to sort the real from the phony Latin American democrats.
I wonder how quickly all of those clowns would have rode to the defense of Colombia’s Uribe if he’d been shipped out in the early morning hours. And honestly, as coups go, Zelaya got off easy this time. The OAS is calling for his reinstatement to his office in two days – I’m pretty sure the next time Zelaya leaves Honduras, it’ll be feet first to preclude meddling by the thug huggers.
But all of this contrary behavior by our own presidential administration is not in the interests of our own security, not a bit. It seems to me that Obama is now trying to deliberately destroy our economy while destroying our standing in the world making us insecure and poor just to not be Bush.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Hugo Chavez, Liberals suck, Terror War
Wasn’t Biden’s solution for peace in Iraq to split Iraq into three separate nations? Oh, yeah! This is the guy we want “helping” the Iraqis!
yeah, the Honduras affair is just the icing on cake… are they really so dumb and commie lovers or just pretend??