Holocaust Museum shooting

| June 10, 2009

Initial reports of 2 people wounded at the Holocaust Museum in DC (USAToday);

At least two people were shot Wednesday at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, authorities said.

D.C. police spokeswoman Traci Hughes said a person walked into the museum at about 1 p.m. with a rifle and shot a guard. Hughes says the shooter was also shot.

Hughes said the conditions of those shot were not known. Both were being rushed to a hospital.

U.S. Park Police gave slightly different information, saying three people had been shot. Fire department spokesman Alan Etter told CNN a third person was hurt after being cut by broken glass.

Police have given the word that the area is clear now. Fox News reports the only ones shot were a guard and the gunmen. I wonder who’d attack a museum?

UPDATE: From our local Fox affiliate;shooter

They’re streaming the typical Fox News “crowds milling around and police tape fluttering in the wind” if anyone is interested.

Oh, and VonBrunn is a Ronpaulian, too;


And he wasn’t wired too tightly;


Prepare to die, Whitey;


Let’s see if this dies out as quickly as the recruiter murder last week.

Category: Terror War

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Reverend Wright

Jew bastards wouldn’t let me in, what was I supposed to do?


Jonn- FNC said something about political ramifications…did you catch that? I mean WTH??

Also, the Air France Flight had two terrorist passengers.


oops! My bad, should have scrolled down, to read about terrorists, but I knew you would have the shooting thing up lickety split.


James W. Von Brunn is the shooter and apparently a major wack-job. Here’s his website:


sory about the Anon above; that was me.

Director Napolitano

James W. Von Brunn is a dangerous veteran. Read his Bio, he commanded a PT Boat in WWII! We need to take steps now to rein in the dangerous veterans of The Greatest Generation. Stop hiding behind Tom Brokaw!


I just tried to go to the website and the link won’t work. Do we assume that someone already took the site down?

Old Tanker

Let’s see if this dies out as quickly as the recruiter murder last week.

Nah….he’s a white supremicist, he’ll get lots of air time. Now if he were Muslim the story wouldn’t have any legs.


If you google him and Ron Paul there seems to be a lot of hits. I sent you one via email Jonn. Not sure if he’s an actual Paulian, but there’s a ton of hits.


I got this from a blog I have never seen before called “Red-Alerts”

This note could explain a lot of the hits:

Update: Von Brunn was a member of the Ron Paul for President Yahoo group where he posted crazy rants about how Israel was founded by Murder Inc.


Are you guys watching the idiots on FoxNews? Shep has just blamed this shooting on ignorant people who can’t deal with an African American. He is also parroting DHS bullshit that warned us against former military extremist!


You can also do a search by his online name “jvb-88”.

88 is white power speak for HH, or Heil Hitler.


Shepard Smith said the same thing!! Holy Shit is he kidding me?


Shep is a douche, and the DHS report was not referencing WWII vets.

What a douchetool. This is exactly why I don’t watch Fox, they always are on the verge of some hysteria or other.


If Shep is right then apparently he also can’t navigate for shit because the closest African American museum is in Philly. (Either that or he showed up really early and got impatient waiting for the Smithsonian to build one.)


Now the British clown on Fox is yelping about the irony of this who fought to defeat Adolf Hitler has embraced his hate.

He fought in the Pacific dumbass. Hitler, not such a big player there idiots.


We don’t even know this guy is a vet, except him saying he is. Either way, dude is 88, which means he got out of the military AT LEAST 48 years ago.


Thank God he didn’t kill any abortion providers, that would have really pissed off the left…what…too soon?


I just sent this to Shep at Fox News:

“The Holocaust Museum shooting story references to the recently leaked DHS report warning law enforcement officials of right-wing extremist groups finding likely recruiting fodder among military veterans is completely off the mark.

“If, indeed, the 80-something year old von Brunner is/was a veteran, he certainly doesn’t fit the profile of a “disgruntled” returnee from the current Southwest Asian theaters of war. His obvious hatred is many decades old and appears to have absolutely no connection whatsoever to either his World War II military service, if any, or dissatisfaction with current events.

“Please do not align him in any way with the honorable men and women who have served our country.”

It’d be interesting to see this yo-yo’s DD-214.


Not to put too blunt a point on this….

But how many fucking PT boats do you know armed with a shotgun? OK then, tell me how this dude’s service from 65 years ago is even slightly relevant? What possible military skill is it this man had, that enticed the Aryan jackasses to recruit him?


According to Charles Johson at Little Green Footballs, this means that the DHS report has been vindicated. Yup. OKaaay.


MSNBC Is reporting that Officer Stephen Tyrone Johns has died of his wounds.


Okay, so now MSNBC has a security “expert” who says that an 88 year old man wouldn’t raise any red flags for security officers. Ummmm…. if he’s carrying a rifle or shotgun wouldn’t he raise some flags?

Then the talking head went on a rip about what did this “expert” think the security guards did wrong.

To his credit, he wouldn’t answer except to say that the law enforcement agencies would review it.


Cavuto’s got a guy on now who is trashing Shephed Smith and his bloviating dumb-assery!


Dear Lord please prtect me from the 24 hour new cycle. Amen


Dear Lord please prtect me from the 24 hour news cycle. Amen


Chris Mathews just drew a connection between the Tiller Murder, the Recruiter Shooting and today’s events.

Jonn wrote: Yeah, Associated Press did,too.

AW1 Tim

That would be the “AP”, as in “Aiding Palestinians”.

You have to understand, though, that this shooter wasn’t a RIGHT wing nutjob. He was a standard leftist whackjob. All the Aryan brotherhood, the Nazis, Stormfront, all of them, are Fascists, which defines the leftists to a “T”.

I’d venture that every one of them, and likely most Democrats are still convinced that “The Protocols of Zion” was a real Jewish pamphlet.

I will not be at all surprised if this shooter doesn’t get some sort of support from the KosKids.


HM2(FMF/SW)Ret. Says:
June 10th, 2009 at 3:47 pm
Dear Lord please prtect me from the 24 hour news cycle. Amen

Jonn, saw this story and yahoo and immmediately came over to see what you were saying. 🙂 Thanks


They are even trying to link this to the Tea Parties


One of the major downsides of the 24 hour news cycle and the news networks is that they have to keep talking no matter what. The facts of the case were known hours ago so now they have to beat the hell out of how people feel about it.

AW1 Tim

According to what I’ve read so far, this guy is very much a leftist. He wanted to target not only Jews, but Neocons too.

As I said, the fascists, neo-Nazis, StormFront, etc, are all leftist folks. They want to take over the country and run everything from the office of a “single strong man”. Their literature is very much anti-semitic, racist, anti-capitalist, tyrannist drivel.

This one is owned lock stock and barrel by the left, and any attempt to project it onto conservatives is so much bullsh!t.

Thank You, DKOS. You folks have finally got your own brand of murderous whackjob.


I think one of the major problems with our country today is the almost pathological need to divide things into left and right. This guy was a nutjob obviously racist and anti-semitic. Why do we have to push him into a catagory of left or right? I think the worst thing we can do is try to figure out who to blame for it rather than determine what happened and try to prevent it in the future.

AW1 Tim


With all due respect, and I mean that sincerely, have you seen what the left has done the past 4 years?

The right has tried extremely hard to stay on the morale high ground, to rise above the hoi paloi and stick to the issues, the rules of the debate. The left has constantly changed the rules, sucker-punched conservatives at every chance, and done their best to reduce politics to gutter ball.

Well, I’m tired of that. Defending the morale highground normally means getting a knife in the back by some slimeball sneaking up unawares behind you.

I’m going to play by the rules the left has set out: none.

From this day forward, everything I do will be absolutely legal, but I’ll take every advantage, every underhanded, devious, below the belt shot that I can to drive the left and everyone associated with them from power. I have reached my personal tipping point, and from now on, all politics is personal.

As I said, I’m goona be absolutely within the law, punctillious, crossing my T’s and dotting my I’s, but I’m not gonna show any mercy to a Democrat, or a RINO, not even give them the time of day.

This nation is headed rapidly towards a point where everyone will need to take a side, make a choice. I’ve made mine, on the same side with the Constitution.



[…] Douglas Michelle Malkin Sister Toldjah Jules Crittenden Blue Crab Boulevard Right Wing Sparkle This Ain’t Hell (also points out that shooter was a Ron Paul supporter…go figure) The Other McCain Mudville […]


Aha, he supports Ron Paul, so let’s use the leftist linkage tactic to discredit R. Paul. If you read the sick S.O.B.s post on Daily Paul, he supports Palin. Does this mean the Republican party are nazis? I’m no fan of the ‘pubs, but nazis they ain’t.

von Brunn is guilty for von Brunn’s crimes, no one else is. Using the leftard tactic of linkage is childish.

Jonn wrote: Where did I discredit Paul? I’ve always said I support many of Paul’s domestic policies – but it’s his supporters that keep me away. Case in point.

Terry D

I don’t know about his DD214, but I got this off another site. It is a link to a site that has copies of some of his Navy military records.

