Boomer’s Sunday

| November 14, 2021

It’s time once again, Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes, for Boomer’s Sunday, where I cull through his weekly offering of ‘toons, and pick the best. The preponderance of toons is provided by him and AW1 Scott, with many others also contributing. These are mostly from the right, with humor scattered around. I am more than willing to post up differing points of view if they don’t annoy me. Now what could be fairer than that? So here we are, with the ‘toons that may amuse, make you think, or just piss you off.


Category: Guest Post, Humor, Satire

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Steve 1371

Pumpkins and turkeys! Friggin awesome!


2nd only because I read the content first. Great stuff as always.


It takes the 2nd Amendment to protect all of the rest.

Tanks Mates…fine job…as usual!

Wilted Willy

As always, these really make my day! I really loved the one on the 2nd amendment!!


Helloooooo Sam! Love all the Sunday funnies!


Who dropped more boxers? Kacklin’ Kamala wins pants down!


Thank you AW1Ed and contributing crew! The irony of the ‘Want to stop Drunk Drivers from killing Sober Drivers’ cartoon is near and dear. All the rest definitely made me want to laugh but…suffice it to say it did put a very big grin on my chin as my ribs just aren’t healed up enough yet to even try to chuckle. This weekly cartoon page and a big Sunday dinner are why TAH and Sunday go together like warm home-made bread and fresh butter… Cheers to all here!

pookysgirl, WC wife

The flustered screeching in response to Crowder’s tweet was hilarious. People were trying to tell him that “no one is claiming PTSD from the wrong pronouns!” Except he’s repeatedly encountered those nutjobs claiming exactly that, on camera, for years.


“I’d rather suffer in good company than live comfortably surrounded by delicate men” is why I keep coming back to TAH, to suffer.

Thanks for the laughs! Heavily needed after a day of murdering trees.
Don’t worry, they had it coming,

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Great Sunday Toons


Plus, if LeBron (Chinese Patriot) says some more stupid “woke” sh*t, see this:
comment image


That Johnny Flightcheck cartoon made ol’ Poe laugh because of a double reference to events in his life. Back in the early eighties when a younger Poe flew in and out of Pensacola almost weekly, another frequent flyer who also was frequently upgraded to first class was Johnny Paycheck.

He was definitely a good ol’ boy and we talked briefly a few times when he was assigned a seat across the aisle from me. He told me he was operating out of Pensacola because he had a wealthy benefactor in that area who was bankrolling his lagging career. He was always friendly but loud, especially on evening flights to Pensacola out of Atlanta when he’d obviously been indulging in both booze and probably drugs.

Of course, Poe usually had a few drinks as well in the Delta Sky Lounge before boarding, and if we were upgraded to first class, as we usually were, the stews started bringing the booze as soon as you sat down in those long-ago days when flying still had some elements of fun.

The problem with Paycheck wasn’t his boisterousness but his hygiene: every time I saw him he looked like he hadn’t bathed in weeks and his scruffy straw cowboy hat and jeans hadn’t had an oil change in even longer. The man had the greasiest hair I’ve ever seen on a human being–I’ve seen cleaner hair on troops who’ve been in the boonies for a month.

Thanks to Boomer and Branco for bringing back memories of an old man’s more youthful days…