Democrat “leadership”
I was held hostage today at a Walter Reed waiting room for about an hour (I got the cast off, by the way, if anyone is interested) and was forced to listen to CNN while reading my Kindle. As much as I hate Fox, I hate CNN even more. I burst out laughing at one point when they were talking about the Iran protests and Obama’s interview on CBS this morning.
The news reader at one point reported, deadpan serious, that some Republicans supported Obama’s wishy-washy speech last Saturday. i waited with bated breath to see which Republicans made such a thought public. Ready? OK:
Henry Kissinger and Pat Buchanan.
C’mon, admit it, you chuckled, too.
Henry Kissinger is a Republican in the narrowest definition of the word. He’s famous for detente with the Soviet Union – and arming Jimmy Carter with that massive failure.
Can anyone tell me the last time Pat Buchanan supported any Republican foreign policy? He’s a cro-magnon-conservative – his brand of Republicanism goes back to the isolationists of World War Two. He criticized both Presidents Bush, so of course he’s going to support a policy that keeps us from being engaged in events in Iran. Hell, Buchanan thinks we should withdraw from Europe and Japan, too.
Then CNN backed up their new buddies Kissinger and Buchanan with Diane Feinstein making her typical intellectually vacant comments;
“I think the president has it correct. … It is very crucial as I see it that we not have our fingerprints on this. That this really be truly inspired by the Iranian people. We don’t know where this goes. And I sure wouldn’t want to be responsible for thousands of people being killed, which is a distinct possibility.”
Ya know what – that’s the same kind of shit that kept us racing troops back to Kuwait every time Hussein farted through the 90s. It’s the same kind of empty thought that allowed the Taliban to take over Afghanistan. It’s the same pretty words that Jimmy Carter thought during the first Iranian Revolution that lost democracy in Iran in 1979. It’s the same empty intellect that tried to force us out of Iraq in 2006-2008. It’s the same idiot ideology that has caused every problem we’ve had in the last fifty years. So let’s do it all again.
“We don’t know where this goes”. Did George HW Bush know we’d cake walk through Kuwait to the gates of Baghdad? Did Ronald Reagan know for a fact that the Soviet Union would collapse in his lifetime? Did FDR know he’d defeat the both the Nazis and the Japanese in less than four years.
Feinstein said she didn’t want to be responsible for thousands of deaths – um, she wouldn’t be responsible. It looks like thousands of Iranians are willing to die for their freedom. Don’t we owe it to them to help them try to cast off the chains of the mullahs? The same mullahs who financed the killing of US troops in Iraq and, lately, Afghanistan? Don’t we have a dog in this fight, too?
It’s no wonder the world is falling down around our ears, if this is how the Democrats plan on “leading” this country for the next four years.
And ya wanna know why? It’s so the Democrats can buy patronage with their domestic problems and not be distracted by the flames creeping closer to our shores.
Do they think by keeping out of Iran, that’ll stop terrorism? The mullahs are already blaming us whether we’re involved or not – if we’re going to do the time, we might as well do the crime.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Jimmy Carter, Liberals suck, Politics, Terror War
I’m sorry, but the words ‘leadership’ and ‘Democrats’ do not belong in the same sentence. 😕
Just an observation. 🙂
Buchanan supported the best Republican foreign policy by the smartest Republican in Washington…..Dr. Ron Paul’s policy (the smartest political figure of the last 30 years).
Equating Buchanan with RonPaul just makes Jonn’s argument all the more cogent. RonPaul’s idea of foreign policy is to bring everyone home from everywhere, and bury our heads in the sand. If RonPaul had his way, we’d probably still be dealing with the USSR. I do agree with his stances on NAFTA, The WTO, the International Criminal Court, and especially the UN, however.
But, he does come highly recommended at PuffHo,
“we’d probably still be dealing with the USSR.”
Ummm… We were FEEDING them, grain sales, due to marxist micromanaging farm policies, before the USSR imploded. The lazy arsed Europeans had the GDP to keep Ivan at bay. We were suckers to be the military welfare sugar tit for NATO. As thanks for our time & treasury, we got:
Fighting, ISAF, the NATO contingent in Afghanistan, for our efforts.
“RonPaul’s idea of foreign policy is to bring everyone home from everywhere, and bury our heads in the sand.”
I don’t think Congressman Paul has ever said for the U.S. to “bury our heads in the sand”. The man has always said that we should defend our Country from within. Instead of troops spending their hard earned money in other countries and helping their economy, we could be spending it here. Conservatives always beat up liberals for wanting to spend our money helping out the less fortunate….why do we do it in other countries?
Be consistent.
Yeah, isolation worked so well the last time we did it. Riiiiight.
No; conservatives beat up liberals for spending our money, not their own. I have never found a liberal who was more generous with their own money as they were when they were spending mine.
“Yeah, isolation worked so well the last time we did it. Riiiiight.”
Let’s take a look at history. I’ll start with WWI. If the warmongering PROGRESSIVE President Wilson had lived up to his “He Kept Us Out of War” shtick, and stayed out of WWI, the idiot Euros would have fought themselves to a draw, Hitler never would’ve had the opportunity to use the chaos of post war Germany to rise to power & the commies wouldn’t have siezed power & established the USSR. Millions wouldn’t have been murdered.
We have NO obligation to be the world’s policeman or defense welfare sugar tit. Every adult in the world should be a member of an organized or unorganized militia if they don’t want to suffer the ravages of Ghengis Khan types. If you don’t have a long gun & the knowledge necessary to make improvised explosives to defend yourself, I have no sympathy for you when the wolf is at your door. If you are unwilling to make an invader’s life a living hell, you don’t deserve your freedom.
“If the warmongering PROGRESSIVE President Wilson had lived up to his “He Kept Us Out of War” shtick, and stayed out of WWI, the idiot Euros would have fought themselves to a draw”, it’s so easy to tell everyone how things WOULD have been if only….if only wishes were horses, beggars would ride. However, Germany did make possible our entry into WWI, Hitler and Hirohito did make possible our entry into WWII. And RonPaul is still an isolationist. But, I guess it would be a good idea to pull out of everywhere and let AQ and the rest of their buds plan all kinds of mayhem on our soil, yet again.
“But, I guess it would be a good idea to pull out of everywhere and let AQ and the rest of their buds plan all kinds of mayhem on our soil, yet again.”
We wouldn’t have an Al Queerda if we hadn’t had a presence in that craphole, oops, “sacred soil” of fraudi arabia. Too bad we created the environment, by funding the Muj via Backistabistan, oops Pakistan, that allowed assama bin tarded to get his start in the first place.
The Imperial Japanese were some bad ‘ombres, BUT anybody recall the AVG, the Flying Tigers in China??? Anybody recall the USMC contingent in China??? Anybody recall that 4 term egomaniac, who btw prolonged the great depression, Roosevelt puting Naval personnel on civilian ships in the Pacific?? Anybody remember the Japanese protesting these provocations prior to pearl Harbor?? Y’know, if you do a bit of study, it would seem we were needling the Japanese a bit. Were we trying to provoke a war with ’em?
Junior, don’t lecture unless you’re a professor. I’ve studied enough of the history of WWII. Too bad you’re trying to judge what happened 70 or more years ago by what you see today. Anyone recall the Flying Tigers went to Burma and China AFTER the Japanese invaded China, but hey, maybe they were provoked, right? And why would the Japanese protest the presence of the USMC in CHINA? Unless it interfered with their designs on China? And why should the Japanese have any interest on whether or not US Sailors would be on American flagged ships? Yeah, that’s another provocation.
And, if you think that everyone would love us, if only we’d followed RonPaul’s advice, you’re even more naive than you sound. Check your history, Osama was in Somalia and the Sudan, long before he popped up in Afghanistan.
“Junior, don’t lecture unless you’re a professor.” Yassa massa, no dissent allowed on your plantation. Guess that pesky Amendment I in the Constitution gives you fits. I have zilch respect for the tenured, elitist sobs in wackedemia so your bit about professors rings a tad hollow.
“And, if you think that everyone would love us, if only we’d followed RonPaul’s advice, you’re even more naive than you sound.”
For the record, I give 2 monkey chits about the “world” or “international community” loving us!
“Anyone recall the Flying Tigers went to Burma and China AFTER the Japanese invaded China.” Yeah, we took a side in a war that was not our business. Didn’t bother to DECLARE war, but supplied belligerents. Oh yeah, and the Tigers got zilch intel from the U.S. gov’t, RIGHT!!
“And why would the Japanese protest the presence of the USMC in CHINA?” Why were they there in the first place? The Kuomintang should’ve been defending their own turf.
“Check your history, Osama was in Somalia and the Sudan, long before he popped up in Afghanistan.”
Osama had declared war on us for being in that “sacred” craphole, fraudi arabia, so he took the opportunity to kill U.S. Soldiers in Somalia when we were wasting time on those idiot skinny barbarians. I have no problem with filling asslama and al-querda full of copper and lead. I object to nation building and waging insurgency for the “benefit” of barbarians who will bite our hands.
ding ding ding….and the winner by knockout is ….JuniorAG.
That was a valant effort by UpNorth, but his lack of history and weak neoconservative talking points not only lost this battle against JuniorAG…it also screwed up my country for years to come..Great job UpNorth.
ADIVAW”moron”: Yeah, you can think that if you want, however, I don’t think there are too many here that would jump to such a rash conclusion as to declare a winner, yet. Since you have about as much historical knowledge as a rock, I take your feeble attempt to jump into this, as the judge to decide who won, as the stupid attempt it is. It reminds me of the nerdy kid who’s all talk the entire time the fight is going on, but doesn’t get into it themselves, and then jumps in to declare who won. You’re pathetic in your attempt to do your socialist/communist talking points by pointing to someone as a “neoconservative”, as though you actually know what that word means, outside of it being a buzzword thrown around at your ISO meetings. JuniorAG: Whether you like it, or not, we live in a much smaller world, where what goes on in other parts of the world does indeed affect us and our security. You don’t have to like it, but to not acknowledge that would be intellectually dishonest. For us not to be prepared for, and in some cases take proactive action, would be irresponsible to the citizens of this country, for whom the President swears to protect. How can that be accomplished in this day and age when advocating isolationism? You want to talk about WWI, well, let’s talk WWII, when we here in this country were back to our isolationist ways and felt that we only needed a small contingent of the military to “protect the home front”. We stayed out of WWII until Japan attacked us. Yes, yes, if you want we can throw Lendlease in there, so technically we were in it before Japan, if you want to get nitpicky. Were we itching for a fight? That depends on what you want to use as a defining moment. To say that we were looking for a fight based on having a few Marines in China, or the Flying Tigers in China; then I guess, by your definition, we were, however, that’s your… Read more »
Junior, I didn’t say, or imply, that you couldn’t express your opinion, so don’t wave the lefty flag that I’m trying to abrogate your 1st Amendment rights. I could care less what you say or, where you say it. Just don’t lecture, it’s what lefties do, ad nauseum. And I’d know your feelings on academia how?
As to the AVG, no, not really. The administration made it easy for the aviators and mechanics to get out of active service, yes. But, they were paid by the Chinese government, and flew under the Chinese flag. I see that you didn’t address the idea that the Japanese were the aggressors and occupiers in China.
As to “taking sides in a war that was not our business”, do you recall if any US flagged ships were sunk by German U-boats prior to Hitler declaring war on the US. And what would your reaction to the death camps have been if the US didn’t enter the war? Hitler was cool, because it wasn’t “our business”?
Were the Japanese justified in spreading the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere all over the South Pacific? At the cost in how many lives.
Was Osama in Somalia and the Sudan before he went on his trip to Afghanistan? He went where he could kill Americans. He just figured out later that he could kill more Americans, with fewer people of his involved, by flying planes into buildings. Now, he, or his talking heads have said they’d take Pak’s nukes in a heart beat to use against us. But we should just turn our back and walk away?
Oh and, ADIVAW member, you beclown yourself. Your lack of history shows, and your weak grasp of anything does too. I’d address your comment(?), but OldTrooper handled your comments quite well.
As for “neocon”, not me. I was conservative long before it was cool.
Moron…thats funny.
Calling me a liberal/communist or even trying to associate me with the ISO….now that’s hilarious!
Try using something else than “intellectually dishonest” or “intellectually honest”…I think I hear Sean Hannity try to use that daily. Stop being a parrot.
If either of you (old trooper, upnorth) think your conservative just because you advocate use of force first…maybe you should actually read about conservatism before you start labeling yourself incorrectly.
Congressman Paul is probably the only member of the House or Senate who is a true conservative…don’t hate just because your party nominated a wannabe who voted with Senator Feingold and Senator Kennedy, and then threw the Presidency away.
HR 1016 (Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act of 2009) passed today with overwhelming support from both sides of the aisle. Looks like every member that was present voted with Veterans except ONE. Gee, who could that have been?
Republican Congressman and Ranking Member of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs, Congressmen Steve Buyer (a veteran himself) voted against Veterans..once again!
409-1…thanks dude!
Whatever, junior, I was conservative before you had fuzz on your sack. Also, you know about as much about me as you do about history. If you bothered to read anything I have written, you would know that I’m not a republican. I don’t think conservatism revolves around the use of force. I don’t need to read about conservatism, unlike you, because I was there before you were an itch in your daddy’s pants. I don’t have to read about what Goldwater said; I heard him when it was live. I don’t need to read about what Reagan said when he was Governor of California, because I heard what he said live.
Now, your daycare provider is calling you, so you had better pick up yor toys before your parents get there to pick you up.
“think your conservative just because you advocate use of force first”… Don’t recall saying that, certainly not today. But it’s your story, tell it any way you want. Meanwhile, the air in my tires needs changing, so I’m done with you.
You read an awful lot like Kokesh
man, you guys or gals (whatever) are funny!
OldTrooper, you kill me….your old as fuck, I’m surprised you even now how to use the internet. wow.
UpNorth…..try again, you do know that more than just Kokesh support Ron Paul?
Yeah, I’m old as fuck (not really, I just feel that way physically), but with that comes wisdom and experience. At least you’re getting the hint that there is nothing you can tell me about being conservative and that the title “neocon” is best suited for the wet behind the ears crowd. As for Ron Paul; yeah, I like most of what he says, but he doesn’t cover enough of the bases for my taste and I wouldn’t call him conservative. He’s a libertarian, which isn’t all bad, since a lot of conservatives have a libertarian streak in them, myself included. I’m, also, more based in reality and don’t like to get bogged down in the “pie in the sky” “give peace a chance” bullshit, either. Force is always the last option, however, the threat of using it can’t be just that; a threat, when the people you’re dealing with will call your bluff, if they know you have absolutely no intention of using it. That’s what made Reagan. They found out he wasn’t bluffing and when diplomacy failed…….
Have you ever heard the phrase “Talk is cheap, but it takes money to buy whiskey”? North Korea, Iran, Syria, etc. know that Obama and the UN don’t have a nickel in their pockets and they are proving it.
“Whether you like it, or not, we live in a much smaller world, where what goes on in other parts of the world does indeed affect us and our security.” The oil supply is what we are engaging in empire over, I don’t deny the need for it, however, the democrats and global warming hysteria prevents us from using offshore drilling and using more coal fueled power plants, hence our need to “defend democracy” and back dictatorial regiemes in the Middle East. “let’s talk WWII, when we here in this country were back to our isolationist ways and felt that we only needed a small contingent of the military to “protect the home front”. We stayed out of WWII until Japan attacked us.” They attacked our colonies, which we shouldn’t have had in the first place. That pesky 2nd Amendment nixed any continental invasion plans by Tojo’s boys:”Japan would never invade the United States. We would find a rifle behind every blade of grass.” Isoroku Yamamoto “I see that you didn’t address the idea that the Japanese were the aggressors and occupiers in China.” Yes I know that: “The Kuomintang should’ve been defending their own turf.” If the Chinese would’ve gotten their act together instead of engaging in in-fighting and warlordism, they’d have stomped the IJA. They, on foot, sans mechanization and airpower stomped the shit out of us in Korea under Mao. There is no reason why they couldn’t have handled their own affairs when the Japanese invaded. “As to “taking sides in a war that was not our business”, do you recall if any US flagged ships were sunk by German U-boats prior to Hitler declaring war on the US.” They were delivering war materiel to Britan. “And what would your reaction to the death camps have been if the US didn’t enter the war? Hitler was cool, because it wasn’t “our business”? If you aren’t willing to wage a guerrilla campaign against a foreign invader should your conventional forces fail, have a nice shower. If you don’t own a long gun, don’t be surprised when the ethnic… Read more »