TSO on the Edge, Day 2 at VA Boys State

| June 22, 2009

Nah, not really.  All is well here in Washington City.

Good for me, bad for you, but my city is outstanding.  Not only do I not have any problem children, but I have an entire city of go-getters.  Had to select 4 guys for moot court last night, we had 15 guys that wanted in.  Needed 2 ping pong players, had 6.  Needed 4 guys to take classes on parliamentary procedure, had 6.  Had 2 guys go for Chorus, until the rest of the city heard Chorus eats first, and the exodus ensued with 13 more guys joining Chorus.  Have 3 band members. 

Last night we elected our voting officials, our Athletic Director and Sheriff.  The Boys did real well in their selections.  In fact, we had 6 guys going for Sheriff, all qualified I thought, and the city voted 40-4 for 1 kid on the first ballot.  And he is a go getter.  Had everyone asleep at 11:30, or at least quiet so their aged and decrepit counselor could retreat to go to sleep.  Our AD even woke up early and did a fly by of the athletic facilities to make sure he knew where they were.  Our State Trooper even took some kids running at 5 am.

Haven’t gotten room inspection results yet, but should be good.  Our Sheriff had everyone standing at attention at 10 mins to 7 this morning, with rooms already done.  He even yelled at me in the shower that he would kick my arse if I didn’t hurry up, until I let him know I was the Senior Counselor.  Dude gets an A for effort anyway.

Just finished training and Q&A with 5 state delegates and a state senator.  Washington got a great lady from Lynchburg whose name I forget, but a very moderate Democrat who was outstanding.  A couple of kids were hitting her with very libertarian questions (flat tax, marijuana legalization, gov’t spending) and she took it all in stride.   A very impressive delegate.

About to head to more briefings on running campaigns, and then athletics.  Today we have ping pong, soccer, volleyball, basketball, tennis,  and weightlifting.  Tomorrow is football.  We should do well in ping pong and tennis, we’ll see on the rest.

Tonight we will be breaking up for city caucuses.  I’m going with the federalists since we have a kid running for Lt Gov who I think is outstanding.  Each party will elect their people to run for house of delegates (5 each party) state senate (2 each), a mayor candidate (1 each) and a party chair for each party.  The city party chair will also be the convention party chair for tomorrow.  The guys are politicking already for Gov, Lt Gov and Attorney General, and I think our one guy could get the Lt Gov slot, so working to fine tune his shot group.  Meanwhile, we have other classes on CPR, running campaigns, public speaking, parliamentary procedure and other stuff.  So the kids are very busy.

Little problem with sleeping during a speech this morning.  I chewed the Sheriff and he is now down there having a come to jesus meeting with the fatigued.  Lord knows how that will  end, like I said, he’s intense.

I have 50 kids, and 7 are trying to get into USNA, USMA, and AFA.  The other 43 are almost as outstanding. 

And I have yet to mention to them how I am the greatest Azerothian to ever (cyber) live!

UPDATE: As should come as a surprise to NO ONE who knows me, we came in second to last in room inspections, until I went and chewed them out, and we were upgraded to 7th.  And then we won in Basketball, Ping Pong, Tennis, Soccer, Basketball and Volleyball.  So we are currently 6-0 in sports, and still none of these retards can make a bed.

Category: Politics

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TSO Thank you for these updates. It does me good to remeber that not all kids are walking around with their hats on sideways and pants around their knees.

Just A Grunt

Just reading your updates makes me want to go take a nap. Y’all are certainly keeping them busy, which is a good thing. I wish I could get that Bill Murray movie “Meatballs” out of my head when I am reading these updates. I keep picturing you in a Hawaiin print shirt with cutoffs and ratty tennis shoes trying to inspire the next Rudy.
I hope you have fun and I hope the kids don’t come out too worse for the wear or having to spend years in therapy.


Just a Grunt said:I wish I could get that Bill Murray movie “Meatballs” out of my head when I am reading these updates.

Yep… I have the same problem. On the other hand TSO has an advantage of note. He spends so much time locked in his basement playing video games the young folks probably feel superior.

TSO: I’m of the W. C. Fields school of dealing with kids myself, but I respect what you’re doing.

“You’re a better man than I am Gunga Din.”

Jonn Lilyea

Sounds like my days at Camp All-American as an ROTC Advanced Camp TAC. Well, except it’s not six weeks long.


Bwahahaha! I have taught my kids the military way, and truth be told, they tell me they would never “have to make a bed like that in real life!”
Oh when it comes to bite them in the ass…reality, I mean!
And, I LOVE “come to Jesus” talks, too.


In the grand scheme of things, isnt it better to win at sports then to have a clean room?!

I think I’ve decoded what makes a Dem a Dem, and a Republican a Republican.

You see, the democrats were always the kids with the clean rooms, and the god given ability to not be able to defend themselves from the slightest physical attack.

Future GOP’ers were the kids who played contact sports, fought with their siblings, got their hands dirty outside in rain or sun.

Those scared little boys grew up to make sure no one was mean to anyone anymore because its just not nice…and chose the democratic party.

The athletes, yes bullies, confident males became republicans because they know that you have to put effort into getting what you want, and sometimes that effort is a bit of blood, sweat and tears.

Thank you TSO for raising a city, of what seems to be future GOP’ers!


So how many of these future leaders did you recruit into Warcraft?