Three More Are Known

| November 14, 2021

DPAA’s “Recently Accounted For” webpage announced recently that the following formerly-missing US personnel have been accounted for.

From World War II

PVT Edward M. Ryan, US Army, assigned to Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 105th Infantry Regiment, 27th Infantry Division, was lost on Saipan on 7 July 1944. His accounting was announced on 10 November 2021.

From Korea

PFC Jimmy Rowland, US Army, assigned to Heavy Mortar Company, 19th Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division, was lost in South Korea on 16 July 1950. His accounting was announced on 10 November 2021.

PFC Jack E. Lilley, US Army, assigned to Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 34th Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division, was lost in South Korea on 20 July 1950. His accounting was announced on 10 November 2021.

From Southeast Asia


Welcome back, elder brother-in-arms. Our apologies that your return took so long.

Rest easy. You’re home now.

. . .

Over 72,000 US personnel remain unaccounted for from World War II; over 7,500 US personnel remain unaccounted for from the Korean War; and over 1,500 remain unaccounted for in Southeast Asia (SEA). Additionally, 126 US personnel remain unaccounted for from the Cold War; 5 remain unaccounted for from the Gulf Wars; and 1 individual remains unaccounted for from Operation Eldorado Canyon.

Comparison of DNA from recovered remains against DNA from some (but not all) blood relatives can assist in making a positive ID for unidentified remains that have already been recovered. The same is true for remains which may be recovered in the future.

On their web site’s Contact Us page DPAA now has FAQs. The answer to one of those FAQs describes who can and cannot submit DNA samples useful in identifying recovered remains. The chart giving the answer can be viewed here. The text associated with the chart is short and is found in one of the FAQs.

If your family lost someone in one of these conflicts who has not yet been accounted for and you qualify to submit a DNA sample, please arrange to submit one. By doing that you just might help identify the remains of a US service member who’s been repatriated but not yet been identified – as well as a relative of yours, however distant. Or you may help to identify remains to be recovered in the future.

Everybody deserves a proper burial. That’s especially true for those who gave their all while serving this nation.

Category: No Longer Missing

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Welcome home Brothers. Your families can now rest with peace in their hearts.

A Proud Infidel®™

*Slow Salute*


Welcome Home Warriors.

Thanks Hondo!



After months of stagnance and self serving pursuits,
they finally used their Book of the Fake to share a post from national
about actual efforts in Vietnam.

This, the day after the Elko Veterans’ Day parade,
where they were excluded from official functions and ceremonies,
and their parade presence consisted of
2 vest members,
several civilians,
a vintage Camaro with a POW*MIA logo stuck to the door, and a
pickup truck pulling a long utility trailer
with flags and folding chairs (half empty).

A Proud Infidel®™

Sounds like they’re past the point where they can’t even afford Dollar Store canned chili for their feed!


A Proud Infidel@,
A little digging for Google FU this morning,
and I found last month’s Nevada Day parade,
with a motorcycle contingent of a
COMBINED VFW / American Legion Riders group.
(Not sure if both orgs allow the combined group in their by-laws.)

Meaning, there is NO reason for military veterans in Elko
to hang out with the phony vests of the POW*MIA Awareness Ass.

There is also NO reason for VFW Post 2350
to allow the POW*MIA Awareness Ass
to use the VFW post for meetings and events
(except to collect meeting hall rents,
which they probably haven’t been collecting for years, if ever).

You know, because (VFW ineligble) Post member Les Brown
wore the phony uniforms, gear, and leather vest,
pretending to be a retired Master Sgt with a CIB,
and a Desert Storm Veteran with the caps and patches.

Ken and Laura Adams
(and the rest… on Gilligan’s Island)
can try to throw a chili feed in early 2022…
It’ll be a surprise to me if I ever see the dates posted here.

[POW*MIA Elko Awareness Association
Upcoming Events]


Wannabe 68 Firebird posing as a Camaro?/smile


I missed the Camaro/Firebird difference
in my haste to post (about Elko)./smile

The Elko Firebird has the (fake) hood scoop intakes of the 400 V8.

1 of my HS buds had a (10 year old) ’69 Camaro convertible,
and the 60’s V8 Firebirds were well regarded in the early 80’s.


Welcome home Brothers. Rest in peace now.


Welcome home, Brothers. Rest easy and in peace now. *slow salute*

Sgt K

As always Hondo, thanks you for posting. And by the way, last week I went down a youtube/wiki rabbit hole. “The Marshall Tucker Band” and Toy Caldwell. I had no idea. I’m sure you did though. Did you ever do a post about him? If you did, I’d love a link to it. Cheers!


Good news of our Brothers’ return,
until the day they all come home.

Never Forget.

Rest Easy Gents.


Welcome home, Brothers.


Welcome home, brothers.

Green Thumb

Welcome home men.

Rest well.