Alec Baldwin’s Magic Revolver
F.LLI Pietta Long Colt 45 Revolver
We are all aware that when filming his movie Rust, on Thursday, 21 October, Alec Baldwin negligently fired a “prop” hand gun that injured one crew member and killed another.
The incident occurred at the Bonanza Creek Ranch in Santa Fe, New Mexico. According to the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Department, the weapon was “discharged” by the actor, and It was later reported that production on the Western was paused.
This tragedy was completely avoidable, if Mr. Baldwin had followed rudimentary firearm handling safety procedures.
Now he’s blaming the gun. Several of our usual suspects send.
Alec Baldwin’s claim he didn’t pull trigger on ‘Rust’ questioned by sheriff: ‘Guns don’t just go off’
The Oct. 21 incident left cinematographer Halyna Hutchins dead
By Lauryn Overhultz
Alec Baldwin claimed he did not pull the trigger on the set of “Rust,” but gun experts say that a revolver firing without the trigger being pulled is unlikely.
In a preview for an upcoming televised tell-all, Baldwin addresses the fact that he was holding a gun that was somehow loaded with a live bullet that should not have been on the set at all, let alone in an actor’s hand. The Oct. 21 incident left cinematographer Halyna Hutchins dead and director Joel Souza injured.
During the preview, which is heavily edited for the purpose of teasing the larger interview that’s set to air Thursday evening, an emotional Baldwin states unequivocally that he did not pull the trigger.
“The trigger wasn’t pulled. I didn’t pull the trigger,” Baldwin told George Stephanopoulos.
Well, which is it? My experience with single action revolvers is limited to Ruger firearms- all of those required the hammer at full cock and the trigger depressed to fire. I doubt Pietta products are functionally different.
Thanks, usual suspects.
Category: Dick Stepping, Guns
Oh, no, the evil gun went off by itself! Bad gun, bad!
Amazing how i’ve owned several that have been in my family for 2+ generations….and NONE have ever done that. Must be defective….
Which ones defective? Alex? Or the guns?
Your lucky. I’ve owned 4 and repaired over 20 and the most failed component is the cylinder loch that also keeps the hammer locked. All are two part cocking though single action. The first cock step of the hammer acts like a safety, the full cock allows the gun to be fired by the trigger but the design has a wear flow that if the forked cylinder tang is worn enough it can either slip and fire under tension or like a spring snap and can go off without trigger being pulled. I have one presently that the hammer slips and if it were loaded would fire being a malfunction. Piettta is an Italian Company much like Uberti. What is being overlooked negating Baldwin’s proposed crime is the fact the gun was handed him with a live fully functional round loaded into the cylinder. The other is he was told it was “Cold” meaning none harmful blanks were loaded. Why the thick headed want to ignore those facts as well as ignoring the fact that NO Real Ammo is ever allowed on the set tells me Baldwin was not only set up but he was hate crimed by idiots just like in this post.
[Edited to remove PII -Mason]
It’s far worse than that. That revolver managed to load a live round, draw the hammer back, and fire, all without any apparent human interaction. It’s diabolical sorcery and witchcraft, I tell you! Call the Spanish Inquisition!
“Bring out the comfy chair!”
Well, you know how those guns are. They just wait for that opportunity to go on a rampage all by themselves. That’s why you have to keep them in a safe!
Mine have been sneaking outta the safe at night and I am sure they are getting into the smokes and brewskis.
That’s where my beer has been going… I’ve been blaming the kid! I guess he’s owed an apology.
I thought it was the dog but I don’t have a dog.
Even if I did I wouldn’t share the combo with him.
That would be stupid.
Not only did the gun go off on its own, but it also pointed itself at two people.
What a pisspants pus-nuts pampered prissy of a candyassed primadonna!
Dayummm! I’d better remove the 5 rounds from my Colt’s SAA (.357)!! That thing just might try to kill me.
I wonder if he had his finger on the trigger and the trigger depressed when he thumbed the hammer back?
A Hollywood armorer on CNN was asked this, and thought it possible, especially as he was cross-drawing at the time…but wouldn’t have happened if his booger-picker wasn’t inside the trigger guard during his Wyatt Earp impersonation. The ignorance of how a gun in general or a SAA gun in particular works is astonishing. Everybody has an opinion, they’re all “experts” and I’ve only seen one guy since this happened speak truth on this on tv since it happened.
see my comments below
Fair enough. Lets entertain this for conversational purposes: a competent gunsmith/armorer on set also would not have given a live firearm (round chambered) to someone and anyone who had a moderate amount of gun safety training (pretty sure that rules out good ol’ Alec…) without checking the chamber/cylinder and putting in back in condition 4. Sooooo…..yeah dumbass, it’s still your fault. (Since you were the producer and YOU were holding the FUCKING GUN).
A left/libtard anti-gun actor get training before doing an action movie? That’s “racist,” comrade!
you guys are missing the point.
You see, the gun is unvaccinated and you know how deadly unvaccinated things are.
Bonus points: It was invented by a patriarchal white man, and is therefore “racist” and “mysogonist”.
Gun invented by White man and that makes it racist beekuz he done it to keep everyone else DOWN, ya-know?
A white man invented gunz? Who knew? I always thought it had been invented by a yellow man, who also invented the stuff that makes it go bang. Maybe you thinking about that Eye Talian Dude that may and or may not have stolen those inventions, along with spasketti noodles (and possibly pies made by pizza). IIRC that Eye Talian Dude liked to play games in swimming holes…and on horses.
Alex “Itchy Finger” Ballsless is counting on that statement being absorbed by people who have zero knowledge of firearms. People who don’t know how to recognize, (or define), Single Action, Double Action, Semi-Auto, etc.
“Manning up” and taking the heat for what he did is a totally foreign concept to him and his ilk
Typical Hollywierd Prog “celeb” behavior. Too bad he doesn’t have the Bart Simpson defense, as there is no shortage of people who saw him do it.
He is counting on that “Reasonable Doubt” part of the defense! Deny everything, admit nothing, make counter-accusations.
If he did not pull the trigger, and of course he never could, than someone must have been trying to set him up. They purposely planted these rigged guns to go off at random times, before the incident. When He did not fall for it and call a halt to production to investigate this serious issue. Thereby instituting safety procedures to ensure nothing like this could possibly happen again, they upped the anti and had the gun go off in the Producer’s hand so as to blame him for the inaction. That must be what happened! It’s a mystery.
It was the one-armed man!
The Shadow knows…
Anything inconvenient (like responsibility) is always on “somebody else” for liberals.
I wouldn’t even let some of those assclowns near an Airsoft gun.
Cookie gun, for a few…
And not just a cookie chewed into the shape of a gun (although some ninnies have proven they can’t handle that) but:
My mom’s spritz cookies are one of the best parts of Christmas. Unless she over bakes them. Then they’re like the third or fourth best part of XMas.
In several of the vignettes the shooter was obviously clueless. I blame the “responsible gun owner” for putting someone in that situation. You think most of those people will ever touch a firearm again?
One of my buttons that was pushed too many times when I was RSO. A 12 gauge, really? She weighs all of 100 pounds. Giving her that as a first time shooter is a dick move in my book.
When coaching new folks on the shotgun, use Winchester “Featherlight” shells. (Aka “Low recoil low noise target load”. Part number AA12FL8
It is a slow/light birdshot load, just under one ounce of #8 at just under 1000 fps.
Bloopers. Even kids can usually manage them if they can fit the shotgun.
I can reliably break clays with them at the Trap field using a full choke, although they are -way- slower than I would like for Trap.
They are a preferred shotgun round for Cowboy shoots.
Agreed. My father in law did that to my wife. He is an asshole who I would gladly kick around the neighborhood until he looked like roadkill.
Thankfully, I and my dad taught her the right way. She is now an amazing shot.
Classic booger picker.
I am surprised not one person got up and walked out.
Or drew a weapon…
I did not cock … I did not have sex … Any trigger-wanking … No one pulled my … She said my barrel wasn’t long enough, and I don’t remember what happened then.
So your snub nose was snubbed… Hate when that happens.
Next step will be a change of venue for…reasons. That is, if he’s ever even charged. Same with any civil suit for wrongful death/negligent whatever.
Cocksucker POS! Still say he’ll get a pass on all this. Might cost him some money, but he’ll never see the inside of a jail. YMMV
He’ll probably never see the inside of a courtroom, much less a jail.
My take is that he likely won’t face criminal charges. But IMO the only way he avoids civil court is a negotiated pre-trial settlement for serious $$$ to both parties (the injured guy and the dead lady’s family).
KOB, he’d be wise to keep the venue he now has. Santa Fe County is the most liberal in New mexico. It’s chock full of celebrity-worshiping coastal elites, hollywood types and artsie fartsies.
For any possible criminal trial, Poe, I agree (since any criminal trial would be in NM).
For a potential civil case, maybe not. Both Baldwin and the injured parties are CA residents. He might be just as well off taking his chances there – if nothing else, he’d save on his and his legal team’s travel expenses.
If Baldwin has any sense whatsoever, he’ll do everything he can to settle any civil case out of court. Since he was both producer (overall supervisory responsibility) and the shooter, IMO he’s likely to lose his shirt (if not his azz) if there’s a civil trial.
Too bad they won’t ask for change of venue to San Juan County.
Where is our resident counsel, Ranger 769, to give us some expert lawer opinions regading venues?
Roger all that Poe, and Hondo too. Admit I’m not up on the demographics of that area or the potential jury pool(s). I was thinking more along the lines of Balless having the trials moved to the fake court room on the back lot of Hollywierd, Judge Jerry Springer as Hizz DisHonor Presiding, with Perry Mason and Ben Matlock as the defending lawers. Made for Tee Vee Mini Series. Gonna go with AW1 Rod’s statement too.
From 1970-2001 I carried a S&W Mod 10 .38 4in. barrel before switching over to the S&W Mod 4046 .40 4in.barrel right after 9/11 until I retired in 2007 and both of them never went off by themselves until I fired them at the range. How can the wheelgun be held in his hand and fire with the hammer already down? I thought the primer had to be hit by the firing pin. My work .38 wheelgun had a hammer block that blocked the hammer from hitting the primer until the trigger was pulled and the block lowered. I think I got this right. Anyone know if the wheelgun he was using have hammer blocks???
Many moden single-action guns, such as Ruger revolvers, have the “transfer bar” between hammer and frame-mounted firing pin. Only if the trigger is fully pulled is the bar up over the firing pin where the hammer can hit it. Otherwise it is down, and the hammer nose hits the frame not the pin.
(Some double-action guns also have a transfer bar. Ruger’s Security Six line, for example)
Colts and most Colt clones lack the transfer mechanism. The hammer has a noticeable firing pin on it, and no transfer bar.
The described weapon, an Italian-made Colt clone, is likely a non-bar gun.
But unless it is broken, the Colt-types / non-bar types will only fire if the hammer is pulled back and then released. Even if it had a broken trigger, and broken half-cock notch, some idiot still had to pull back the hammer far enough to fall and initiate the primer.
So my opinion on “I didn’t” is “that’s horseshit”.
The presently marketed Pietta 1873 Colt clones do not have a hammer block mechanism. You can see from the back of their hammers they don’t have it, like the Uberti clones do. Initially, Pietta marketed a cheapo single action with a parkerized finish that copied the Ruger transfer bar mechanism. They apparently didn’t sell well, so Pietta started making exact Colt copies. The only safety device on them is that stupid extended cylinder pin, which no one uses to load the chambers. But it is required to legally import foreign made SAA’s.
First thing some folks do is grind down the pin so the “deep” notch is used and the pin doesn’t hit the hammer.
We had a new guy at a match get skunked on three stages because a weak latch spring on one gun allowed his holster to shove the base pin all the way in. Five unfired shots on three stages, plus time of “screw around while ‘helpful’ folks yell ‘advice'”
rgr769, 11B-Mailclerk;
Transfer block, I couldn’t think of the word so I used hammer block because I was to lazy to go up to my 2nd floor storeroom where I have my old gunsmithing books and take a look at the NRA disassembly book. I haven’t been doing any small work on anything for years now so I forgot a lot of the parts names. Thanks for the heads up guys on my question.
There is also a “hammer block” mechanism for Colt clones where there is a rod/latch in the hammer that serves to block it if the trigger is not in the “pulled” position. It avoids some of the “mushy/crappy trigger” issues with transfer bar guns.
But all such guns, of whatever mechanism, unless badly broken or heavily modified will fire only if you pull the trigger.
The various add-ons for “safety” are to prevent an appointment discharge if dropped on the hammer and firing the round that isn’t supposed to be under the pin.
Baldwin is sowing doubt in the jury pool via a wagon-load of horseshit.
The answer is no. For that vintage Colt SAA the firing pin is mounted right on the hammer. Transfer bars (a-la Ruger) and hammer blocks (typically by Smith & Wesson) were decades into the future when the SAA was was first made single action. Those are actuated by the trigger mechanism. For the revolver in question, the trigger only does one thing: release the hammer. Back then, the ‘safety’ was a series of half-cock detents on the hammer itself which can wear down with age and use, allowing the hammer and firing pin to move forward unintentionally. It is likely the gun in question suffered this malady. BOTTOM LINE: In any scenario imaginable, the Universal Laws of GUN HANDLING all say whenever you pick-up a gun, the first thing you MUST DO is to open the action, look inside, and verify none of the chambers contain a round of ammunition of any kind, before doing anything else. Mr. Baldwin did not do this, and he alone is responsible for the killing.
You are aware that it was not a vintage colt, but rather, a pietta replica of a vintage colt. So the idea of wear is unlikely.
Not sure if the mfg included any additional hammer safeties. Negligent not to in this modern day. But they are an Italian co.
Let’s see if this works….
Thanks Dad. I
Another version he was channeling on MSNBC:
It wasn’t me:
Just heard this…
“I don’t know how many of these guns are out there but if they can go off by themselves, there should be a recall”.
Cue the Brandon administration figuring out how they can use this to do gun confiscation in the name of “safety”
I hate it when that happens:
What?! I didn’t do anything! I was just looking at it.
I didn’t pull the trigger.
I was only touching right here. I didn’t touch anything here
Ok, that time I did. But I was just showing you what I didn’t do last time.
Sounds like…FRAUD.
The Ruger’s have a “transfer bar” that prevents most fumble discharges.
Just don’t try to fool it by “fanning” the .44 Mag Super Blackhawk.
You will end up with an ugly scar between your right thumb and forefinger
and a kerf in your forehead with three rounds to go….
I’m pretty sure Pietta’s have a transfer bar as well. It seems to be the norm for period replicas.
Has the prop been ID’d as a replica, though? Before the transfer bar, many shooters practiced the 4-0-1 rule (load 4, skip 1, load 1) so that the striker wasn’t resting directly on a primer while the pistol was holstered.
A few of the current replicas has transfer bars. The vast majority do not, and are essentially duplicates of the originals. Some even duplicate the original “blackpowder” Colt frame with screw retaining the base pin instead of the huge-improvement cross-latch-pin method.
I see plenty of clones at Cowboy Action Shooting matches. Very few have the bar.
No they don’t. The clones with the blued/case hardened finishes do not have a hammer block or transfer bar mechanism. Cowboy action shooters hate them; some even have them removed from their Rugers. Mine are old three screw models without the transfer bar added. If you look at the pics online of the Piettas you will see they do not have Uberti style hammer block mechanism installed in their hammers. The mechanism is visible from the back of the hammers.
Moreover, whether the Pietta pistol in question had such a safety mechanism would have nothing to do with the “accident.” All of these SAA’s will fire if the trigger is pulled. They will not fire if the trigger is not pulled/squeezed, period. No one says Baldwin whacked or dropped the gun, striking its cocked hammer.
I used to carry it with the hammer resting on an empty cylinder
and the next one also empty. That way if taken from me I know
what the taker does not. Survival.
My 9:15am comment on the November 8 VG article
[Alec Baldwin wants cops to police movie sets].
Worth a repeat here.
Oh, brother. Preview hype.
Camera tears, and softballs from Steph…
About a revolver. With a hammer. And a trigger…
(Baldwin) “The trigger wasn’t pulled. I didn’t pull the trigger.”
(end paste)
Anyone who believes that must also believe, “honest, I won’t come in your mouth.”
“It’s only a coldsore.”
“The Duty Driver is on his way, Sir.”
“She said she was legal age.”
The ABC / Steph preview teaser release has misfired so badly,
I wouldn’t be surprised (now)
if Steph pulls the plug on tonight’s show.
[‘Alec Baldwin Unscripted’ Primetime Special Event Interview Airs Thursday 8/7c on ABC]
Oh, he’s enough of a deluded asshole I’m sure he’s said that lie to himself so many times that he actually believes it now.
An encore presentation…..
1946 – Curly’s revolver.
1951 – Shemp. And the baby’s mom’s revolver.
[Great 3 Stooges Running Gag: “Baby’s Loaded Pacifier”]
Classic! And both revolvers are real Colt 1873 model SAA’s (no clones existed back then). At least the baby didn’t have the ability to cock the hammer. Did you notice that for the last shot of blanks, the actor had to cock and pull the trigger three times. I think that is what Baldwin did if only the live round was loaded into the bottom of the cylinder.
The faces were changed to protect the guilty…
Alec Baldwin has killed more people than my entire Gun Collection before it got lost in all that quicksand!
Alec Baldwin has 140 screen credits as an actor. Everyone talks about the one time he killed someone, but nobody recognizes that 139 times as an actor he did not kill someone. That means that 99.29% of the time he was an actor he wasn’t negligent. That’s a passing grade.
According to IMDB, an upcoming project that Alec Baldwin will be participating in is a television show titled Dr. Death, described as “As patients entering the operating room of Dr. Christopher Duntsch for routine spinal surgeries start leaving permanently maimed or end up dead, two fellow surgeons and a young Assistant District Attorney set out to stop him.”
I have a great deal of experience with single action revolvers of all makes. I have original Colts and a number of the Italian clones. I do not have any F.LLI.Pietta single action Colt clones, but the actions of the Pietta percussion revolvers are copies of the Colt 1851 Navy revolver and 1860 Army revolvers; they are almost identical to the 1873 Colt cartridge revolvers. I have bought and used Pietta percussion revolvers as a reenactor for over 20 years. They all function the same. The above pic is of a Pietta 1873 Colt single action Army clone. They require the hammer to be cocked, pulled all the way to the rear to the full cock position. They also all require the trigger to be pulled after the hammer is cocked to fire unless the cocked gun is dropped so that the hammer spur strikes the ground, causing the the trigger sear mechanism to break. Normally, all single action pistols have trigger pull pressures of three to six pounds of pressure to fire. So, IMHO, Baldwin is lying about what he did when the gun fired. He had to cock the weapon and pull the trigger to shoot his co-workers. According to witnesses from the movie crew, Baldwin was participating in “blocking” the scene they were going to film. Blocking a scene is a pre-rehearsal activity where the director does a walk-through of where everyone will stand and move through their actions for the scene, and where the cameras will be positioned. If weapons are to be fired in the scene, the actor will only go through the motions without firing (blanks cost money, they are frequently more expensive than live ammo). Baldwin was supposedly practicing drawing the pistol from his holster and pointing it at the camera. No movie I have seen has the actors with their pistols cocked in the holsters. This would be extremely unsafe, so I think it fair to conclude that when Baldwin pulled that “smoke pole,” it was un-cocked (hammer down). Thus, he had to use his thumb to cock it. Then he had… Read more »
It was Trump. He’s touchy about the way Alec portrayed him on SNL. C’mon, it’s as plausible as anything coming out of Alec “Shooter” Baldwin’s mouth.
This sounds accurate.
Yup. Definitely sounds like FRAUD.
Uh, oh, you triggered the mendacious mollusk. Don’t do that. Now he will be blaming the Orange Man Bad in some bizarro world way.
I know, maybe Baldwin was having a TDS attack hallucination and he imagined Trump was standing behind the camera instead of his director and chief of photography.
And I was having such a good day, too.
Well, he does provide comic relief – albeit predictably and repetitive.
Yo, Cuttlefish (of Cthulhu) – how’s it hangin’? Where you been staying since Oderus cashed in his chips?
Just circling the bowl in This Toilet Earth. Like all of us Scumbags are.
Get it right, squirty one. That should be “Scumdogs”.
Gotta say, I’m enjoying this toned-down, presumptively black pilled version of you. Nailed it on your first comment. Idiots shouldn’t handle weapons.
I don’t know if you’re dealing with a major something, but I wish you well.
Two (2) questions. Who is this dude and what has he done with our Larsie Boi?
I’m going to second the notion.
Nice to see your comment but it’s very Non-Commissar-ish. For all the boat/truck/aircraft loads of shit you generate and receive around these here parts, I hope you’re OK.
Maybe you’re just high as fuck. (I’m KIDDING!!! 😀 )
Anyway, *gulp*, (this pains me…don’t hurt me guys) it’s “refreshing”.
I also agree, Alec and his behavior is not unexpected (in hindsight), nor surprising, but *is* completely disgusting and untenable, to be kind.
Is it Lars or is it medication?
Less insipid and whiney too. Almost commendable but did Chip mention drugs might be involved?
*shrug* Better living through Chemistry, I ‘spose..
Baldwin is more credible.
Like they say at UC Berzerkely, everything is Trump’s fault!
Have you seen “Old Henry” yet? Tim Blake Nelson cocks his pistol while it’s in the holster prior to stepping out to confront the bad guys…so it has been done in movies.
I’m still trying to figure out how you get a job as head armorer on a movie set at 24 years of age–and clearly not knowing crap about guns and letting folks play with them. I know her father was a famous armorer, but come on!
Kind of like the surname Kennedy automatically qualifies an individual to a lifetime appointment to a cushy political office.
Her daddy was a career movie armorer.
Daddy didn’t teach her much.
According to an article I read a couple of days ago, Hannah says she loaded five dummy rounds into the subject revolver before they broke for lunch. So, it wasn’t empty. Thus, at least one live round was mixed in with these dummy rounds. Either that, or she loaded five dummy rounds while there was still one live round in the cylinder. She is so inept, I don’t think anyone should rely on what she says. Ditto for Baldwin.
That arrogant asshat really expects people to believe that a single action pistol cocked its own hammer, pointed itself at two people, and pulled its own trigger. Unfortunately, there are some naive idiots who would believe it.
Most people are morons. Baldwin knows this. He makes a living on it.
He will continue to make a living on it.
Hilaria will leave him. She will go back to being just Hillary.
Hillary from Mallorca, Spain, or
Hillary from private coed school outside Boston, Mass?
“A woman that I know just came from Mallorca, Spain
She smiled because I did not understand…’
No, no, no, no I don’t, well you know the words – I was just singing that last night.
With a single action revolver like the one he murdered that woman with, there are several separate positive actions that must be taken to get it to go bang. First it must be cocked manually, and if the hammer is not pulled all the way back there are several notches on the hammer to stop it from whacking down on a round. Then the trigger must be pulled to make the hammer fall or it won’t. He drew, cocked, aimed and fired. All are affirmative positive actions that must be performed to shoot and hit something. The gal he wasted was doing a pedophiles in Hollywood expose. No big leap to see he murdered her to conceal his involvement in kiddy banging.
You were doing well up to the last two sentences. The Corps would not endorse you publicly spreading specious conspiracy theories. I think you know that. The UCMJ INDICATES: Article 134, “General Article” which lists as a punishable offense “all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces, all conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces.”
A retraction is in order here.
Show of hands, everyone. Who here thinks that USMC Steve is an official US Marine Corps account or speaks on behalf of the Corps?
Imagine not identifying that in this timeline the difference between ‘conspiracy theory’ and ‘conspiratorial fact’ is 6 months.
Alec may or may not have iced that woman for exposing Hellyweird-os, but it’s HIGHLY probable.
Kinda like Prince Randy Andy(but with much more profound consequences), Baldwin will never recover from this. I have -literally- worked on hundreds of film and TV sets and have observed some pretty inane film crew antics but can attest that I have never witnessed or heard of ANY of the pyro and/or weapons mishandling that’s been described in the totality of Balwin’s circumstances. My biggest nagging question – how did live ammunition wind up in a REAL GUN being used as a movie prop, despite industry-accepted precautions that should have prevented it? As for Baldwin now saying that the gun went off by itself, this only serves to deepen the hole he’s just dug for himself. I’m a steadfast believer in ‘reasonable doubt’ and ‘second chances’ but given to all of the information available so far – Baldwin has no room in my heart for either of the afore mentioned and I have nothing but contempt for him and the actions he now won’t own up to…
Industry-accepted precautions that should have prevented it weren’t followed. Common-sense precautions that should’ve prevented it weren’t followed. A clusterfuck of epic, fatal proportions. And it all belongs to Alec Baldwin.
Yup. My normally wide-ranging field is utterly barren of any fucks to give for Baldwin’s version of events – including this recent re-spin of it. The above teaser interview clip FUCKS ME OFF almost as badly as the BBC-Randy Andy interview. With all the facts disclosed so far – may the barbed cock of Satan torment this gutless/nutless wonder for…forever.
Check yer equipment, dumbass… which Alec didn’t do.
My biggest question is why this was possible after there had been two negligent discharges on set previously. They really don’t need a cop on set, they need a retired 1SG or SGM to crack the whip on daily safety briefs.
Not even an old 1SG or CSM, put a grizzled SOB like me on their shaved-tail asses to teach their type a lesson or three about Firearms Safety!
Where do I apply
I’ll bet money his booger hook was inside the trigger guard in violation of
rule 3
Booger hook. Consider that stolen.
In this context (firearms), the term is so old and so commonly-used that it’s generally considered public domain. No theft required. (smile)
Unless they were using a SIG P320 in a western, I’m going to say that is Bravo Sierra.
Even then, I believe he’d have to drop the weapon so it landed “just right” for his version of events to be credible. And as I recall, he didn’t drop it prior to the shot (though he might have afterwards).
It was a “joke” 🙂
I know. Just wanted to point out that even under those ridiculous and obviously tongue-in-cheek circumstances, Baldwin’s claims here would have been BS.
As I recall, even the flawed models of the SIG P320 had to be dropped on a hard surface with a round in the chamber before they’d fire without a trigger pull. And even then, also as I recall it only happened sometimes.
So he is trying to increase his fame off someone’s death. That should go over well
Guns just fucking magically go off by themselves?
You’ve heard about the “Magic Bullet” theory, now it’s the “Magic Dumbass (namely Alec B.) theory who couldn’t safely use Soap on a Rope.
After seeing his interview with George S. tonight, it seems he pulled the hammer back until just before the seer would lock it back, and let it snap on a loaded chamber without his finger on the trigger. Why the chamber had a live round in it is another question.
I didn’t watch, but new Alec Baldwin quotes are now leaking out,
this juicy nugget headlined by ABC itself.
“Someone is responsible for what happened,
and I can’t say who that is,
but I know it’s not me.”
Ah, the one who does everything for liberals: “somebody else”.
Sorry, NOT Sorry. 🤣😁🖕🍆
![comment image](
That scenario won’t work. The loaded chamber would not be aligned with the barrel and the firing pin hole in the recoil shield would not align the the cartridge’s primer. If one releases the hammer before sear engagement, it merely falls back to half-cock without the trigger pulled. If one drops the hammer before sear engagement and cylinder lock-up with the trigger held back, the hammer will fall all the way but the chamber will not line up with the barrel, so no bang. I just demonstrated it multiple times with one of my Colt SAA’s.
I heard that as well. But some asst director as such said his trigger finger was straight down the barrel not in the trigger guard. Maybe some one with bigger hands than mine can try to recreate this and see if they can repeat this.
He violated rule 1 and 2 I suspect rule 3 as well
All the single actions of that brand are the same as the older original Colt design. There is a quarter cock notch specifically for that safety reason, then a half cock notch which is both for reloading and another redundant safety. If one does not pull the trigger, one or both of those would have stopped the hammer from hitting a primer, unless both broke, which is next to impossible. The gun was designed that way in case you were cocking it and your thumb slipped off the hammer. He lies.
Didn’t get to watch last night’s broadcast of this but will watch it tonight and try to remain as dispassionate and objective as possible. For obvious self-protection reasons, Fecal-filter will be set at maximum gain.
I just watched Baldwin lie his ass off on national TV. He said he did not fully cock the hammer on the pistol and it just went off. That is a crock.
If the hammer on a Colt style single action pistol is not drawn back to the full cock position, the cylinder will not rotate to the point where a chamber lines up with the barrel and locks in that position via the locking lug. This also would also preclude the primer in the cartridge case lining up with the firing pin hole in the recoil shield. Thus, the firing pin could not strike the primer and detonate the cartridge.
Obviously, Baldwin’s clueless lawers don’t know how these pistols operate; and they have just danced him into the mechanical impossibility of the subject pistol firing without the hammer being fully cocked and the trigger pulled. He is toast now. A firearms expert will be able to demonstrate that this pistol could not fire unless it was fully cocked and then the trigger pulled. The only other alternative is if Baldwin was holding the trigger back and just released the hammer from full cock, which makes no sense. In twenty years of Cowboy Action Shooting, I have never seen anyone do this. But both alternatives are the only way the pistol could fire without its fully cocked hammer striking something so hard it broke the trigger sear. Such impact is the only way mechanically the weapon could fire without the trigger being depressed at full cock.
Baldwin is a liar.
The question is, is he a good actor? Did you believe he believed his lie? You and I both know that’s all that will matter in front of a gang of 12.
Oh, Alec believes that lie, he’s had more than enough time to drill that bull shit into his tiny little mind. I’d bet that he’d pass a polygraph exam now.
Mason & UpNorth,
He’s either channeling his inner method actor,
or he’s channeling his inner George Costanza.
(George to Jerry) – “It’s not a lie… if YOU believe it.”
I had you in mind when I posted the article, rgr769. This is why.
Counselor, the ubiquitous video of Baldwin standing in the middle of the road immediately following the shooting shows hin obviously emotionally distresed as he talks with someone, again obviously informing them of what has just happened.
I ask you, if Baldwin didn’t pull the trigger, would it not be logical that in his phone call he would make that his primary protestation of innocence?
Ol’ Poe thinks the audio of that call will put the lie to Baldwin’s obviously lawyer-inspired deflection tactic.
What say you, Counselor?
Yes, very likely he would have claimed he didn’t understand why the weapon fired cuz he didn’t cock it or pull the trigger. But that is mechanically impossible on these revolvers.
The one interesting thing in the clip I saw is Baldwin’s comment about “stage” ammo. So, I am thinking the pistol in question was or was supposed to be loaded with dummy rounds. But I can’t fathom why dummy rounds were not marked somehow, like with a magic marker. In CAS, the black powder shooters all mark their black powder cartridge bases to avoid getting them mixed up with smokeless reloads. I have also seen dummy rounds for movies with holes drilled in the sides of the cases so that it is obvious they aren’t live ammo. In addition, one could seat bullets in cases without primers. Any of these steps would have precluded this “accident.” At the very least all the morons in charge of this shit show will be found negligent in civil actions.
Or as my son says, “they don’t go bang if you don’t cock them and put your boogerhook on the bang switch.”
I hate to defend Alec Baldwin on this but he may be telling the truth. He said that he did not “fully cock” the hammer. That leaves open the possibility that he may have partially cocked the hammer and released it. It is true that if you cock the hammer to half-cock position the cylinder will rotate enough that the cartridge will not line up with the hammer or the barrel but it is also true that when you finish loading the pistol, you have to pull the hammer all the way back to full cock before lowering it down all the way, leaving the pistol in a state where the chamber is lined up with the barrel and there may be a cartridge lined up with the firing pin and barrel. If you just pull the hammer back a little (1/8 inch or so) the cylinder may not rotate enough to take the primer out of the way of the firing pin and if you just release the hammer at that point, it may have enough force to detonate a soft primer. If you are practicing a quick draw with a single action pistol, I would assume that during that draw you would also cock the hammer – or at least go through the motions and you may accidentally pull the hammer back a small amount in the process.
You tried this personally? A colt/clone and you were able to drop the hammer from half-cock without pulling the trigger?
If not, I defer to the opinions of those here that have personally tried, without success.
I have used single-action revolvers of various types, most weekends, for over 20 years. Can’t duplicate such a fanciful event with mine, despite significant trying.
rgr769 owns Colts, and has more experience with such. See his comments on them in this thread.
Not buying Baldwin’s road-apples.
I respectfully disagree with you. All these Italian made Colt SAA clones have a safety notch cut into the hammer mechanism. When the hammer is pulled back an 1/8th to 1/4th an inch and is released without pulling the trigger, the hammer will merely fall forward to the safety notch engagement, which holds the hammer back from striking the primer of an indexed round in the chamber. Moreover, Baldwin claims he progressively pulled back the hammer per instructions from the cinematographer lady, but did not pull it to full cock. Then he says he released the hammer without his finger on the trigger and the gun went off. He claims he never pulled the trigger when he was holding the pistol, period. Thus, unless the trigger sear was broken off and the cylinder timing was completely out of spec, there is no way mechanically the weapon could have fired.
Also, a hammer fall of only 1/8th of an inch will not set off a primer. Plus a hammer drawn back only a half an inch on a properly timed gun rotates the cylinder enough to take the primer out of alignment with the firing pin.
I was shooting in a CAS match when one of my Italian SAA’s had a timing failure; the hammer fell and missed the primer, so no bang. The firing pin hit the cartridge case outside the primer pocket. Remember large pistol primers are only 3/8th inch in diameter. cylinder rotation of only 3/16th of an inch will make it impossible for the hammer’s firing pin to strike the primer.
Bottom line: Without fully cocking the gun, and without holding back or pulling the trigger, the SAA cannot fire. A simple exam of gun will show it did not have a broken trigger sear.
Correction: I misread my ruler. Actually, a large pistol primer is only 3/16 of an inch in diameter. So, a cylinder movement of only 3/32 of an inch would take the primer out of alignment with the firing pin. In a properly functioning SAA, where the hammer is pulled back to just before lock-up at full-cock, the primer is not aligned with the firing pin. So, dropping the hammer would not fire a cartridge. Moreover, releasing the hammer without holding the trigger back results in the falling hammer being caught by the half-cock notch. So, the gun could not fire without Baldwin either pulling or holding back the trigger with his index finger.
Thank you for your courteous explanation of how a properly functioning SAA works and how it is impossible for this tragic incident to happen by Mr Baldwin just pulling back and releasing the hammer, without pulling the trigger on a properly functioning weapon.
All of this about pulling the trigger or not is noise, however, since there shouldn’t have been a live round in the weapon to begin with. I watched this video by John Schneider where he demonstrates the protocols used on movie sets to ensure safety, and among those safety protocols is for each person who handles the weapon (either a purpose built prop gun or a real firearm) to inspect all chambers and the barrel to ensure they are empty AND TO POINT THE WEAPON IN A SAFE DIRECTION AND COCK AND PULL THE TRIGGER 7 TIMES. This is to be done each time the weapon comes into a person’s possession. Alec Baldwin has been in many movies where he handles firearms so even if the protocols were lax on the part of the staff (he hired) in Rust, he should have known better and followed the safety protocol.
Mr. Schneider also said that they go over these protocols every day when a firearm is used on set.
Once again, thank you for your thoughtful explanation.
Schneider’s protocols seems a bit over the top. With these SAA’s all that is necessary is what we do at Cowboy Action matches. That is open the loading gate and rotate the cylinder through a couple of full revolutions, verifying every chamber is empty. But if you are going to use guns loaded with dummy rounds and point them at people, I suppose the cocking and trigger pulling seven times would ensure the weapon is harmless. We don’t do that at cowboy action matches because inadvertently and briefly pointing even an unloaded gun’s muzzle at a person will get you kicked off the range.
Shockingly, CNN just aired a clip with a propmaster/armorer expert who demonstrated the fact that the trigger has to be held back to drop the hammer and have its firing pin strike the primer, or alternatively, one must pull the trigger with the hammer at full-cock. If we believe what Baldwin demonstrated and said on his TV interview, the expert says Baldwin likely pulled and held back the trigger when he drew the pistol from the cross-draw holster; then when Baldwin released the hammer, he was still squeezing the trigger. I think this scenario is correct. There is a natural tendency when drawing from a cross-draw holster to put one’s index finger into the trigger guard when grabbing the weapon in the holster. This is especially true for an inexperienced shooter. That is why, in part, that there is a safety rule in Cowboy Action Shooting that those using cross-draw holsters must swivel their hips so that when the gun clears the holster, its muzzle must not point behind a 180 degree plane around the shooter. This prevents the shooter from muzzle sweeping others on the shooting line with a loaded pistol, even though its hammer is down on an empty chamber.
I hadn’t seen that in a minute! freaking hilarious!!
Thx, Doc.
Now -that- is funny.
Quick examination of the gun by a gunsmith who works on SAAs will quickly show if the sear at the top of the trigger is deformed or broken. Can also show if the sear and/or the hammer notch are deformed in any way. (Amateurs attempting to create a ‘hair trigger’ frequently bungle the engagement angle there.) Not hard to prove him a LSOS like that.
That is a possibility, but hightly unlikely. A broke trigger sear would be obvious to Hannah or anyone loading the dummy rounds into the pistol. The broken trigger sear would be noticed when the pistol was brought to half-cock because the hammer wouldn’t stop at half cock. Also, the trigger likely wouldn’t engage full cock before lowering the hammer after loading. Occam’s razor seems to apply here.
Here’s an article saying that prissy-prince Baldwin doesn’t even feel guilty:
Cause he’s a sociopath on top of being a well documented scumbag.
The whole set was apparently an unsafe hell hole, according to various sources working on/around it.
I remember when Military Sealift Command was putting contractors through small arms training prior to vessel assignment they had them practice drawing red and blue rubber pistols from holsters on day one of classes. Two men were thrown out for pointing the rubber “toys” at each other. No questions asked, no second chances.
Clearly this whole production lacked professionals and professionalism.
Fox News is reporting that high-powered legal experts are in agreement that he shouldn’t have done the interview and that it will very likely come back to bite him in the ass.
So he’s not only a scumbag, he’s a stupid scumbag…
I’m no high-powered legal expert, but I agree. The whole thing seems like a massively bad idea. Especially when you lie your way through the whole thing.
At least Stephanopoulos proves once again he’s a partisan hack.
“At least Stephanopoulos proves once again he’s a partisan hack.”
Yup…asking preapproved questions only…
I would love to see Stephanopoulos interview Robert Reich.
Just the optics and body language alone would be interesting.
Poetrooper & Mason,
The DA agrees.
Cue Kitty Forman (That 70’s Show),
with her excessive hairspray, calling out “Dumbass!”
[Alec Baldwin TV Sit-Down On ‘Rust’ Shooting
Prompts D.A. To Warn “Criminally Culpable” Option Still Possible]
Here come the celebrity peckerbugs.
This one, a “body language expert”,
yet she makes no mention of the possibility of “acting”.
The defiant Stolen Valor military phonies out there
could sure put this kook to good use.
[Body language expert says
Alec Baldwin was truthful in TV interview]
LOL. The guy who’s been nominated for an Oscar, nominated for a Tony, won three Emmys, won three Golden Globes, and won eight Screen Actors Guild Awards can probably convince a “body language” expert. Junk science bullshit that it is.
Hence, the Seinfeld Polygraph / George Costanza
comment and YouBoob video link above. 🙂
As ol’ Jon Lovitz said:
LOL Anonymous 🙂
Alex is the kind of scumbag that won’t do any jail time for murdering that girl. He should be pennyless when the lawyers are done with him. What a turd.
Part 1, 15 minutes.
Softballs and tears.
Part 2, 7 minutes.
Part 3, 9 minutes.
Triple Ugh.
I like how he put his hand over his face when he starts to cry. Thus, concealing that there are no tears. That is definitely a technique of “Acting!”, as Lovitz would say.
Last night…. Not acting.
1.3 million views.
[Watch Alec Baldwin charge toward a reporter with an umbrella.]
All I can think of is…..he doesn’t REMEMBER pulling the trigger. If it is cocked, then a slight tug on it and it discharges. BUT….he would have to have cocked the hammer first. The ONLY way it could have happened is if the loaded revolver was given to him already loaded AND cocked and he lightly pulled the trigger and does not remember. This is EXTREMELY unlikely. He must have cocked the hammer back and touched the trigger.