The Democrats’ desire to tax every mile people drive

| August 12, 2021

The Democrats’ $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan includes a provision to test “tax per mile driven”. Democrats want to ultimately be able to charge drivers a tax for every mile that they drive. They want to implement this at the federal, state, and local levels. The federal government would provide grants to the states and local governments to help implement this. Both commercial and private drivers will need to be enrolled.

From the Daly Mail:

A 2019 report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) found that a federal VMT tax could reduce damage to US highways and lessen traffic congestion by encouraging trucking companies to ‘change what kinds of trucks they used or where or when they drove.’

However, adding it to existing federal and state gas taxes rather than replacing them may lead to higher consumer prices for everyday families.

Buttigieg told CNN in March ‘that’s not part of the conversation about this infrastructure bill’ when asked about a VMT tax by Jake Tapper.

‘But you will be hearing a lot more details in the coming days about how we envision being able to fund this. And, again, these are carefully thought-through, responsible ideas that ultimately are going to be a win for the economy, and need to be compared to the unaffordable cost of the status quo,’ Buttigieg said.

It’s a reversal on an earlier statement where the Transport secretary said a VMT tax was being considered.

Critics chimed in that that the tax idea from ‘Pothole Pete’ would considerably hurt people who own electric vehicles or who live in rural areas where distances where there are more miles between destinations.

The Daily Mail has the full article here.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Politics

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Big Brother… needed to track mileage, of course.


I live in Nevada. To go to a doctor’s appointment, I have to drive at least 45 miles one way.

A decent food market? Also 45 miles one way.

Other stores? 55 miles.

This bullshit would kill me.

The Other Whitey

That’s a feature, not a bug. The left has always despised Rural America.


Sigh. Sad but true.


And yet, it’s where their food comes from…. excpet for Mexico Lindo, banana plantations in the western Pacific, etc., etc., etc.

Isn’t this sort of cutting off their noses to spite their faces?

The Other Whitey

If they had the sense God gave a mosquito, they wouldn’t be leftists.


IF they had the sense God gave a housefly, they’d be human, wouldn’t they?

I think more and more that they’re all space aliens. But that’s just me.


Just strap yourself to one them Tesla Tax Payer-Funded Fountains of Perpetual Fire and Melty Death in 100+° temps. It’ll be fine. Trust them.
It’s for your own good, citizen.


Yeah, buddy! Then I can ride like THIS!


This would hurt those eco lefties driving those electric cars who don’t have to pay fuel taxes


So the options here would be hiring a bunch of new Odometer Checkers (who would need to drive around all day checking odometers and thus create more miles on the road overall), install GPS trackers on everyone’s vehicle (no risk of abuse there), or require citizens to process through government controlled checkpoints to again check odometers (therefore requiring citizens to add mileage to their vehicle for which they would of course be taxed).

Sounds like a solid plan to me and definitely won’t hurt our country’s future economic development.

The Other Whitey

Washington, Franklin, and Madison would be stacking bodies at this point.


As a form of tax protest I’m willing to en fuego my tax liability on the front lawn of; the Capitol, DMV, town hall,..pick one.
If enough people litter the parking lot with vehicle flambé maybe they’ll crack down harder as the state only has one tool: force.


Achtung! Ihre Papiere, bitte!


Dieser Steuervorschlag ist ungeheuerlich.


Ja, diese Shiesse ist ganz abgef*ckt.


I work 5.5 miles one way from house/work. I’ll start riding a bike and they can eat my ass.

My wife home schools and almost never leaves the house. Good luck making even MORE money off me.


You forgot about Rep. Shuster’s bicycle tire tax he tried to get passed a couple years back. People get taxed, they look for work arounds, Congresscritters pass new taxes on the work arounds. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Think about Uber and Lyft drivers who would have to eat this cost. I guess millionaires with limo services are who would vote for this.

The fucking government needs to quit spending other peoples money and get their hands out of Americans pockets.

Fed up yet? Is another Boston Tea Party coming?




Have headdress, will travel.
The next ‘infrastructure bill’ will be focused on even worse misallocations in ‘human infrastructure’ spending.
Just to put this crap into perspective, the 2009 “Stimulus” bs was $800B.
‘Our’ ‘stimulus’ ‘spending’ is even outstripping the CPI inflation figures, even IF weighted by unemployment figures.
The ship is sinking, Captain.


And the whole shipping industry. Which will affect – pretty much everything else downstream. This has come up before. Here in Virginia, it would likely be incorporated into the annual safety inspection process. As part of the procedure they upload your odo reading to the DMV, like they do emissions. From there, easy peasy to incorporate mileage into the existing semi-annual vehicle taxes they already B-F us for.

AW1 Rod

As TOW said, Washington, Franklin, and Madison would be stacking bodies at this point.

MI Ranger

Yep, and Amazon, UPS, and FedEx just pass the increased cost to you the Tax Payer!! So Can’t afford to drive to a store, we’ll just raise the cost of delivery! That of course not a rise in prices, which would be an indicator of inflation….No, its an added cost that the consumer has decided to incur as a matter of convenience!
Just like taxing those corporations will not be passed on to the consumer, somehow it will be absorbed by profits! Yeah, corporations accepting less profits in order to be good stewards!!!!


I’ll just tell them that my automobile identifies as a bicycle. Tax that, bitches.


All those tax dollars collected from gas sales that are supposed to be used for road and infrastructure, but just go into the “general operating” slush fund, will be going away in the near/distant future, so they are just trying to keep their pork funded.

Hack Stone

Another impact going “green” will be all of those programs funded through revenue generated by the oil industry will dry up. Since Biden has been killing the energy industry through his executive orders, a lot of states, to include those that vote Blue, are seeing a dramatic decrease in money coming in. And let’s not forget all those who opposed the Keystone Pipeline, to include Native Americans. Do you know how much money that energy companies pass on to Native Americans for mineral rights? You can kiss that cash goodbye.

Meanwhile, Fox DC 5 this morning had a segment about President Biden wanting an investigation into why gasoline prices have gone up 45% or more in the last year. No shit, that is what they said.


It’s RUSSIA!!!! We are importing more oil from Russia than any time in history, under the watchful eye of Joe Biden and the Uniparty.

But Orangeman Bad. (I wonder what’s Hunter’s cut, and by derivation, the Usurper-in-Chief?)


That’s just completely fuct up..


IKR? When someone said that (don’t ‘member where) I told myself that just ain’t possible.
Yet, he we are.
It’s hard to reconcile the fact that we were a net-exporter just a few years ago with the cost/bbl LOWER than it is today.

I mean, the cost of money (bond interest rates) are even lower today so… A big ol’ WTfF?!
When fuel futures went negative did the rigs all get hard capped? I’d look up the rig/wellhead count but I don’t care that much, unless this is a drop in permits with directives from Prez Potato.

Someone somewhere is getting paid.


Enough to afford Russian hookers, blow, and 10k suites in Las Vegas for a long time. Time to invest in hemp futures for the coming comeuppance.


And Joe is now pleading to OPEC countries to increase their oil production in order to lower US energy costs.

Not an effin’ clue man, not an effin’ clue.

AW1 Rod

Amazing. You just can’t make this shit up. What a fucking moron.


Shit for brains only needs one term to end America, and after just 7 months he’s doing a bang up job. Even if a Trump or Desantis gets in office in ’25…the damage may be too great to unwind.


> Fox DC 5 this morning had a segment about President Biden wanting an investigation into why gasoline prices have gone up 45% or more in the last year

The Senile Sundowning Shithead can look in a mirror for the answer to that question.


Gee, I wonder if it had anything to do with canceling our oil pipeline projects but facilitating the Ruskie one. It is almost as if someone in charge is doing the bidding of Russia and China.


Here are some stats for fuel taxes per gallon in my “Cheesehead” state (including fed taxes):


30.9 – state
18.3 – fed
.1 – leaking underground storage tax fee
49.3 cents per gallon


32.9 – state
24.3 – fed
57.2 cents per gallon

And now they want to add a mileage tax along with the existing fuel tax?

Gasoline used in chainsaws, ATV’s, snowmobiles, lawn mowers, power washers, boats, weed trimmers, cultivators, etc., that never touch a highways surface, but yet we are charged a road tax on the fuel we use to operate them.

These two are for you and the Ho, Joe. ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐


You get it.


My John Deere uses more gas than my car.

Retired Grunt

So, the fuel is taxed, the vehicle is taxed every year, the license is taxed, the tires, oil, windshield fluid, brakes, tranny fluid (is that the wrong name now?) So, yeah, let’s tax every flippin’ mile we drive. They want to make it so only the elite will be able to do anything and force some who like the country life into the crime ridden cities just to make enough to live. Hey, eventually under the socialism they want those rich elites will save money on private armed security and be able to see all of the beautiful places without worry of running into the “unsophisticated” rabble. Thank you.


“Let them eat cake.” –Marie Antoinette

Hack Stone

The cake eating went on this past weekend in Martha’s Vineyard for Obummers birthday bash with the sophisticated people.

Retired Grunt

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I wonder if we could motivate about 150 million or so to engage in a little completely peaceful but righteous protest. No fires, no looting, no mass gathering “super spreaders”. I wish we could get that many to completely withhold their income taxes, keeping them in cash in or near their homes because the IRS will seize bank accounts. Without any and all Federal income tax until the “leaders” realize that WE ARE THE SOVEREIGN, not them. I don’t know. I know it’s futile.


I believe the ultra wealthy already do that which is why we have such a deep state.


They also want to know where you drove to, who you met and what you talked about.


Washington state already is exploring these options:
1. Mileage Permit where you purchase a pre-selected block of miles.
2. Odometer Reading where you report miles electronically or in person.
3. Plug and Play using an automated mileage meter with GPS or non-GPS options.
4. Smartphone APP used to collect and report mileage.

Public consensus is it sucks being tracked.


Democrats have to get the “social credit” system they admire in China somehow.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

No more odometer cables that you could hook up an electric drill to and change the mileage. I said electric drill because at that time, hand drills didn/t run on batteries.


Oh they are not planning on having you self report your mileage or relying on your odometer. They want all vehicles equipped with a tracking device that reports where you have gone and how many miles traveled. It will be uploaded to a government controlled system.


A Proud Infidel®™️

I already predict a bunch of odometers suddenly “accidentally” ceasing to work!


1995 Suzuki Samurai with an old school analog odometer (rolling numbers)
“Huh, would you look at that. Looks like some kind of rodent chewed through the cable.”

USMC Steve

The Peoples Democratic Republic of Illinois tried that and it apparently could just not get enough support even from some of the social democrats in their state house.

A Proud Infidel®™

So the cost of transportation is going to go up, another Government reach into everyone’s pockets EXCEPT FOR the politicians who jet around at taxpayer expense. I think I’d piss on Pelosi’s grave even faster than I would on “Hanoi Jane” Fonda’s!

Hack Stone

Hack Stone remembers way back in November 2020, when Gropin’ Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 Pillsbury Cook Off. The “college educated” daughter of a friend was gloating that “the rapist” would no longer be in The White House. She must have forgotten about Tara Reed. Anyway, Hack said to her “You can look forward to paying $4 a gallon for gasoline.” She responded with “They are only going to raise taxes on those making over $400,000 a year.” Kids say the darnedest things.

Dennis - not chevy

I told a demonrat my taxes went down last year. He responded by congratulating me for being in the top 1%. It never occurred to him that my taxes went down because I made less money than the year before. Some folks will never learn.

USMC Steve

Why would one want to talk to a social democrat? You will learn nothing and will lose a few IQ points as they suck it out of you.


The Prog D-rats need that per mile tax as part of their Green New Steal program, cuz they think we will all be driving electric only vehicles by 2030 so there won’t be enough revenue from the gasoline/diesel fuel taxes to maintain the roads.

Old tanker

Freaking demokrats never met a tax they didn’t love. Thanks to all the assholes in blue states for this bullshit.