Soldiers Reading Miranda Rights to Terrorists

| June 10, 2009

Holy F-ing ….For the love of God and Country, I just heard on Fox that United States soldiers are indeed reading Miranda Rights to “certain people” and telling them they will be appointed an attorney.  Some Congressman leaked it and the WH is not confirming or denying. I’m livid.

Sorry Jonn, I took  liberty and posted this.


Justice Department spokesman Dean Boyd confirms Steve Hayes’s report that the FBI is reading Miranda rights to terrorist suspects in Afghanistan:

“There has been no policy change and nor blanket instruction issued for FBI agents to Mirandize detainees overseas. While there have been specific cases in which FBI agents have Mirandized suspects overseas, at both Bagram and in other situations, in order to preserve the quality of evidence obtained, there has been no overall policy change with respect to detainees.”

Category: Politics

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If we’re capturing someone with the intention of prosecuting him as a criminal (rather than holding him as a war prisoner), then isn’t this a smart move (since it protects the case)? If you’re upset, wouldn’t it make more sense for you to be upset at the policy of criminal prosecution rather than at the reasonable implementation of that policy?


From all of the links it is clear that it is FBI agents who are reading the miranda rights after the suspects are brought to a base, Not soldiers on the battlfeild.

I also have to say that I agree with Lurker in some respects. The articles also said that the warnings were only given to some detainees. Does this not indicate that someone is deciding which suspects have actionable intellegence and which ones may face trial?


I don’t remember which movie but the hero had just put a bullet between a downed bad guy’s eyes, at which point he said,
“You have the right to remain silent”.
Yeah. I could go with that.


And what troop would want to read rights and set themselves up to years later be called as a witness? And with the potential to be incriminated themselves? This is pure pc madness.

The majority of polichickens making law and the press covering the war now have never seen combat. And the professors who taught them in college simply used graduate Reporter’s School (turning out the school newspaper) to skip Vietnam. They did not learn, you can’t teach what you do not know – they think they know, but they don’t.


No troop would, could or should. Which is why they aren’t and the FBI is, since they are law enforcement afterall.


lurker: How can you infer American “rights” on a foreign national on foreign soil? Does that mean I can make a citizens arrest in downtown Berlin for something that might not be against German law, but violates our civil rights as Americans? How stupid of a concept is that?

Just because Barry and his merry bunch of pussies don’t want to say we are in a war, they would rather call it a criminal act, doesn’t change the fact that they feel they are at war with us. You can call a shitpile a bed of roses, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s a shitpile. Holding hands and wishing happy thoughts won’t change how they feel about us, but it will give them an easier target to hit.

If you think I’m wrong, then I ask you to take a look back to 1993 to the present and tell me which approach garnered more attacks against us, treating it as criminal acts, or treating it as what it really is; a war.


Okay, so what are the other options. We lock them up in Gitmo forever? As y’all have pointed out, we can’t just hold them for years and release them. You say we can’t try them criminally. We can’t issue a take no prisoners order. So what do we do?


HM2: The option is to continue with the MILITARY tribunals. It’s not a new concept, as the left seems to think, it was done during WWI, WWII, etc. Let the military handle a military matter. The other option, if we are to now call them criminals, it to bring our troops home and deploy the NYPD, because that’s exactly what this administration wants. They want it to be treated as criminal (yeah, that method worked so well the last time it was put in place), then let the cops handle it and bring our warriors home. Of course, they better not forget to deploy all those defense attorney’s, that we will pay for, to defend these terrorists/enemy combatants. (yeah, I called them what they are, even though the sissies in this administration won’t)

Then, we can all rest easy, because we know that the swift wheels of justice will keep us safe.


The sea bed seems to me to be a suitable place to deposit them.


WTFO! Since when did TERRORISTS have any rights at all?!!!………
Except of course the right to meet their own personal Deity of choice as rapidly as possible.


I dont see the harm in reading a paragraph to a person. Also, we already read these same Miranda warnings to people arrested on the borders who might not be US citizens, and to those people, states have added ““ If you are not a United States citizen, you may contact your country’s consulate prior to any questioning. ”
So all we are doing is keeping any chances of a charge being dismissed out of the courts.

Dont you all do preventative maintenance on your vehicles, weapons, oh yea, everything. This is a preventative step to ensure we can prosecute without anyone being able to muddy the waters.

Conservative hawk

DCnative Says: June 11th, 2009 at 11:28 am
I dont see the harm in reading a paragraph to a person.

Let’s see what a terrorist does in lieu of reading ‘rights’ to our soldiers – burn their bodies and hang them bridges, cut off their heads while being filmed on video; throw their bodies in ditches and put their heads on stakes along the road; and kill them by bludgeoning them and pulling their bodies behind vehicles in the town. -and you see no harm in just reading them a ‘paragraph’. come back if you are ever put in harms way and lets see if your opinion changes.


DC, do we then advise them immediately of the “charge” against them, or within 24 hours of their arrest. If you don’t, they have to be set free. And, what to charge them with? Flourishing a firearm? Carrying a concealed weapon? Discharge of a firearm?
As far as reading “those same rights to people arrested on the borders”, hello, they happen to be on our territory, and most aren’t engaged in warfare against US troops on a battlefield.
I could go on, but your post is so utterly naive, and clueless, it would be a waste of bandwidth and time.
BTW, the only thing a Miranda warning does, is make sure the information obtained can be used in a court of law. If you don’t want to prosecute them, but only want info to keep your troops alive, why bother?

Old 'Gator

Yawn… Nothing new.
This was happening back in 2003 when I was in Afghanistan.
FBI would do this to every bad guy they spoke with.

Hurry up and wait

I am in Afghanistan and if all it takes is for me to read the guy, that just blew my buddies leg off with his RPG, a paragraph to make sure this guy is penalized by death. While my buddie did get his leg blown off atleast he kissed his wife and kids goodnight yesterday while Habeeb over there rots away in a cell.